Chapter 2 page 8

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Third Person POV

Thana keeps hugging Cal. Her eyes watering as the sight of Cal dead stays in her mind. Cal hugs Thana back tightly. "No you didn't do it. I.... I just stopped time." Cal says as he tightens his grip on Thana. "What?" Everyone asks. "I...I died. Ricarro killed me!" Cal says in shock. Thana whimpers slightly and tightens her grip onto Cal. Ricarro throws Mjolnir away from everyone. Xylo walks over to Thana and Cal. Xylo gently takes Thana away from Cal. Thana whimpers then immediately latches onto her older brother.

Cal walks over and begins to confront Ricarro. Meanwhile Xylo is trying to see what is wrong with his sister. "Thana talk to me. What's wrong?" Xylo asks gently. Thana whimpers and holds on tighter to her brother. "Saw it happen. I s-saw C-cal d-d-die." Thana whispers to her older brother. Xylo freezes a little and then sighs. He tightens his grip on Thana. "It's ok, he is fine. He is alive." Xylo says quietly. After Cal comforts Ricarro he walks back over to Xylo and Thana. Ricarro gets up and begins to look for the Hammer.

"What's wrong with her?" Cal asks Xylo gently. "She-" Xylo gets cut off by Thana letting go of him and quickly hugging Cal. Xylo sighs "She saw you die. Unlike the rest of us she saw it." Xylo tells Cal. Cal freezes then hugs the girl tighter. Cal nods to Xylo then walks away from everyone with the smaller girl in his arms. Cal makes sure no one can see them. He sits Thana down. "Hey, hey, I'm going to take your mask off." Cal tells Thana. She nods her head as he takes off her mask. Once it is off Cal can see the tears in her eyes.

"Oh Thana." Cal hugs Thana again and holds her close. "I'm ok, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you." Cal says as he kisses the top of her head. Thana whimpers and buries her head into Cal more. Cal pulls Thana off of him a little. "Let's go back to everyone. But you can stay close to me, ok." Cal says, hopefully calming the small girl. Thana nods her head in agreement. Cal gives her a small smile. He then puts her mask back on. Before they walk back to everyone Cal kisses Thanas forehead.

Thana would normally blush but her mind is elsewhere. Cal gently takes Thanas arm and leads her over to everyone else. When they get over to everyone else Nero and Xylo go over to Thana and Cal. Thana grabs Cals arm and hugs it. Her mind racing as she tries to process everything that has happened that day. From Cal saying they should forget about their almost kiss. To Thanas and Xylos talk. To going to the world tree. To going to Nifflehiem. To getting lost. To hearing a voice.

To Ricarro getting Mjolnir. To Cal dying but then him reversing time. To Cal kissing her head. Everything has just been too much for her. She is still trying to learn about everything. And she is now beginning to realize how she needs to take things slower. How she needs to learn more. But she needs to take her time. Thana doesn't realize when Ricarro finds Mjolnir again. But she begins to tune back in with everything when she feels herself being picked up.

She quickly looks and sees Cal putting her on his back. "It's ok Thana, Just relax." Cal says to the small girl. Thanan lays her head on Cals shoulder and reaxes again. Everyone begins to walk someone. But Thana isn't paying attention to them. Nero floats next to Thana. "Wanna talk to me?" Nero asks the demigod. Thana looks at Nero and begins to whisper. Because she can't get herself to talk normally. "I've never had to deal with seeing anyone I care about die. i....I don't know how to process it." Thana says

"I've been around death my whole life. B-but i've never been close to anyone... I... I don't know how to... Process everything. It's all... It's all too new to me." Thana tells Nero. "I know, remember Thana. We are all here for you. Whenever you need to talk." Nero tells Thana. "Their right, Thana. We are all here for you." Call tells the girl on his back. Thana nods her head and holds onto Cal tighter. 

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