Chapter 3 Page 5

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Third Person POV

(Authors Note: This chapter takes place the morning after the Aphrodite's Ball. In case anyone forgot what happened. Thana went to the ball by herself. She wore a dress and heels. She did not wear her mask. And she spent some time with cal. During the ball, the voice came back to her. She helped Magnus, Inpu, and Xylo with the book. But a shadow-type thing went from the book and into Thana. She quickly went home and the voice taunted her. She was about to die and transform into something else. But she had a bottle of pills. It was hard but she finally took a pill. She went back to normal then went to bed. The past three parts have been a flashback. Now on with the story.)

The next morning Thana wakes up in her bed. Sun shines through the windows and she can hear birds chirping. She sits up in bed and puts her hand to her heart. The pain from the night before coming back to her. Thana grabs the bottle from beside her bed. She takes a pill out and swallows it. It takes a few minutes but eventually the pain goes to a dull ache. So Thana stands up at the edge of her bed. Her legs wobbly and shaking. She grabs onto the side of her bed to keep her balance.

Thana walks to her dresser and pulls out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. She then pulls out a white t-shirt. Thana quickly changes. She grabs her combat boots and puts them on. Her feet a little sore from wearing heels the night before. She grabs her leather jacket from her chair. She slowly slips it on. Her body in pain from the near-death experience from the night before. She grabs a satchel and puts it across her body. Thana grabs a bottle of pills and puts them into her bag.

Thana scans her room looking for the last things she needs. She spots her mask and her necklace that Cal gave her both hanging up on a nail in her wall. Thana first grabs the necklace and puts it on. The coldness of the necklace calming her heart. Thana then puts on the mask. Once it is one Thana feels a wave of security and comfort wrap around her body. Thana takes a few deep breaths then opens her cabin door. She walks out and towards the mess hall. She sees a few people walking about.

But none of them talk to Thana. And she does not talk to them either. But they do nod or wave to each other. A sign of friendliness to each other. She walks into the mess hall. She quickly goes to where all the drinks are. She grabs a couple of bottles of water and puts them in her bag with the bottle of pills. Thana then walks over to where the food is. There are only two people in the mess hall. Xylo and Kaykrea. The lady that announces stuff. But Thana pays no attention to either of them.

Instead, she grabs a couple of apples, oranges, and a couple bags of jerky. She organizes her bag and then closes the bag. "Thana, what are you doing?" Xylo asks as he walks over to his little sister. Thana looks around and notices that Kaykrea had left the mess hall. "I'm getting supplies." Thana tells her brother. "Supplies? For what?" Xylo asks. "I have to go. There's something I must do." Thana tells her brother vaguely. "Okay... are you going to be back in time for the beach party?" Xylo asks. "When is the beach party?" Thana asks, confused because this is the first time she has heard of it.

"Brian is throwing a beach party. He told me about it this morning. It is in four days." Xylo tells Thana. She thinks for a moment before she nods her head. "Yeah, I should be back by then. Thanks for telling me. But I have to get going. If anyone asks, just tell them I went on an adventure." Thana tells him. "Okay, I will. Stay safe." Xylo says. Thana nods her head and leaves the mess hall. Thana walks back to her cabin. She pulls a crate from under her bed. Inside is a bunch of weapons. She grabs all the knives and puts them all over her body. Making sure there are a few hidden knives.

Thana takes a deep breath and puts the crate back under her bed. She stands up and then goes to the door. She glances around and nods her head. She knows she won't be back for a few days. She's not even sure she will be back for the beach part. Thana sighs then leaves her room. She walks around camp looking for the entrance. Soon enough she finds it. She opens the door and quickly walks out. She watches as the door closes. Thana starts walking. She will have to return to the underworld. And to do that she must go through the portal that she went through to come to the overworld.

As Thana walks she doesn't take any breaks. She will pull out a bottle of water and take sips from it every now and then. She also opens a pack of jerky. She slowly eats it as she walks. As much as she doesn't like to eat. She knows she must. She has to keep her strength up. Just because she knows she will have to fight stuff in the underworld. So she eats and walks. She gets to the small camp clearing that her, Xylo, Ricarro, and Coluis had visited. But when she gets there. It is around 5 pm. The walk is a long and confusing one. But she has to get to the portal.

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