Chapter 1 Page 9 (Rewritten)

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Third Person POV

Thanas eyes open in confusion. She looks around and sees she is on the moon. She stands up and looks around more. "Wha? I-i was on earth." She grows concerned as she starts to hear a voice. No no, it's not just a single voice. Its multiple voices, all the voices are mushing together. She can't understand what they are saying. "Come Back" "Fulfill Your Destiny" Thana can't make out what the voices are saying. She looks around more. Trying to see where the mumbling voices are coming from.

She finally finds where the voices are loudest. She slowly starts walking towards the voices. But the voices start moving away. As if the voices are leading her somewhere. The voices start going away faster. Thana starts running trying to keep up with the voices. The voices disappear and shut up when she reaches the staircase of the castle. It's a tall, big, white and gray castle.

The voices start up again. This time the voices sound as if they're up the castle steps. In the doorway into the castle. Thana takes a deep breath and starts walking up the steps. 'Why and how am I here? I was on earth. I had friends. My brothers finally knew about me.' Thana starts walking faster, wanting to find answers. "Come Back" The voices become louder as she gets closer to the castle entrance. 'What are the voices. Who are the voices' Thana thinks, trying to make sense of everything.

When she steps foot inside the castle the voices stop. But after a minute or so they start up again. Thana looks at where the voices came from and sees a pair of eyes. She is drawn to the eyes and she slowly walks to them. In a blink of an eye, the eyes disappear and there's laughter from down the stairs that go down. She walks to the stairs. Trying to follow the laughter and the voices. She feels as if she is in a trance.

And even if she tried she couldn't get her body to turn around and walk back up the stairs. All she could do is continue to walk down the seemingly never-ending stairs. The stairs keep going down and down. 'Do these stairs ever end? They don't seem like they do. Why can't I stop?' Thana tries to stop walking.

But when she does she gets pulled by an unseen force. She stumbles before she continues walking again. 'Ok so if I try to stop I will be pulled. But pulled by what?' Thana sighs as she tries to look around. All she can see is darkness. There is no light. All of a sudden the eyes appear in front of Thana, making her scream. Then the stairs from under her. She screams more as she falls. When all a sudden she jolts awake in her bed. Sweat drips all over her body as she quickly stops screaming.

She takes a couple of deep breaths trying to soothe the panic attack that's now trying to take over her body and mind. She looks around and sees the eyes from her dream. She quickly covers her mouth to stop the scream from coming out. She blinks and the eyes disappear. But it's too late, the panic attack has already started. She jumps out of bed and quickly goes to the corner of her room. Along the way, she grabs her iPod and headphones. She sits down in the corner of the room and pulls her knees to her chest.

She plugs her headphones in and turns on her iPod. She quickly turns on her music. She holds her knees close to her chest as she starts taking deep breaths. 'In for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, out for eight seconds.' she thinks to remind herself what to do. It takes almost an hour before she finally calms down most of the way. She takes her headphones out and takes another deep breath. She checks the time and sees it's only 2 am. She slowly goes and lays down on her bed. She closes her eyes and slowly falls asleep.

When she wakes up next at 7 am. The dream and the panic attack now at the back of her mind. She slowly gets up and out of bed. She plugs in her iPod to make sure it's charged for the next time she needs to use it. She quickly changes and puts on her mask. She brushes her hair and makes sure everything looks good before she walks out of her cabin. She still feels some of the effects of her panic attack last night. So she decides to take it easy today and just relax. So she walks to the beach and leans against a tree. She takes a deep breath and relaxes looking out at the water. 

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