Chapter 8~ Bourbon Chicken and nails

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Estella 🤍

Opening my eyes slowly there's this bright ass light in front of my face. It causes me to groan due to a pounding headache I have. Where am I? I try to open my eyes again slowly, and looking around everything is blurry, but I see some people in the room talking lowly, and I can make out Chris's and my moms voice and some other person. I can't see well, but I'm able to make out that I'm in a hospital due to the machines sounding off. I try to sit up but I wince out in pain due to the unbearable pressure on my chest.

"Chrisss", I cry out.

"Oh my gosh baby you need to stay down don't try and get up okay", he said in a panicking tone.

"Where am I? and why can't I see clearly it's very blurry?", I asked.

"Hello Ms.Carlisle I'm your doctor, Doctor Moon to be exact- you were in a bad car accident this afternoon, and so I had to do an immediate surgery on you, and the blurry eyes is due to the anesthesia we gave you, but now that you're awake it should wear off soon", the doctor explained.

"I just want Chris", I expressed.

"Yes ma'am that's understandable but your mom and best friend are here to see you as well", he stated.

I reached my hand out waiting for them to hold it so I can feel their touch and be reassured that everything was okay. I felt a small warm hand entangle in mine, and I immediately noticed it was my moms.

"Mom everything hurts so bad", I whined.

"I know it does, but luckily you had no life threatening injuries, and the doctors did a great job on the surgery, and surprisingly no damage to your beautiful little face", my mom said.

"Are my nails still in tact", I whined.

I could hear Chris chuckling in the background "baby your nails still look perfect all ten of them", he stated and I could tell he was smiling.

"Okay good because this was a full set, and I paid $50 for these", I expressed.

"Baby I want some bourbon chicken", I whined to Chris pouting.

"Baby you just got in a car accident that scared all of us shitless and right now you're thinking about bourbon chicken?", Chris asked.

"Yes once we get out of here can we go get some pretty please?", I dragged out to Chris.

"Fine fine anything for you princess", he said.

"I also owe you a date too, but can you guys tell me what happened? Was the car accident my fault?", I asked.

As they started explaining it my vision started becoming clearer, and the first thing I noticed was how distant and quiet Makayla was, and then I noticed a bear sitting on the chair Chris was standing by.

"So let me get this straight? I'm backing out of the parking lot at the gas station, and some drunk idiot comes out of nowhere and slams into the side of me causing me to hit the pole in the parking lot..", I asked.

"Yeah pretty much", my mom responded.

"I'm just so thankful because it could've been worst", I told them.

"Kayla is everything okay? Why are you so quiet?", I asked her.

She stood up slowly on the verge of a melt down.

"Because the drunk driver was Ron", she said immediately starting to cry.

"Ron as in Ronald your ex fiancé? He's back in town?", I ask.

"I guess so and it makes me feel like it's my fault because if I would've just gave him what he wanted he wouldn't be back here and this wouldn't have happened to you- I almost lost you estella- you're my best friend, my sister, my anchor and I could've lost you", she screamed out.

"Hey hey it's okay baby it's not your fault I promise you, don't ever blame yourself okay it's not your fault shhh come here", I calmly motioned for Kayla to come to me so I could just hold her, but my body was still in pain so I had to take it slow.

"Thanks sis I love you, and your mom and I are going to go to the lobby to give you and Chris some private time", she said as she walked to the chair to gather her belongings.

"Okay I love you guys so much, and see if you can find me some water out there", I said.

They said they'd bring me back a water bottle soon, and after they walked out Chris grabbed the bear off the chair and brought it to me and held it up.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" It read.

"Yes I would love to be your girlfriend baby- awww this is so cute thank you", I happily expressed.

Chris bent down towards me and gave me a long passionate kiss. He put the bear right by my side so I could cuddle with it. He started laughing when I started giving the bear little kisses and hugs.

"You know what this means?", Chris asked.

"What does it mean?", I asked with a huge grin.

"You're officially my baby girl, and no one else's- and I can't wait for the whole world to know", he exclaimed.

"Awwe baby I can't wait for what the future has in store for us, but when I get out of here can we please have some bourbon chicken", I whined.

Three days later

After being in the hospital for four days they finally released me to come home. I decided to come back to Chris's place to stay with him for a few days before he started filming again. My legs were still in pain, and my back was killing me but other than that I was feeling fine. No more headaches thank gosh. The doctor prescribed me oxy which I was in fear of taking because I didn't want to get addicted. Dodger ran up to me, but I couldn't really crouch down to play with him, and him jumping on my legs would hurt so Chris told dodger to be careful with me, and it hurt because I know dodge wouldn't understand why I couldn't pet him.

Chris walked over to me helping me to the couch.
He looked so freaking fine in his jogging suit and hat I could literally melt.

Outfit inserted below:

"Baby can we have sexxx", I whined while reaching my arms out for Chris to pick me up

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"Baby can we have sexxx", I whined while reaching my arms out for Chris to pick me up.

Chris just laughed.

"Baby", he stated.

"No I'm serious I want you so bad", I said.

"Well I do too but what comes first is your health and safety, and sex is just not safe right now I don't want you to get hurt you need to be fully injured Baby", he said holding me in his arms while rubbing my back.

"So can we order bourbon chicken pretty please", I asked Chris.

"I thought you would've forgot about that, but anything for you princess", he said getting up to go get his phone from the counter to order bourbon chicken.

As Chris was ordering the food a nauseous feeling came over me and I jolted for the bathroom.

To Be Continued

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