Chapter 1 Page 10 (Rewritten)

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Third Person POV

It's been a few days since Thana has last interacted with people. But now she is in a room with almost everyone in camp. All of them from different pantheons. Thana is off to the side of everyone else in her pantheon. She doesn't particularly like being with a lot of people but she will deal with it for a little bit of time. She is only there to learn about what trials are going to be happening. After the announcement is over people start mingling. Most people are only talking to their own pantheons. All of them are too awkward to talk to others first.

Thana was ready to leave as she saw people from different pantheons talking to each other. Now she doesn't have any problems with anyone in camp. She just is not a sociable person. She also doesn't know how to talk to people she does not know. It isn't until Ricardo runs beside her to hide from Xylo. "Hi! Thana!" Ricardo says happily. Thana looks at him and smiles a little. "Hello, Ricarro. Are you enjoying yourself?" Thana asks the young/old boy who is like another brother to her. Ricardo looks at her and smiles more. "Yes, I'm enjoying myself. It's so cool here." He says.

"Are you enjoying yourself Thana?" Ricarro asks the person who he sees as a sister. Thana smiles slightly again and shrugs. "Eh it's ok, I'm not a very sociable person." She explains to Ricarro. "So who all do you know here?" He asks. "Um, I know you, Davis, Nero, Xylo, Lychee, Mario, Kaykrae, Moto-Moto, and Cal. Other than those people I do not know anyone." Thana says listing off everyone she knows. "Well, we can meet people together!" Ricarro says. "Come on dad is probably worried. I kind of ran away and hid." He says as he stops hiding behind a pillar.

Thana looks at Ricarro with confusion. "Dad?" She asks, tilting her head to the side a little. "Oh, I didn't tell you. Well, I call Xylo dad now. Because he is the first person I met on earth. And he tries to take care of me." He says explaining himself a little. Thana nods in understanding. "That's understandable" She says, she nods to where Xylo is. "Let's go then." She says as she begins walking to Xylo. Ricarro quickly follows her. He hops in front of her and hops to where Xylo is standing.

"Hey, Dad!" Ricarro says happily. Thana walks up behind him. Xylo groans softly "Hello Ricarro, Hello Thana." Xylo says. Thana smirks "Hey.... Dad" she says just to mess with Xylo. He looks at her with a glare and her smirk grows at seeing his annoyance. "Why Thana why?" He asks, throwing his head back a little. Thana chuckles gently and shrugs. She looks over at the other people. "Hey Mario" She says. Mario smiles at her "Hello Thana." Xylo looks at them both. "You two know each other?" Xylo asks. Mario looks at Thana.

"Yeah, we met the other day." Thana tells Xylo. " I also heard that you have been talking about me." Thana says, trying to sound mad. Xylo chuckles awkwardly. "Any way have you met anyone else?" Xylo asks. "Uh well aside from everyone I mentioned. I know Cal and Moto-Moto. Moto-Moto is from the Asian pantheon." Thana says and looks to where the Asian pantheon members are standing.

Xylo nods a little and thinks for a second. "Well, let's go meet everyone else." He says as he walks to where everyone else is. He expects Ricarro and Thana to follow him. Ricarro follows Xylo happily. But Thana slips away and goes to a table that looks like it is supposed to be a bar or something. She stays there trying not to interact with people. She is alone until a man with a ponytail walks up to where she is. "Hello, I am Iroh. What is your name?" He says, being very polite.

"Hello Iroh, I'm Thana." She says trying to be polite also. "If you don't mind me asking. What pantheon are you apart of?" He asks. "I'm apart of the Greek pantheon. What about you?" She asks him. "I am apart of the Asian pantheon. Are you having a good time here?" He says trying to keep the conversation going. "Yes, I am. Are you having a good time?" She asks him.

Thana also trying to keep the conversation going as to not seem rude to the nice man. "Yes I am quite enjoying myself here, it is nice meeting so many different people." He says. Thana and Iroh begin having a conversation just to pass time. But their conversation stops when someone walks up to introduce themself. "Hello again Thana, hello sir, my name is Momiji. What is your name." Momiji says.

"Hello, Momiji." She says. "Hello, I am Iroh." The Asian male says. "Hello Iroh, it is wonderful to meet you." Momiji says, giving them both a smile. Iroh and Momiji begin to talk and Thana zones out. Thana climbs up onto a window sill that is above everyone. She leans against the glass and looks outside. She watches the clouds and the birds. There are a couple of blue jays flying around making it look like a beautiful dance. 'What would it be like to be a bird? They seem so free and happy. If I was a bird I would fly away from every bad person in the world.... After shitting on them.' Thana smirks a little at her last thought. 

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