Chapter 15~ You're happy until you're not

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Christopher 🤍
Two weeks later
It had been about two weeks since the girls had came to Atlanta. They left after sight seeing, and I've been here since. I leave tomorrow to go back to Boston. I'm excited to see my family and Estella and Dodger. This last week has been rough for me. My anxiety was really taking over, and I brought my meds but they make me loosen up too much, and this role was further more serious so I was just trying to calm myself down by doing things that make me happy like listening to music or working out. The one thing that could just take my anxiousness away was Dodger and Ella. Ella would do these thing with her acrylic nails where she would rub my back with the nails and it was so soothing my body would just go weak, and Dodger well I don't need to explain much that's my son he's my entire world. If Ella and I were to ever end I'd always have Dodger. I was packing for my flight tomorrow morning as it was about 11:42 pm. Packing up my suitcase I got an incoming FaceTime call from Ella.

"Hey baby!", I said.

"Hiiiii", she said in a groggy voice.

"Babe go back to sleep you didn't have to wake up and call me", I told her.

"Yes I did I just wanted to say goodnight and I love you- never not say I love you no matter what because you never know what could happen the next day", she said.

"I love you too sweetheart and I'll remember to, how's the fetus doing?", I asked her chuckling.

"Kicking my ass we should just name the baby CJ because he/she is wearing me out just like the daddy does", she said lightly giggling.

"We're not naming our child after me, Christopher is too common of a name, and don't think you're out of the clear yet baby girl until that bumps gets the size of a basketball I'm not going easy on you", I said winking.

"Shutup- look who's right next to me", she said moving the camera in front of Dodger's face.

"Hi bubba! Hi dude! What's up?", I said watching Dodger as he started standing up and wagging his tail.

"I miss you so much bubba I hope Ella is taking really good care of you", I said.

"Yeah since I picked him up a week ago from your mom's house he's been protecting me hehe", Ella said.

"Well is Dodger trying to steal my girlfriend", I said in a upped tone so I could get Dodger's attention.

He just laid there, and I laughed. He was very expressive.

"Baby?", Ella said.

"Yesss", I responded.

"I want you and McDonald's", she whined.

"Well baby I'll be home in the morning, and I can pick you guys up and we'll get McDonald's", I told her.

"Yayyyy", she responded.

"Are you staying the week with me since I'm back home for about a two week break now?, or will you stay with Makayla?", I asked her.

"I want to stay with you, but I also want to stay with Kayla so she doesn't feel alone", Ella said.

"How about you guys both come?", I asked.

"That would be okay with you?", she asked.

"Yes Kayla is like a little sister to me, and the guest room is decent so she can come crash with us for the week too", I responded.

Ella smiled. "I love you, but what about when we want to do the nasty?", she questioned raising her eyebrow.

I just chuckled,"Well baby I'll just have to make sure you're quiet", I responded smirking.

"Boy bye I'm about to go back to sleep- gimme kiss", she said pecking her lips as if she was giving me a kiss. I loved when she did that because the "muah" from her was so emphasized with it.

I kissed back, and yes I know it's cheesy but when you're head over heels for a girl it's amazing the things you'll do. Trust me when I say that.

We shared our I love you's and goodbyes, and I finished packing for tomorrow.

Estella 🤍
I was headed to the airport to pick up Chris. Dodger and Makayla stayed at our apartment to pack for the week since we were going to stay with Chris. I loved sharing a bed with him when he was home. Don't get me wrong I love my apartment, but just being able to be held in someone's arms is lovely. Until it gets too hot then I need my own space, and the fan to be own. I had made it to the airport, and was waiting in the car for Chris. I started getting cramps in my lower stomach, but they weren't constant and were very light so it was probably just the big breakfast I ate. I saw Chris come out of the baggage claim door, and I got out of the car running up to him. I was so happy seeing his face. As I was running up to him a big painful cramp came out of nowhere, and struck right in my stomach and back at the same time. I fell. Chris dropped his bags and ran up to me.

"Baby what's wrong?!", Chris says.

"Baby talk to me", he screamed.

"Ella you're bleeding"

"Someone call 9-1-1"

I was in so much pain and agony I couldn't speak. I just knew like in my body it was the baby. How could my happiest feeling turn into the worst pain.

To Be Continued

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