Chapter 3 Page 14

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Third Person POV

Thana watches as Cal, Xylo, and Inpu all run up to the group of four. They all watch as Momiji changes. And just as Set and Dranus goes to leave. Set stops. "Oh how could i? I almost forgot about you young one." Set says as he turns around walks to the girl. He pulls out a knife laced with a slow-acting poison. "Have fun with your transformation young one." Set says with a laugh. He then disappears. Thana falls to the ground and grabs the handle of the knife. "Thana!" Cal and Xylo both yell as they run to the girl on the ground.

"I'm going to pull it out." Xylo says as he grabs the handle. Thana grabs his hand and looks at Cal. "M-my b-bag. P-pills." Thana says as she looks at the bag. Cal quickly gets into her bag and grabs a pill. He puts it to her lips and she quickly takes it. She then lets go of Xylos hand and nods her head. He pulls it out and the hole quickly closes up. But Thana feels the poison flow through her veins. "Are you okay?" Cal asks. "Just need rest." Thana says, lying to the two boy.

Thana leans against Cal as they try to figure out what happened to Momiji. Cal quickly figures it out and they all split up. Cal goes back to camp and takes Thana back to her cabin. "Are you sure your okay?" Cal asks the girl. "I'm fine." Thana lies. Cal believes her and leaves her alone in her room. "YoUr GoInG tO DIe!" Her aunt's voice says with a laugh. "Yes... I know." Thana says as she slides down her wall. She looks down at her chest and watches as the wound opens back up.

The pills slowing down the poison and the bleeding. But there is no way to save her. But there is something else she can do. Thana gets up and grabs a piece of paper. And she writes a note.

' For whoever finds this

I am not going to survive this injury. No matter what we do. But... There is something i can do so i dont hurt any of you. If i die i will transform into something else. Something not human nor demon. I will not care about any of you. And i will kill you all with no reason. So i am leaving so i can try to make it so i dont harm any of you. I want to says something though if i don't come back to say it myself. Thank you. Thank you all. You have all changed my life for the better. Xylo, Thank you for showing me what a family is. Thank you for teaching me emotions. Mario, Thank you for showing me kindness. Cal... Thank you for showing me what stuff is. Thank you for being here for me. Momiji, You may not care right now. But i know everyone will get you back to normal. So thank you for showing me not all power is bad. I cant fit everything i want to say to all of you on this paper. So, i will write a note for all of you. And once you know i am gone. Only then you can read them. But until then. Just hold on to them. And wait. Thank you all.


She sits the paper on her bed. She then sits down next to her bed and begins to write. She lets her tears fall freely. Her hands shake as she writes notes for all the people she has spoken to at camp. She tells them all thank you. And she tells them all how much she cares about them and appreciates them. After some hours she finishes writing them all. She puts all of them into their own envelopes and puts the respected names on the front. She also writes the words. 'Read after I'm dead on the front under the name. Thana stands up, having to use her bad as support.

The poison making her weaker than she would like. She walks outside and looks at the stormy night sky. She wanders to the entrance of camp. Her walking not quite right. Her hands shaking from the burning of the poison. Her breathing heavy. Hear head dizzy. Her mind spiraling. But she keeps walking. She walks out of camp. She just walks. She doesn't stop until she physically can not walk anymore. After talking almost all night Thana falls. Her legs giving out on her. The poison going through her body quicker than it should.

But having two types of poison in her veins makes her much much weaker. So when she falls she can't get back up. So she calls for help. She calls for Kayda. Her dragon. It doesn't take long for her to show up and get Thana onto her back. Thana lays on Kayda back. Barley moving and breathing heavily. It doesn't take long for them to get to the dragon realm. The place Thana was going to. All the dragons run over to the hurt girl. All of them worried about her. Kur quickly goes to where the girl is. "What happened. Doctors now!" Kur yells for the doctors. Thana gets places on the doctor's table.

But after a few minutes. The doctors only have bad news. All the dragons gather around. Sadness coming off of everyone. "She can not be saved." A doctor says sadly. Some dragons, half-dragons, and humans begin to cry. "I k-know," Thana says through her heavy breathing. She takes off her necklace and hands it to Kur. "Y-you k-know w-what that is." Thana says as she looks at the dragon. "What do you need me to do?" Kur asks. "S-soul... Take.. p-part of i-it. K-keep it in t-there. U-until t-the t-time is r-right."' Thana tells the elder.

"You know this will make a new human? Right?" Kur asks. "I-i k-know. I-it w-will b-be apart o-of me. L-like a d-daughter. I k-know. B-but i-it w-will a-also makes it so I cant f-fully t-transform." Thana says as she looks at Kur. "Okay... Go to sleep. When you wake up it will be done. Then you can go back and say goodbye before you pass." Kur says with their head hung down. Thana smiles and nods her head. "T-thank y-you." Thana says. She then passes out due to all the pain from the poison.

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