Chapter 26

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-And now the ride truly begins, Henry. Come in, and pretend its all just a bad dream.-

Alice spoke as Uncle Henry and I got into the car. Anxiety started to rise in my chest. I didn't know what was going to happen. We were going to fight Alice? Will we fight the Butcher again? Or will there be a fight in anyway?

-Its a funny thing. How somkuch could fall apart so feet. We never really had control at the studio. Either you were in someone's pocket, or you were putting someone in yours. I just wanted what was promised to me. I just wanted to be beautiful. Surely you can understand that.-

Alice was silent for a second. Then she spoke again.

-Henry.... Why are you here? We're all dying to find out. Do you just enjoy the terror of the drop into hell? Because if thats the case... hang on tight. I've got a surprise. -

My grip tightened on the car when she said that and my anxiety rose more.

"Ooohh!!! I don't like that! I didn't like that, Uncle Henry! I don't like this!"

"It'll be alright... I hope."

The car came up to another set of wooden doors and then another. These doors opened to a bigger room. The track looped around the room. There were boxes and sandbags in the middle. Along with a couch and a table.

I look at the pictures on the wall, some with eyes lit up with little lights. I watch along the walls as the car rolled around the room. The doors on the other side opened. It was pitch black. My grip tightened even more. I was expecting a drop.

However, once we reached just the doors, two large gloved hands grabbed the car and stopped it in its tracks. The creature revealed itself to be the very being we were coming to rescue. Only.... it wasnt him anymore.

"Boris! No... no what has she done to you?" Uncle Henry exclaimed.

"Boris." I sobbed. Bpris tilted his head at us. Then he grabbed each side of the car we were in and picked it up off the track. "Oh no... Get out Uncle Henry!" I yelled, jumping out of the car. Uncle Henry, unfortunately, didn't get out in time but he fell out when Boris threw the car.

Boris paid no mind to me as he stomped his way to Uncle Henry.

-Hahahahahahahahaha! Meet the new and improved Boris!!! I took what I wanted and in return, I have him so much more! And this time, My dear Y/N, There's no precious Ink Demon to come to his Toot's rescue.- Alice's laughed. I flinched.

"Just watch it, Angel! Just because Bendy can't find me, doesn't mean he can't find you. If I get hurt in anyway... He'll know it was you and he will hunt you down." I threaten. I look behind me when I hear crashing.

-Mmmmhahahahaha. Very well. Lets see how this will end. Will he find you and rescue you? Or will he be too late and hold your form and watch as the life drains from your eyes?- She chuckles. -Now I wish for your death just to see the Ink Demon cry.-

"Just you wait. You'll get what you deserve." I growl.

-Boris! Tear them apart! Leave nothing of Henry. But leave the girl's remains for the Ink Demon to find.-

Boris let out a roar and charged for Uncle Henry. He only seemed focused on Uncle Henry for now so I was cautious. After a few charges, Boris hunched over and ink was gushing out of his chest. Then he pulls himself together and begins charging at Uncle Henry again.

I then notice something on the ground where Boris gushed ink. I rushed over and found one of those inky blobs we had used earlier at that bridge. With in my hands, I looked around. I watch as Boris charged through boxes. Behind those boxes was the very same machine. I then had an idea.

I ran over to the machine, putting the ink blob where it was to go. Then I went over to turn the wheel and went through my options. There was a bone, a mug, a gear, and finally... a pipe.

"That's it!" I said. I set it to the pipe and went to the other side and turned the crack. The machine worked its magic and the blob popped out and it morphed into a pipe. I picked up the pipe and yelled to Uncle Henry.

"Uncle Henry!! Boris drops ink blobs when the ink gushes out of his chest! You can use those ink blobs like we did at the bridge. It males a pipe you can use as a weapon!" I yell, holding the pipe up.

That, unfortunately, drew Boris's attention to me. Instead of charging at Uncle Henry.... he charged... at me. My eyes widened and I froze in place.

"Y/N!! MOVE!!" Uncle Henry yelled. But I couldn't. I couldn't move. I only rose my hands to cover my face, bracing for impact.

However, the impact never came. What I did feel was two hands around my waist, pulling me back and through what felt like thick water. It was cold, yet comforting. Then I felt my feet touch solid ground.

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