Chapter 1 Page 8

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Third Person POV

"Why did you give her more!" Thana hears Cal say to Lee. "Because sometimes you just have to drink away the pain." Lee says back to the boy. Thana gets into an empty canopy and sits down with a long sigh. She looks at the book in her lap. Thana bites her lip and closes her eyes. She reaches up and unties her mask. It falls off her face and onto her lap on top of the book. "Okay... I need to get answers. Time to read." Thana says to herself. She slowly opens the book and begins to read.

(The next bit that is in Italics is what is wrote in the book)

'Dear Diary,

I can't believe it! I'm pregnant. I am so happy. I haven't told my husband yet. Nor have I told my brother. Well, he's not my brother but I think of him as one. I hope he isn't mad at me for getting pregnant. He still sees me as a young goddess who doesn't know anything. But I'm sure he will be happy as well. My husband is home! I have to go tell him! I can't wait to see his reaction.'

'Dear Diary,

He hates me. I told him. My husband. He accused me of cheating on him. But that is the farthest thing from the truth. His sister is mad at me as well. She has threatened to hurt my baby girl. At least I believe my baby is a girl. I just feel it. But i can't stay here. I also told my brother. He doesn't want anything to do with my baby. He hates how she is the baby of my husband. But he said he would protect me and my baby until I give birth. That is good enough for me. So now it's time to go to the man I see as a brother. Hades the god of the underworld.'

'Dear Diary,

I have asked Hades to watch out for my baby once she is born. He was reluctant but he agreed. I know I can not be here for her once she is born. My husband's sister is trying to find me. And to protect my baby girl I must go with her once i give birth. I wish it could be different. I want to see my baby grow up. I want to hear her laugh. I want to hear her speak for the first time. I want to watch as she learns to crawl and walk. But I have to keep her safe. So i will leave her in the safety of my brother's hands as I leave to protect her.'

'Dear Diary,

I have talked to Kur. They are the oldest Golden Dragon. I have asked them to make sure my daughter doesn't get hurt when I am away. They agreed. And Kayda, A small golden dragon. Came up to me and told me she will personally watch after my baby. I can tell they will have a special bond. Just like me and Faith had. She was my own dragon. She was not gold. No she was a green dragon. She died trying to keep me safe years ago. And I hope My daughter will not have to see her own dragon pass.'

'Dear Diary,

I have decided on her name. Her name is going to be Thana. Her name means death. Just like what her father is the god of. I wish I could see what she is going to look like when she grows up. But I know she is going to be strong. I can tell by the way she kicks me. She will be a fighter. I just know it. As much as I wish she wouldn't have to. I know she will have to fight. And I won't be able to help her. I just hope she has a good life. I have convinced Hades to tell her that she is his daughter. So she does not wonder who she is related to. I hope all goes well.'

'Dear Diary,

I have found a way. I have found a way to be able to protect her and care for her. I don't know if it will work. But I will do anything to watch my baby grow. I am almost due. I can't wait to see her. But before that happens I have to deal with some stuff. I know what I have to do to protect both of us. I have faith in it working. Haha, faith... Just like my old presence dragon. I miss her. But I know she is still watching over me and my daughter. Thana. If you ever read this. Nothing is your fault.'

'Dear Diary,

I have found something out that I didn't think would happen. Instead of just having one baby I have two. I have twins. I know both are girls. I have also figured out the other baby's name. Her name is going to be Skyler. Meaning little warrior. I'm just glad that Thana will have someone here for her. I know they will be here for each other. I will love them both no matter what.'

'Dear Diary,

I won't be here for either of them. And they will both be alone. He wants one of the babies. He said he won't harm either of them if I just had one over. I don't know what to do. I don't want him to have either of them. I know if I go with his sister then I won't be able to take care and keep either of them safe. What do I do?'

(So thana has a sister? Wonder what will happen after this news.)

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