Chapter 3 Page 2

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Third Person POV

Thana opens the bottle and quickly takes one of the pills. She takes a bunch of deep breaths in hopes of calming down. "nO!" The voice yells with anger. Thana looks at her hair and watches as it goes back to brown. Thanas heart goes back to its normal speed. "WhAT aRE tHOsE pILls?!?!" The voice asks angrily. "There... there made from dragon fire. A gold dragon's fire." Thana says as she calms her breathing. But she still gasps a little to calm down. "nO!" The voice says.

"Now leave. You can't get what you want." Thana says. "I'Ll Be bAcK." The voice says, it then disappears. Thana puts her hand to her chest. The pain is still there but it has dulled quite alot. But now she is alone. She is alone with her own thoughs. 'Does anyone care? Would Cal be sad if i did die. Would Xylo be sad? Would anyone worry about me? Will anyone care enough to notice my pain?' Thana questions herself as she looks at the white floor under her.

She looks at the bottle of pills. 'Golden dragon fire. The fire breath from a golden dragon. The rarest dragon in all of the realms. There are very few in the realms. Many people will confuse yellow dragons with gold dragons. And they do look very similar. But there are some distinct differences. Yellow dragons breath orange fire like other dragons. But Gold dragons breath Purple fire. Gold dragons also have scales made of pure gold. That is why there are very few of them. People have hunted and killed Golden dragons to sell their scales for money.'

Thana stands up but her legs wobble and shake. Thana quickly walks to her bed and lays down. She turns off her lamp and looks up at her ceiling. Her thoughts are full of the memories of when she met one of the few golden dragons. She had met it when she was running. Running from what? You may ask. Running from demons. Thana had stolen books from Hades castle. And he had sent demons after her. Because she got a book that no one was supposed to see. But... Thana wanted answers. Answers to what? Answers to what she was.

She knows she's not a human. She also knows her father is the god of the underworld. But... Thana's mother? She has no idea. But the book. The book might just tell her the truth. But first she has to get away from the guards. The guards who had order from her father. The order was to either capture her and return her to Hades and he will deal with her. Or if she doesn't stop. The guards have permission to kill her. Her own father... He doesn't care about her. All he cared about was keeping his status.

(Authors note: This is just fiction. Hades is actually my favorite greek god. I am just saying this as to give Thana more drama and trama. <3)

So to keep her life and get answers. Thana runs. She runs until her legs are numb and burning. Her lungs are screaming in pain from lack of oxygen. Her arms and torso sting and bleed. Burn marks and deep scratches litter her body. The guards have slashed at her with their weapons. And they have shot fire at her. Seeing as many people in the underworld have some type of power. And the ones with fire powers are Hades best guards. But no matter the pain. Thana keeps running.

But she wants to give up. The pain starts getting too much. And she is running out of ground. Thana can see a cliff up ahead of her. Thana stops right at the edge and almost falls off. But she stops herself just in time. Thana looks back at the guards with fear in her eyes. At this time she has yet to get a mask. And she wishes she did have a mask. The guards smiled and laughed when they saw the fear in her eyes. And to scare Thana more. The guards walk slower. Seeing as there is nowhere for Thana to go.

Thana takes a step back and her heel knocks off some rocks. She would have been fine if there was lava below. But no. It's just rocks and pain. "Come on little girl." One of the guards say as they all laugh. As they go to grab Thana a loud roar can be heard. Thana has never heard anything like it before. But the guards certainly have. Thana turns and sees a flash of something gold flying. Suddenly the thing hovers in the air. "The golden Dragon!" A few of the guards yell out in fear.

Thana locks eyes with the dragon. There eyes matching one another. Purple smoke comes from the dragon's nose as it looks over to the guards. And its eyes land on the hand on Thanas upper arm. A bruise already forming under the hand. The dragons mouth opens slightly and Purple fire begins to bubble out of its mouth. "Let's just kill the girl and go!!" A guard yells out. So in one quick motion. Thana is thrown off the cliff. A scream escapes her throat as she prepares for her death. But suddenly she gets caught.

Two huge talons wrap around Thanas arms. Her breath catches in her throat as she looks up. She sees the dragons head looking upside down at her. "The dragon is going to eat her!!" A guard yells out happily. Thanas eyes fill with fear. She looks into the dragon's eyes. But she doesn't feel any more fear. She feels safe. And calm. So the fear disappears from her eyes. Instead, Thana relaxes. She lets the dragon take her to safety. It is a long flight. Thana checks and makes sure the book is in her bag.

Thana takes a deep breath and relaxes. But before she can fully relax. Thana hears more dragon-like roars. Some sound younger than others. The dragon that has a hold of Thana, sets her down gently onto an opening. The opening is surrounded by hundreds of dragons. Thana stands up on her wobbly legs. Her eyes are full of wonder and exhaustion. "Wow" Thana says quietly as she looks around the large cave type home. A home for all the dragons in the underworld.

"Welcome Demigod." A big golden dragon says from behind Thana. She quickly turns around. "H-hello." Thana says in a soft and tired voice. "What has brought you here to the realm of dragons?" The elder dragon asks. "I-i d-didn't know i was in t-the R-realm of d-dragons. A-a go-golden d-dragon b-brought me h-here." Thana says quietly. "Who brought this demigod here?" The elder asks as they look over to the other golden dragons. Thana looks around some more. There are more dragons than she at first thought.

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