Chapter 11~ Gift Box

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Listen up!! I need a person to be a new character in my book, so I decided why not it be one of my followers- drop your username and your name you want to be in the book, and I'll just pick someone at random. Thanks- Love E!

Christopher 🤍

I just finished filming, and it was 10 pm. I usually was happy and at peace with days like this, but I was so stressed out. It's been another whole day and I haven't heard from my girlfriend. So all I wanted to do was take a nice hot shower and then sleep. I was headed back to my trailer to get my clothes to head back to the hotel room. When I opened the door I couldn't believe what was in front of me.

It was Estella and Makayla standing in front of me. When did they get her? How did they know where I was? Was this a dream? And my gosh Ella looks beautiful. She's literally glowing. I just missed her face. Caught up in my thoughts I didn't even realize I was just standing with the door wide open staring at Ella.

"Well are you going to just stand there or come and kiss me?", Ella asked giggling.

Without hesitation I ran up to her picking her up and spinning her around. She was just laughing and I was so in awe because she had the most adorable laugh.

"Put me down Chrissy pooh", she squealed.

"Nope you have to give me a kiss first", I responded chuckling.

I stopped spinning her and she placed both of her hands on the side of my neck, and placed a big wet fat kiss on my lips. Making the "muah" sound and I don't think I could've fell any harder for her in that moment. In this moment I forgot about all the fighting and the avoiding each other we were doing I was just happy my baby girl was in my arms. I wanted to do much more in that moment but out of respect for Makayla I did not. Putting Ella down I walked over to Kayla and gave her a hug.

"Hey, how are you doing?", I asked her.

"I'm doing okay Chris we really needed this trip", Makayla responded.

"Well I'm glad you guys came!", I said.

"Tomorrow for lunch I will take you guys to a nice barbecue spot in downtown", I informed them.

"Good because I could eat a horse right now", Ella exclaimed.

Makayla and I just looked at each other and back at Ella and laughed.

"Don't make fun of me", Ella whined with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh it's okay sweetheart come here we know you're a hungry girl", I told Ella as Kayla and I came in for a group hug.

"Okay well let's all head back to the hotel, and Ella is rooming with me, but I know you guys will want to have a talk tonight.", Makayla said.

We agreed. So walking out of the trailer we got in the car that was reserved for me, and we headed to the hotel.

Estella 🤍
Around 15 minutes later we arrived at the hotel.
I was excited to have that talk with Chris, and just apologize and try to smooth things out between us since it was my fault. We dropped Makayla off, and made it to Chris's room.

There was a silence as we entered the room and so I just decided to be the one to break the ice.

"Okay let's talk", I said.

"Listen before you start baby I just want you to know I didn't brush it off because I wouldn't want to not marry you, when I'm with you I feel so alive and when I'm without you I feel such a big empty space in my heart. In the future of course I'd want to marry you but it's only been about a month, and I don't want to rush into things because I don't want any of us to get hurt." He said.

"Babe I know that when I asked that it was kind of pushy and really early, but I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to know would you ever consider marrying me because I'm at a time in my life where I don't want to date just to play around I'm ready to settle down and start a family with someone, and I hope that person is you because in the month I've known you you've made me the happiest girl, so I'm sorry for asking you that so early and getting upset with you for brushing it off I shouldn't have handled the situation like that, and just know you have my heart and I don't want you to be upset with me anymore baby", I told him.

"I accept your apology baby, and I'm sorry to for brushing it off and I'm glad we could come to an understanding cutie, now come here and give your man some kisses.", Chris said holding his arms out.

"Don't apologize for anything butthead you did nothing wrong, and hold that thought baby I really have to use the potty", I said giggling while running to the bathroom.

"I'll be waiting!", Chris screamed out.

As I got to the toilet I immediately pulled out my phone and texted Makayla.

Estella~ We had our talk now I think it's the time to tell him.

Makayla~ you're doing the right thing El by telling him so you guys can start planning your future, do you have the test on you?

Estella~ Yes I have it in my purse I'm going to put it in a gift box.

Makayla~ okay good luck baby don't be nervous God got you, and if Chris says something shitty I'm coming down to that room to fuck him up 😂

Estella~ girl I love you I'll text you afterwards and tell you how it goes.

Getting up from the toilet I grabbed the gift box, and walked out of the bathroom. Chris noticed and just smiled.

"Is that a present for me babe you shouldn't have", Chris said.

Oh it's some kind of present alright I thought to myself.

Handing the box to him "open it", I said.

Chris opened the box, and removed the wrapping paper. He saw the test and immediately his eyes went wide and he looked at me for clarification.

"I'm pregnant", I told him.

To Be Continued

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