Chapter 29

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He was right. This town was cute. It had a little port. There was the river of ink Bendy was taking about. It was coming from a tunnel. "That's the river?"

"That's the river. Wanna throw it in?" Bendy asked, offering me the reel. I took it with a smile.

"My pleasure." I said. I walked down to the end of the dock and threw the reel in. I watched as it spun a few times before going into the ink with a satisfying splash. "Ahhhh! That felt good."

Bendy chuckled. "Now then. Shall we return to the lair?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No! I wanna look around! It fascinates me knowing that there is a town under the studio! Please? Please, please, please?" I begged. Bendy sighed.

"Alright. We can stay."

"Yay!" I turn and skip back to the village. Then I skid to a stop when I see someone familiar. He noticed me and turned.

"Ahhh.. Little Sheep! How did you get here?" Sammy asked. Then he saw Bendy and fell to the ground. "My Lord!! I see now. Little Sheep is with you!"

"Its Y/N. Please call me by my name." I growled. Sammy flinched and dug his head further in the ground.

"Yes. Of course. Miss. Y/N. I'm at your service." Sammy said. I nodded satisfied. "What brings you to town, My Lord? If I may ask?"

"Simply needed to get rid of something. We're leaving now." Bendy said. I agreed with him. But then Bendy tilted his head to the side. Then he growled.

"Bendy?" I asked concerned. He snapped his neck towards Sammy.

"Change of plans. You'll stay here while I go check of something. I'm trusting you to keep her safe, Sammy." Bendy growled. Sammy nodded. "Good. Keep in mind, if she has even the smallest scratch, you die." Again, Sammy nodded.

Bendy turned to me. "I'll be back soon. The others here will protect you till I return." He said, planting a kiss on my forehead. Then he disappeared into an ink puddle. I sighed.

Then I heard ugly sobbing. I turn to see Sammy crying inky black tears. "What's your deal?"

"I... sniff... I've never seen... sniff... my Lord so happy... before!!" Then he continued his ugly sobbing.

Really? I make Bendy so happy? My heart warmed and my cheeks burned hot. No. Its the other way around. Bendy makes me so happy.

Hello folks! Sorry. This is such a short chapter. But I have more on the way!! So stay tuned!!! Ill see you in the next chapter!!!

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