Chapter 2 Page 5 (Rewritten)

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Third Person POV

It doesn't take long for them all to get to the entrance of the cave. "Ooh lava, can I jump in it?" Thana asks as she looks over the edge. "Oh same!" Ricarro says happily. "No no no no!" Cal says to them both, with concern in his voice. And he looks at the two as if they are both crazy. "But lava is nice!" Thana says. And at that moment everyone in the small group realizes how little she truly knows. And how innocent she is and how much she acts like Ricarro. But she never shows it.

"Thana, Ricarro. You two can't jump into the lava." Xylo says. "Buuuut Daaaad/But Xyloooo." RIcarro and Thana both say. "No, if you two jump in the lava then your nice coats will burn." Xylo says, hoping he convinced the two not to jump into the lava. "If" Ricarro says. "Fine, but once we get back here. I am going to jump into the fucking lava." Thana says, already making up her mind. "Ok, fine, just not now." Xylo says, compromising with his sister. Thana smirks "Ight lets get this trip over with. I wanna jump in lava as soon as possible." Thana says as she walks over to the cave entrance.

Cal smiles a little as he watches her walk away. Davis slaps his back as he walks past Cal. Making Cal snap back to reality and making him walk in with everyone. "This is Yggdrasill, The tree of life of the Nordic real. There is said to be a giant snake eating at the bottom of the tree. And there is a giant deer guarding the top of the tree." Nad tells everyone. "So please don't break or disrespect the tree." Nad says, not wanting his realm to be disrespected.

"It is also said that this tree connects all lives. Every tree is connected to this tree. Every plant is connected to this tree. Every realm is connected to this tree. If this tree was to die. It would be cause for everyone and everything. The world as we know it would be gone." Thana tells everyone. Making them all look at her. Thana smiles a tiny bit. It is barrel noticeable. "I have always wanted to visit this tree. I've read so many stories about it." Thana says while looking around.

Even with her mask on Cal could tell there was nothing but happiness and aw in her eyes. "What if i broke the tree?" Ricarro asks as he looks at the giant tree. "No!" Both Nad and Thana yell at the same time. "Nad, lets hurry and get to Nifflehiem. Before any of these idiots hurt the tree." Thana says as she looks towards Nad. He nods and begins to open the portal. "Everyone, be ready for the freezing cold." Xylo says, just wanting to warn everyone some more. Everyone nods and prepares for the cold. Next thing everyone knows they are all on a sheet of ice.

Thana looks around, not liking the cold but trying bare with it. "This place is so pretty!" Thana exclaims with a smile on her face. Everyone begins to talk but Thana ignores them all. Instead she begins to climb up the hill. Trying to get a better look at the place. "Thana!" Cal yells, as he is the first to notice the girl running off. Thana giggles and looks around. Her walls coming down more as she lets her happiness show through. Happy that more of her dreams are comig true.

"I'm doing it. Im doing it, I'm finally having an adventure." Thana says into thin air. But no one hears her. It is as though she had never spoken. No one hears her. None of the boys hear her. They just see her looking off into the distance. With a smile on her face. "Hey Thana!" Davis says getting her attention.

"What?" Thana asks, wanting to know what the blonde haired man-child wants. "Wouldnt it be easier for you to see if you took your mask off?" Davis asks, wanting to see what the girl is hiding behind the mask. "You just want to see whats under the mask dont you?" Thana asks with a knowing smirk. "What noooo." Davis trys to say. "Yes!" Nero, Ricarro, Lychee, and Nad all say. Thana, Cal and Xylo all laugh. "What, dont you two want to know what she looks like?" Ricarro asks. "Ricarro, me and Cal already know what Thana looks like without a mask." Xylo tells the red boi.

"What!/That's not fair!" The other five all yell. Thana just shakes her head and begins to walk away. Wanting to explore the new realm more. She begins to ignore everyone and soon walks off. It takes her a few minutes until she realizes that she has already lost the group. Thana sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "Welp, ill just have to try to find them. But while I try to do that.... I'm going to explore more." Thana says with a smirk. She begins to walk around the realm. Her eyes wide under her mask.

'So much...snow. I hope I got that right. I will have to ask Xylo or Cal once I find them all again.' Thana thinks as she keeps scanning her surroundings. She continues to walk around. Half just enjoying her time. And the other half looking for the group of boys. Her head snaps to the side when she hears a roar. Standing up Thana sees a giant yeti standing up and blowing cold air her way. It begins to stomp towards the small girl. Thana smirks and she pulls out her hidden Katana. "This is gonna be fun. I haven't had a good fight in quite a while." Thana says as she runs to the Yeti. 

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