Chapter 22

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I was back at the beginning. I was yelling out for Uncle Henry then I remember hugging him, after he was missing for weeks. Then I remember lifting the Ink machine from the darkness. Then I remember the little hunt for items and fixing the machine. Then turning on the machine. Then coming face-to-face with the Ink Demon. Then our little adventure through the studio.


My heas was pounding. All of my senses were foggy. I started to open my eyes. I tried to move my body but pain hit. I cried out.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Uncle Henry asked. I only whimpered. As my senses started to return, I found that that pain was mainly in my right hip and left should. I was a little sore in my lower back.

"Y-yeah.. I'm fine. I-it just hurts..." I hissed in pain. I try to lift myself off the floor. I managed to stand, after some time. I rolled my shoulder. It have protest. A very loud and painful protest. My hip amd back gave the same protest as I went to take a step.

I looked over at Uncle Henry. He had a little limp and a few scratches. I had my fair share of scratches and one hell of a limp of my own.

I then looked around the room. I noticed, Uncle Henry and I were the only two in the room. "Uncle Henry? Where's Boris?"

"Alice has him. While we were unconscious." He said. He started walking down the hall. I followed, limping. "We're gonna save hum. So come on. Lets press on. Sorry. I know it'd be easier for you to stay off-"

"Its alright. I'm fine. I can walk it off. Come on. Lets go." I said, catching up to him. We walked down the hall. We reached a fork on the path. I noticed on this left there was this door that looked like one of tgose doors you'd find in a submarine. Only, it didn't have the wheel that opened the lock on the door.

"There's definately something missing on the door." Uncle Henry said. Thank you, Captain Obvious. "Maybe theres something over this way." He said, walking right.

I followed. There was small hallway. There were two doors. I tried the one on the left but it was locked. Then Uncle Henry tried the right one. It opened. And I wish it hadn't.

"Oh holy mother of horror movies... did someone go insane in here?" I asked, greatly concerned. The walls were covered in gibberish about time and money. I noticed a desk on the right of the door. Then I saw the tape on the desk. "Okay. Maybe this will get the creepiness off my mind." I said, pressing the play button.

It did the exact opposite. I was even more afraid. The audio played nothing but screaming and sounds of death. I wanted to shut it off right there and forget all about the tape but I couldn't shut it off. The stop button wasnt working.

"Never mind! Not helping! Oh god, shut the hell up!!" I screamed, picking it up and chucking it at the door. Bad news, it didn't break it and it kept going. Good news, the audio was finished. "That was not a fun one."

I saw Uncle Henry bend down and pick something up. I saw it was the wheel that went to the door. "Huh... so it was here."

"Yes. Lets go back to the door."

He placed the wheel on the door and turned it, opening the door. When we stepped in, lights illuminated the center of the room, spotlighting a stage. It had a statue of Bendy and there were only figures that looked like they were worshipping the statue.

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