Chapter 3 Page 12

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Third Person POV

For the next few days, Thana stays away from everyone. She stays in her room. Not eating and barely drinking anything. The voice of her aunt is too much for the lone girl. She has been hearing everything she has thought her whole life. How she isn't worthy of life. How everyone would be better off without her. And she is beginning to believe the voice. She is beginning to believe her Aunt. She knows she shouldn't. She knows she should talk to someone. But she can't even bring herself to eat let alone leave her cabin. Plus... Maybe her Aunt is right.

If people really did care they would come to check on her. Maybe people don't care. Maybe she isn't important to people. Maybe... Maybe cal doesn't even care. What if everything he said is just lies. What if Xylo doesn't care anymore because she isn't actually his sister. What if she just stays and rots in her cabin. Would anyone notice? Will anyone ever care? These are all questions she has been asking herself for the past four days. And she has yet to find an answer.

She has taken into consideration everything her aunt has said. Thana hasn't been able to sleep since cal left days ago. Her aunt keeps her up at night with taunts and insults. She can tell everything has taken a toll on Thana so she keeps it up. Night and day. All thana hears are taunts, yells, and insults. She has been told more than once that it is her fault her mother is gone. That it's Thanas fault she has never met her own sister. And... Maybe it is her fault. Maybe she is the reason for all of this. Maybe... Maybe she should give up.

Who would miss her? No one would. So Thana throws the bottle of water she has across her room. Not caring if it spills. She doesn't deserve water. Right? Who will care if she leaves this world? Xylo isn't even her brother. Why would he care? Cal? Their just friends with each other. He has many other friends. As much as it pains Thana to admit... He would be fine if she was gone. He would be sad for maybe a week. But he would quickly get over it. He would forget her within a month.

Inpu? They have only talk maybe two times. He wouldn't care. Magnus? They wouldn't care. They have only personally talked once. Bryan? He might be sadder than most. But he would get over it quickly. He does have Inpu there for him. Davis? He isn't there anymore. It's a demon now. So he wouldn't care. Lychee? He wouldn't care. Mario? He may be a little sad. But... He would get over it. Ricarro? He would probably be the saddest. But that is because he gets attached very quickly.

But Ricarro has epopel for him. He would be okay. Momiji? She would be fine. She will help Ricarro. Lee? They have only spoken once. They wouldn't care. Nad? He would be fine. They weren't close. Other than those people. Thana hasn't talked to anyone else. So everyone else at camp will be fine. They won't care. Everyone will be fine. Or so Thana thinks. Just as she goes to let go and let her aunt do whatever she wants to. Someone knocks on her door. Thana looks over with wide eyes. She slowly gets up.

She walks to her door and opens it. Outside is Magnus. "Uh... Hi?' Thana says. "Hey, I was wondering if you're going to go to the Cleopatra ball?" Magnus asks, their tail swaying behind them. "OH. Um, I didn't even know there was another ball." Thana says truthfully. "It's okay. It's tomorrow. I hope you can come. Inpu wants to get to know you more." Magnus says with a tiny smile. "Umm. Yeah. I'll go." Thana says with her own small smile. "Great, ill see you there!" Magnus says as they wave bye and walk away.

Thana waves back at Magnus and shuts her door. Thana takes a deep breath and sighs. She goes to take a step but quickly stops. "What the fuck was I thinking earlier!?" Thana says to herself angrily. She shakes her head and walks to her wardrobe. "I need to think of something else. SO let's find an outfit for tomorrow." Thana says to herself to distract her mind. "Oh cOmE On! YOu wAs sO ClOsE!" Thanas aunt's voice yells at her. "Fuck off! Leave me alone you bitch!" Thana says loudly.

"FiNe! UNtIL tOmMOrRoW." Her Aunt's voice yells at her. Thana sighs as she feels the presence go away. She then turns to her wardrobe. She pulls out a pair of black pants that rips in them. She then grabs a Gold tank top. She grabs a speical jackt sh ehas out. It has gold trimming. She then grabs a forehead crown. She puts them all on her desk so she can wear them the next day. She grabs her normal boots and puts them next to her outfit as well. She then feels her neck and notices she forgot to put something on.

She walks to her bed and moves stuff around. But she can't find it. So thana begins to tear apart her room looking for one little thing. She destroys her room. Her mattress is off of her bed frame. Her pillows and blankets are thrown around her room. Clothes have been thrown out of her wardrobe. She finally sees something shimmer in the corner of her eye. She quickly goes over and moves a shirt. Underneath it is her necklace.

The necklace cal has gotten for her. Thana sighs and grabs it. She quickly puts it on and holds onto it. "How could I think Cal wouldn't care if I was gone?" Thana asks herself as she looks down at the necklace given to her by her best friend. She then makes a silent promise to herself. She will never take off the necklace ever again. She will make sure it stays on until she eventually passes. "He would be sad if I was gone. He wouldn't want me to give up. He would want me to stay as long as I can." Thana says to herself as she looks at the necklace with a small smile. But her smile drops as she looks around her room. "Damn it." She says quietly.

(Authors Note; Ohhhhhh two posts in one day!!!!!!)

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