Chapter 3 Page 4

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Third Person POV

"Now come. You will be taking some pill bottles of Golden Dragon Breath." Kur says. They both walk out of the cave and into the area where all the other dragons are. All of them are awake. Most had left but there seemed to be about 100 or so dragons left. "Kayda, get a couple of bottles of pills. Me and you will be taking Thana back to the greek underworld. We will speak with Hades." Kur tells the younger dragon. "Elder Kur..." A small light blue dragon begins. "Yes Sapphire?" Kur sayus as they turn their attention to the small dragon.

"Well.... We all talked and... And we all agree that Thana should get a dragon name. She is a part of us now. A-and we all want to go with you both to the underworld. We want to be there in case anything happens." Sapphire says, her head up high and her chest puffed out. Kur and Thana look around at all the other dragons. All of them are nodding. The arau Thana gives off makes them all want to protect her. "Very well, We will leave in five minutes. I will do the taking. Kayda, Thana will be on your back." Kur says as Kayda comes back with a bag full of bottles.

"Yes elder Kur." Kayda says respectfully. "Good, Incase things go bad, Kayda you will bring Thana back here. Now regarding Thanas dragon names. We shall do the test. Everyone follow." Kur says, they then turn and enter into a dimly lit cave with vines covering the entrance. Everyone quickly follows. Kayda gives Thana the bag and she takes it. In the center of the huge cave is a circle. Inside the circle is a ball of light. "Thana go to the center." Kur says, Their voice echoing off the cave walls.

Thana nods her head and walks into the center of the circle. Suddenly 10 items rise from the ground. Thana looks around with surprise. "Thana, pick the one that calls to you." Kur says. Thana looks at them all. There is a flower, A torch with fire, A ball of light, A key, A tree, A Book, A ball of darkness, A heart shape, A rock. And a sword. Thana looks at all of them. But too many call out to her. She can't decide on which one to go to.

So Thana stops and closes her eyes. She takes a few deep breaths and turns around a few times. The whole time her eyes are closed. Then at a random time she stops spinning. It feels as though something grabs her hand and drags her to an item. Thana reachtes her hand out and touches an item. "Welcome Zulan." Kur says, All the other dragons repeat what Kur had said. Thana opens her eyes and sees she has touched a key. Thana looks over at kur and gives them a smile.

"All of these items have a meaning. The flower means you are delicate. The torch with fire means you are firey. The ball of light means you are bright. The tree means you are grounded. The book means you are curious. The ball of darkness means you are full of hate. The heart means you love easily. The rock means your stubborn, The sword means you're a warrior. And the key, what you got. Means you are a traveler." Kur says as they walk to each item as they say their meaning.

"This is how most dragons get their names. This is also how human, get their dragon name. Your dragon name is Zulan. It means wanderer. You have wandered and traveled two realms now. But you will travel more relems then you would ever know was possible." Kur says as they walk around to the entrance. "Now come, i must speak with Hades. And we must get you back home." Kur says as they exit the dim cave. "Come on." Kayda says as she walks next to Thana.

Thana nods and looks back at the key. She feels as though she will see the key again. But later in life. Thana blinks and follows after all of the dragons. "Zulan, you will ride on Kayda. I will lead, and everyone else will follow. Now let's go." Kur says as they walk in front of a multicolored portal. Kayda nudged Thana so she gets on the golden dragon. All of the other dragons seem to form a barrier around Thana. Making so nothing would be able to get her.

Kur begins to fly and goes through the portal. All the other dragons take flight and follow their elder. Thana holds onto Kayda. A small smile on her face as she feels the hot air blowing on her face. The underworld seems much different when you're flying. It seems much smaller. And there are more people than she once thought. She looks in front of all the dragons. And in the distance Thana sees Hades castle. Elder Kur roars and three guards quickly open the castle doors. Kur flies in first. Then the rest follow.

They all land and it seems as though they are hiding Thana. "Kur! What are you doing here!?!?" Hades asks with surprise. "I am here to speak with you about an important issue." Kur says, smoke blowing out of their nose. Hades quickie makes his new wife and son leave the throne room. ":What is it?" Hades asks. Kur looks back into all the dragons and nods their head. Kayda begins to move forward. All the other dragons step aside to let Kayda and Thana pass through them. "My daughter?!? My guards said a monstrous dragon had eaten you!!" Hades says, his voice loud.

"Dragons do not eat people unless they try to hurt us!" Kur says with their eyes squinted. "Thana has a new name. A dragon name. She is now a part of us. She is one of us. If you or your people try to hurt her. We will attack. And you will not be spared. You will die!" Kur says. Hades nods his head, fear in his eyes. "Very well. But she must stay away. Thana you will only come to the castle if i need to speak with you. You are not aloud to speak with people. You can not speak with my wife or sons. Do you understand?" Hades says. Thana nods her head.

"Very well, I will not let harm come to her. Now please leave." Hades says. "Okay, We will take Thana to a place she will call her home. And remember. Any harm that comes to her. Will come back to you all tenfold." Kur says. Hades nods his head. So the dragons turn and leave. They drop Thana off at a nice-looking cave. A place to call her own. They all say goodbye. And the dragons leave. They leave thana all alone. And for years to come. Thana stays by herself. 

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