Chapter 1 Page 5 (Rewritten)

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Third Person POV

Thana walks to the water and sits down on the beach, and leans on a palm tree. 'This place is so beautiful.' Thana sighs and stares at the water. She smiles slightly and relaxes. Her eyes start to close. That is until She hears a couple of sets of footsteps running her way. And someone saying "Hopty skipty" as they all get closer to Thana. She hums a little and focuses on the aura. From what she can tell there are 4 people running to her. She concentrates more to see if she can tell who it is.

'Ricarro, Davis, Nero, and...... I believe Cal. What could they all want?' She snaps out of her thoughts as they all get closer. "Ricarro slow down!" Cal yells at Ricarro. "Chill Cal, Little bro just wants to see Thana" Davis says as he walks in front of Cal. "Thana! Hi!" Ricarro says excitedly when he gets in front of her. She looks up at him. "Hello Ricarro" She says smiling slightly. "Hello Thana" Cal says as he and Davis get to her and Ricarro. Thana gives Cal a small smile. "Hello Cal, Hello Davis" Thana says, snapping Davis out of looking at his reflection in the water. Davis looks at Thana.

"Sup Thana'' Davis says, then turns back to the water to watch his reflection. Nero floats to Thana. "Hello Nero" Thana says. "Good day Thana" Nero says back. Thana looks at Davis then back at Nero and smirks. "Nero you should push davis into the water." Thana says making it so Davis is the only one that doesn't hear her. "I wish I could but I can not touch things" Nero says a little sadly. "Use some of my power energy. You will be able to push him then." Thana says opening up her power energy a little for Nero to use.

"What no. Nero do not push him in." Cal says a little anxious. "It will be ok Cal. Just a small prank." Thana says as Nero takes some of Thanas power energy. Nero floats up and pushes Davis into the water. Everyone starts laughing including Cal. "Good job Nero" Thana says laughing. Davis sits up in the water and wipes his face. "Since when could you touch people!?" Davis asks. They all laugh a little more. "Since i just let her use some of my power energy to touch you." Thana says shrugging as if its nothing. "Wait wait! You can do that!?" Davis asks surprised. Thana nods, "Anyone can. You just have to open your energy and soul. Tho i would suggest not doing it around spirits until you know what you're doing." Thana says as if its an easy thing.

"Why not?" Ricarro asks a little confused. "Spirits just like gods and demigods can be evil. Some spirits will take all your energy until you have none left. If you practice enough and you get good, you can make it so only certain spirits of your choice can use your energy." Thana looks at everyone. Some of them wanting to know more. "I can pick and choose what spirits can use my energy. I can also control how much of it they use. I gave Nero just enough to be solid for a few seconds so they could push Davis into the water. Any questions?" Thana asks at the end of her explanation. Cal raises his hand. Thana nods to him silently telling him to ask his question.

"What exactly is the energy you let Nero use?" He asks. Thana hums a little. "Valid question. The answer is I let Nero use a mix of my Life force, Power energy, and some of my soul power. You never want to only use one power source. If you do you can pass out from exhaustion and if you use to much of you Life force ot soul power you can die from it." Thana says all this like it's nothing. Cal makes a groan of frustration and surprise. "Ok ok. Yet you still let spirits use your energy?!" Cal asks with a small yell of concern. Thana nods "Im not stupid about it. I learned my lesson a long time ago." She says not really caring. Ricarro jumps and looks at her.

"Ooh what happened? I want a story." He says excitedly. Thana chuckles a little and smiles slightly. "Alright everyone sit down. It's story time." She says motioning to the ground. Everyone sits on the ground and Thana leans up against the tree more and relaxes. "I was 10 years old. I was very naive and very very dumb. I was alone and I was reading a book I had found-" Davis cuts Thana off. "Found or stole.'' Davis says, snickering a little. Thana smirks. "Stole from Hades and Persephone's secret library. Anyway, it was a book about spirits."

"I had just finished apart about opening your energy for spirits to use. I was about to read the next chapter. Funny enough it was a chapter on how to tell if a spirit is evil or not. As I began reading the first sentence a spirit ran up to me. He said" Thana changes her voice to one of a mans. "He said 'Please young girl help me. Both me and my wife have been sent to the underworld. But i was killed and she was only banished. Would you be so kind as to let me use some of your energy just to show her that I'm still with her and that I love her.' He..."

"He sounded so sad and i wanted to help. I knew what it was like to be alone so i felt bad for him and his so called wife. So i said yes and had him lead me to where his wife was. There was a women there yes but she.... She didn't seem human. I thought it was just because i was in the underworld. My gut was telling me to turn and run away." She chuckles. "I should have listened to my gut. Next thing i know is im opening up my energy. Both the man and the woman starts taking as much as they can. Both of them laughing and the women telling the man how he had chosen a power full victim this time...... I felt my life draining."

"I fell to the ground and could only stare. I watched as my body turned pale as my spirit was going out of my body... i was close to being dead when i suddenly remembered what I had read in the book. I quickly gained what little control over my body and made it so they couldn't use me anymore. They both got very mad." Thana pauses as she feels everyone's stares. Everyone has fear, sadness, pity, worry, and anger in their souls. She continues "The female was the first to act. Because I had given both of them so much power they were both like humans. They were solid and could do stuff as a human could. The women began kicking my near to lifeless body and yelling at me. The man was off to the side..."

"He seemed scared, for what reason I do not know. I had barely enough power to kill them again. After they were both gone... I passed out. My energy was gone." She pauses remembering how it felt. "Next thing i knew i was waking up. I felt drained and weak for weeks after that. But I still had to fight off monsters to be able to survive. After I got back to my old self I began to practice. I also finished reading the book. But now because i practiced so much i can flip it like a switch. And it doesnt drain me as much now." She ends her story and she looks at everyone.

Ricarro looked mad, and his soul was nothing but anger. "Why did they hurt you!? Your a good person and they was just mean people. Why would they so that?" Hie says angrily but he is also confused and saddened. "Well Ricarro they did it because they wanted power. They wanted to hurt more people. And i may seem good but that doesnt mean im completely good." Thana explains to Ricarro a little. "Uh R-Ricarro. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Even if they don't deserve it" Cal says to Ricarro. Thana nods in agreement with what Cal had said. Ricarro looks saddened.

"Look lil bro she got payback on them in the end didn't she. They're gone and Thana is here now. And it seems like it made her stronger and wiser" Davis says, making Cal and Nero look at him with surprise. "What? Do i got something on my face?" Davis asks, touching his face. "Davis stop saying smart things." Nero tells him. Everyone chuckles a little. 

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