Chapter 3 Page 1

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Chapter 3 Page 1

Third Person POV

Thana grabs her heart. But when she sees Magnus helping Inpu. Thana pushes aside her pain. Thana walks up past her brother. She pats Xylo on the shoulder as she passes him. "How about I help you two." Thana says as she walks up behind the two. "How can you help us?" Inpu asks. "Well i can teleport you two back to you both room." Thana says as she smiles gently at the two. "T-that would be.. Nice." Inpu says in pain.

"Close your eyes." Thana tells the two. They both do so and Thana snaps her fingers. She looks around and can tell it is the siblings room. But Thana can see blood on the cloor and walls. So Thana quickly snaps her fingers making the blood disappear. "We're here." Thana says softly. They both open their eyes and Thana helps Inpu to his bed. "Get some rest you two. Bye." Thana says. She snaps her fiongers and disappear from their room.

Thana looks around and sees she is in her own cabin. Thana sighs and quckly changes. The pain begins to get worse. She feels tears enter her eyes as she bites her tounge to stop herself from screaming. Thana puts her wings away and lays on the floor. "YoU wiLL dIe. yOU wILl TrAnsFoRM." The voice says with a happy laugh. Thana lets tears of pain flow from her half open eyes. Thana feels her life begin to drian slowly. "N-no n.... Not y-yet." Thana chokes out as she begins to crawl towards her nightstand.

She opens the bottom draw and inside is a bunch of glass bottles. "W-wHaT aRE yOu DoInG?!" The voice says angerly. Thana grabs a bottle full of half purple half gold pills. Thana pulls out a pill and trys to take it. "NO!!!" The voice yells loudly. Thanas life forces drain more. Tears fall from her eyes faster as the pain grows. The pill touches her lips. But suddenly she can't control her body anymore. Her hand grows heavy and drops. The pill and the bottle both fall from her hands.

The pill roles across the room and under her desk. And the bottle roles to the middle of the room. "YoU WiLl DiE!" The voice yells. The yell makes it seem like Thanas whole cabin shakes. Thanas eyes drop more as her breathing gets out of control. She can barly move her body. "YOu NeED tO TrANsFOrm! I NeED tO tAKe ConTrOL." The voice yells loudly. Thana shakes her head and makes her body fall over. "N-no...i w-will not let.. You." Thana says between her gasps for air.

She begins to crawl over to the pill bottle. "WHy ArE YoU sO pErsiStAnT!?!" The voice quistions. "No ONe CaREs aBoUT You. No OnE lOvES yOU! nO onE wILL cArE iF You DiE!" The voice yells out. Thana doesnt answer. She just keeps going towards the bottle of pills. Thana doesn't want to waist her energy answering the voice. But Thana feels her heart slowing down more and more. The darkness spreads more and more. She looks down watches as her hair begins to turn white.

"THe TrANSfOrmAtION hAs StARTeD!" The voice yells hapily. Thana groans in pain as she reatchs for the bottle. Her fingertips hit the bottle and it moves a little. "WhY Do yOu KeEP tRYIng? JuST lET gO." The voice says with hate. "F-uck... You." Thana says as she gets the bottle in her hand. "NO fUcK YOu!" The voice yells. Thana tries to open the bottle.

Does she open the bottle? Or does Thana die? How is everyone going to react. Will anyone care? What wil;l poeple say if she dies? What will happen if she survives? Who is the voice? How does Thana have wings when she wants? What pills are the purple and gold pills? How long does Thana have left?

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