Chapter 1~ No BS

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Estella 🤍

Staring at the clock; waiting for it to strike 12:15 am. I was ready to leave work, and get back to my apartment to take a nice relaxing bath, and text this new mystery guy named Christopher I started talking to last night.

Okay I guess I'll give y'all a little back story on how this Chris guy and I started texting.

Recap of Yesterday's events
So, my best friend Makayla was big mad about me being single at my age- I'm 28 by the way- so she took it upon herself to put me on this dating app called "Jungle". Jungle is a specific app for single people in the state of Massachusetts. Last night Kayla swore me up and down that this would be a good thing for me to potentially meet someone and start a friendship that could maybe blossom into something more. I caved in so I fixed myself up on the app adding a cute picture of myself for the icon photo, and I added a bio. Makayla told me my bio couldn't be more grandmaish, but I thought it was cute and represented me and who I am.
Hi I'm Estella- Black female scientist for NASA
Dog lover- Sports lover
Product of Boston
Currently on my "Good Days" by Sza mindset so don't text me on no bs 😊
I thought my bio was adorable so I left it up. I started to swipe through all the men and they were bleh let me tell you. I didn't have high standards but I most definitely had a type. I liked my men tall- clean cut- brown hair- brown/blue eyes- skin color to me didn't matter I loved all races- as long as you're nice and family oriented and a sports lover you were the guy for me. As Makayla and I were swiping through the men I got an alert from Jungle saying some guy named Christopher added me as a friend on his profile. My best friend got so excited she started squealing.

"Bestieeeee you got a friend already- let's see if he's cute and packin", she said.

"Bitch shut up I'm not finna play with you 😂- this is night one I'm not thinking about no dick", I replied to Kayla.

Kayla responds back to me by singing a part of Chris Brown verse from his song No BS " DON'T YOU BE ON THAT BULLSH*T YEAH, YEAH", she belts out.

We both burst out laughing on the couch.

"Okay whatever boo- but I'm not thinking about a guys dick size just yet- I haven't even texted him yet", I said.

We get back to looking at my phone and clicking on Chris's profile. His profile photo is a picture of an adorable dog🐶, and my heart just melts I'm a sucker for dogs and guys that love dogs. I was reading his bio and I could tell this guy was going to be the death of me.
If I'm not working I'm at home cuddling with my dog and drinking a beer
It was so simple yet captivating because I knew exactly how it was working long hours, and then coming home to your dog just to cuddle, but I also know what it feels like to want to share that life with someone.

I ended up messaging him hoping he would see it soon because I was about to call it a night. Had work early in the morning so I like to be in bed by 10 pm.

9:38 pm
Estella~ Hi your dog is so cute oh my gosh 😊I have a golden doodle.

I put my phone on the charger while I went to go brush my teeth and put on my pajamas. Makayla was getting ready to head to bed as well, and yes we live in a two bedroom apartment together. We moved to our first apartment after we finished our bachelors at Harvard U, and then we moved to a more renovated and upscaled apartment near downtown Boston so both of us could be closer to work. I worked as a NASA scientist in a lab in downtown, and Kayla works ten minutes down the street from me in her hair salon that she owns. It's such an advantage having a best friend that can do my hair- at first people were skeptical because I'm a Black woman and Makayla is White, but she's been my neighbor since we were four years old, and she's grew up watching me do my hair and she would do my hair for me sometimes so I trust her doing my hair.

I finished getting ready for bed so I picked up my phone to see if I had a text from Christopher which I did.

Christopher~ Thank you so much. That's awesome you're a dog lover. Dodger is my entire universe- a doodle that's awesome- how old is she? Also by the way may I say that I saw your profile photo and you're very pretty.

I read his text and it gave me butterflies. I haven't got a compliment from someone in a long ass time so this made me smile . I texted him back that night, and I rolled over at the clock and saw it was past midnight so I told Chris I'd text him before I left for work. Texting him made me feel so good. Just to have someone to talk too is a gift in itself. We spent the entire night talking about our dogs and careers and introducing ourselves. He told me he's an actor although I don't know if I believe him because nowadays so many people lie to boost themselves to get attention. Although, if he was an actor that would be really cool. He didn't give me his last name though which neither of us exchanged, but if he did I would've totally looked him up to see if he's legit or not.

Present Day
It finally struck 12:15 so before I started packing up I shot Chris a text letting him know I'm off of work now and headed back home.

Estella ~ Hi Chris I just got off of work. It was such a long day and I missed texting you, but I'll let you know when I make it home.

I packed up all my files and stuffed them into my bag and headed for my car. I got in first pulling my tazor
out and putting it out on the backseats just in case someone was in my backseat. An important rule for anyone is always check your backseats before you get in the car and once you get in the car. As I put my tazor away my phone started ringing so I looked at the caller ID and it said unknown but I answered it just in case it was an important call.

"Hello, this is Estella speaking- who is this?", I said.

"Hey, it's me Chris", a deep raspy but lovable voice said through the phone.

My heart skipped a beat and I immediately hung up the phone throwing it to the passenger side floor, and cursing and screaming at myself for hanging up, but I was a nervous wreck and I wasn't expecting a phone call from him yet.

"Oh my gosh Christopher just called me" I screamed to myself.

Calm down Ella. Calm down. We're going to call Chris back and keep our nerves cool and calm, but I couldn't I was too excited but also nervous because what if after our first phone I mess everything up. What am I supposed to do or say?! I ended up just driving back to my apartment and I'd decide then if I wanted to call him back.

Hi guys! I'm new to writing stories, but hopefully you guys enjoyed chapter one. I will be doing daily updates so stay tuned. Have a blessed day 🤍 also I love critical feedback and constructive criticism so please comment things I can improve on. Also let me know in the comments if you are feeling chapter one.

Love Always, Chris Where stories live. Discover now