Chapter 33~ I'm Sorry

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I just stood there not knowing what to say. Any explanation I had would still hurt her. The only thing I knew at the moment was try and change the topic.

"You went through my phone?", I asked Y/N confused.

"So you're really asking why I went through your phone when I see you texting with some bitch back and forth", Y/N asked angrily.

"It's an invasion of my privacy", I said.

"Chris you got ten seconds to tell me why you're texting some girl back and forth before I leave out that god damn door", she said getting heated.

"Baby listen", I said walking up to her trying to hold her waist.

"Don't touch me", she said backing away.

"Baby don't be mad it's not what you think, I got a text from an unknown number the other day, and I didn't know who it was, so I ended up asking who it was, and it was Estella", I told her truthfully.

"Estella? Your ex girlfriend?", she asked.

"Yes, and baby I don't want you to be mad, she started texting me saying that she missed me, and she knows she's messed up, and just talking about the baby we lost and all this crap",

"Wait is her Instagram like Ella breezy something?", Y/N asked me.

"Yes, she messaged you too didn't she?", I asked rolling my eyes.

"Yes she did, she was like congratulations on the baby and all that shit", Y/N said.

"Yeah and so I was telling her like she had my heart, but she broke it and that I wanted nothing to do with her, and I have a girlfriend now that will be my wife someday and I have a baby on the way with her, so I wanted nothing to do with her or her friend or anymore drama, I also told her if she ever came near you, the baby, or the house that I would get a restraining order, the bitch is crazy, she literally ghosted me for five months, and now when she sees I have a new girl friend she automatically pops back up", I said ranting to Y/N.

"Baby I'm going to block her from my Instagram, and I want you to delete and block her number, I don't want to be controlling and I trust you and I know you wouldn't cheat or do anything to hurt me but, this Estella girl is just going to cause you stress and me stress and I'm carrying our child", she said sitting down next to me.

"I'm also sorry for getting heated at you without knowing the full story, it's just I've been cheated on before and I didn't want to go through that again", Y/N said laying her head on my shoulder.

"Baby you don't have to apologize, you don't have to make excuses for my actions, I shouldn't have been going back and forth with my ex, and if I was I should've told you immediately because that's what a real man does", I said losing her forehead.

"Keep talking your grown man shit, and we might have to make baby number two", she said giggling.

"Come on let's go get some red velvet cake", I said grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen.

Two months Later

Y/N 🤍
Two months had passed by and things were going great. Chris and I have had no drama with any ex girlfriends, and the baby is healthy. My tummy has been growing, and all Chris friends and family, and my mother and best friend have really made me feel awesome throughout this pregnancy even during my random mood swings. Today was the day Chris and I would visit the hospital to get the gender of the baby. Both of us decided we wanted it to be a surprise, and only Stevie and Scott would know the gender. I admired my growing belly in the mirror.

My belly was a little bigger than I expected it to be, but I wasn't sure this is my first pregnancy so

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My belly was a little bigger than I expected it to be, but I wasn't sure this is my first pregnancy so.

Chris and I finished getting ready, and we headed to the doctors appointment. We arrived, and I saw all the other pregnant women in the lobby, and they were all a mood. Either annoyed or hungry like yes sis i so understand. After an hour of waiting we finally got called back to the room.

After getting settled the doctor lifted up shirt, and put the cold jelly on my tummy. I shivered a little bit. As she moves the wand around on the screen we can see a little blob in the shape of a head, but this screen looks weird.

"Oh my", the doctor says.

"What's wrong?", Chris immediately asks.

"Baby calm down I'm sure nothing is wrong, but nothing is wrong right", I asked the doctor.

"Nothing is wrong, but it looks like you two will have double the trouble", she said giggling.

"Excuse me", I said confused.

"Ms.Y/L/N and Mr.Evans look at the screen for me, those are two heads", she says pointing at the screen.

Chris and I just looked at each other

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Chris and I just looked at each other.

"Twins", I whispered to myself.

"You guys want to hear the double heartbeats", the doctor asked.

By this time I was full on crying. I wasn't sad, but I was happy. I'm bringing two bundles of joy into the world. Chris just gave me a quick kiss on the lips. As we heard the heartbeats. They were so cute. I'm even more excited to carry these two beautiful babies now.

"Why didn't we know at the last ultrasound that it was twins?", I asked the doctor.

"Sometimes one of the babies can be hidden, it's more common than not for twins to be clearly seen in a later ultrasound, but that's why your belly was looking bigger at a fewer weeks than normal", the doctor said.

"Would you guys like to know the gender, or is it a surprise?", she asked smiling.

"We're going to keep it a surprise", Chris and I said in unison.

"Okay I will put the genders in an envelope, and get your ultrasound pictures I'll be right back", she said.

"Holy shit", Chris looked at me smiling.

"We're having twins!!", Chris and I squealed in excitement doing a little happy dance.

"We're going to have to announce this to the family", Chris said.

"Yes, but first baby let's go get TGIF pretty please", I told Chris making puppy dog eyes.

"Anything for you, and my two precious babies", Chris said happily.

So family of 5 including Dodger is what it's going to be. I'm so grateful to God for blessing me with my family. This is going to be such an exciting journey. Love Always, Y/N

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