Chapter 19

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Okay. First off. I want to say I am SOOOOOO SO SO SO sorry about the wait. I know. I know. Its been months. I'm sorry. But here is the next chapter. Hopefully, this makes up for it? Please forgive me.



Henry was getting frustrated. He couldn't find any swollen searchers any where. He has gotten a few and was searching for his last one, but couldn't find anymore searchers.

He was walking down to level P from 11 again. He's was heading down the stairs when suddenly inky veins appeared.

He froze. He had almost nowhere to run. The closest station was the floor under level 11. But that was at least three flights up. However, the veins were to the right of him and he couldn't tell if the demon was coming up and going down, so Henry readied himself to run and waited.

Then... he saw him. The Ink Demon. Coming down the stairs behind Henry. Good thing Henry didn't run for that station, he would've ran right into the station.

Henry's grip on the syring tightened as he got ready to defend himself for when the demon charged.

But... the demon never did. Instead, he just walked on by. Not sparing Henry a glance.

Henry stood there. Confused.

Did... Did he just ignore me? Henry wondered. Wait. Why was he even questioning it? The Ink Demon just walked right past him like Henry wasn't even there. But Henry was still confused.

Out of curiosity (and stupidity) Henry cautiously followed the demon. Henry prepped himself to run if the demon chose to turn and chase, but he never did.

A curious and stupid thought crossed Henry's mind. With a leap of faith and a challenge to death himself, Henry stepped into the Ink Demon's path. The demon paused for a moment then walked around Henry and continued his path down the stairs.

Henry followed the demon once more, until the demon came up to a wall and disappeared through the inky door he opened.


Fucking idiot. This is already so hard. I had promised to ignore Henry, but its hard to ignore someone who literally steps right in front of you. The dumbass was trying to get my attention. I need to tell Toots about this.


The moment Bendy's inky veins disappeared was the momentbi stood and booked it. I ran up the stairs and into the toy room.

I ran through Alice's room and back to the sigh post. I had started my trek through the ink flooded room when I suddenly heard soft thumps. I froze, listening to my surroundings.

"Odd. I thought I heard heartbeats." I continue walking through the room, wincing at each loud noise.

I was about to turn the corner leading into the hall way. But then, the area in front of me became dark. So dark, I couldn't see anything so I shrieked when something grabbed me.

"You know, its no fun if you don't run, Toots." Bendy chuckled.

"Well I'm sorry. You scared me. I couldn't see anything."

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