Chapter 3 Page 6

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Third Person POV

It is dark when Thana gets to the portal to the underworld. She pulls out a small book and flips to a page about the underworld portal. She quietly says an enchant. When she is done the portal lights up. She quickly goes through it. Once on the other side Thana closes the portal behind her. Not wanting to let less than friendly stuff out and into the overworld. She knows that would be a bad thing. A very bad thing. After the portal is closed Thana begins to walk.

Once again she has to walk a long way. Her home is far from the portal. But she doesn't mind. She has time to think about everything that has happened the past week. For one, she got an amazing necklace from the person she likes. Second, she reunited with an old friend, he gave her a beautiful dress. Third Thana went to a ball, of course, she went alone. Fourth she meets the Anubis siblings. Fifth she meets a man named Jyles. Sixth she believed she flirted with Cal a little.

Seventh she spent some time alone with Cal. Eighth Thana saw the form the voice wants her to turn into. Ninth Thana helped the Anubis siblings and Xylo banish a book from Magnus. Tenth an evil shadow thing went into her, causing her immense pain. Eleventh the voice told her she was dying. Twelfth Thana almost died but saved herself with dragon fire pills. Thirteenth she went back to the underworld. And that is where she is now. A sudden yell knocks Thana out of her thoughts. Thana quickly looks over and sees a demon running at her. His sword is drawn as he means to cause her much harm.

Thana smirks and summons her Scythe. The demon gets closer and slashes at the small girl. He clearly thinks the girl is weak and will die easily. But he has another thing coming at him. Thana quickly hits his sword out of his hand with her scythe. He looks at her with shock. He clearly underestimated her. Thana smirks "Goodbye." Thana says as she quickly kills the demon again. He crumples to the ground and dissolves into it. Thana puts her scythe away and begins to walk again. But she notices she is much closer than she had once thought she was.

Thana smiles softly and walks down a hill. She looks at a cave across a lava lake. So Thana begins to jump. She almost falls in a couple of times but it would not have mattered if she did. She gets across and looks around her old home. She smiles softly at all the memories of treating her wounds in the cave. Of all the times she, kayda, and a few other dragons would hang out in her cave. She walks back into a secret room. This room is secret and hidden because it holds the portal to the dragons realm.

She makes sure the portal is still lite. But before she goes through she stops. Thana walks back out to the main area and begins to grab a few things she wants to take back to the overworld with her. She grabs a couple backpacks and puts all the stuff into them. Most of the things are books. But it doesn't matter to her. She wants to fill up her book shelf back at camp. After everything is packed she goes back into the secret room. Thana takes a deep breath then walks into the portal.

When she comes out the other side she sees a bunch of dragons walking around and talking to one another. She walks in farther. But she doesn't get very far before she is noticed. "Zulan!!!" A familiar voice shouts happily. Suddenly Thana crashes to the ground with a dragon on top of her. Thana chuckles and hugs the dragon. "It's good to see you Kayda. I've missed you." Thana tells the golden dragon. "I've missed you two!!" Kayda says. "That is enough Kayda." The voice of Elder Kur says. Kayda slowly gets off of Thana.

"Zulan. You are hurt. What happened?" Kur asks when they feel Thanas aura. "May i just show you what happened?" Thana asks elder Kur. They nod and leans their head down to the small girl. Thana puts her hand on Kurs head and allows her memories to transfer over to the big dragon. After a minute Elder Kur lifts their head back up. "I see, I am very sorry that this has happened to you. But you may want to quickly take a pill. I can feel that the pill is almost completely worn off." Kur says with concern.

Thana nods and quickly takes a pill out of the bottle and takes it with a little bit of water. "Now. Come with me. I will take you to our healers. They will heal you the best that they can. Then we'll talk about business. But the healing process will take a day or so." Kur says as they lead Thana to wear the healers are. Some of them are half dragon half human. Some are full humans. And a couple are full dragons. But they all work insync with each other.

They motion for Thana to lay down on a bad. "Welcome Zulan, we will be healing you. But it will be best if you go to sleep. So we will give you a pill made from Blue dragons fire. It will make you fall asleep. Is that okay?" A half human half dragon doctor asks, just wanting Thana's consent. Thana nods her head. "Yes it is okay." She tells the doctor. A different doctor hands Thana a pill and she quickly takes it. Within minutes she falls asleep. And the doctors begin the healing process. 

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