Chapter 1

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Wassup stranger. The names Ashley Lawson. I'm 17 years old and in my final year of highschool. I'm the captain of the football team (girls)  and I'm a straight A pupil. I'm also the most popular kid in the school and everybody knows who I am and who my parents are. Let's just say, their quite rich in comparrison to other parents in this school.

Jealous yet? Well don't be. I never chose to be who I am now but this is what my parents want and this is what my parents get.

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I'm a lesbian who is very open in school but still in the closet when it comes to my parents.  

I'm currently on my way to a match against another school. At this day and age, I thought it would be easy to find a good song to listen to but I guess not.

Sighing, I looked out the window. Tall buildings started to tower over the old bus that my team was currently in. I never liked the big city but when it comes to the view, its absolutely breathtaking to look at.

Finally, a good song came on. It was Hey soul sister by Train. Man, do these bring back the memories when I was a kid. Everything was so simple back then. No one expected anything from you...

Plugging my earphones in, I let myself drift off, only to be poked by one of the members in our team.

'Come on Ash, we've arrived.' She said smiling. Man, whats up with all the happiness?

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I then gave her a small lopsided smile and mumbled my thanks.

 'Listen up girls and listen up good. This is our one way ticket to make it up to the big games so please focus during the game.' Coach then glanced over to me. ' And I mean it Lawson. No funny buisness on the field.'

I pretended to look really offended making my team go into hysterics. 'Now why would I do that? I'm nothing but an angel.' I said, clasping my hands together. It seemed to piss coach off a tad but she let it slide.

Blowing her whistle, we started our warm ups which was basically passing the ball to eachother. Easy as 1 2 3.

Our team was pretty awesome. It consisted with me, the team captain, my best friend/asshole Sam aka the co captain and many other girls that I couldn't care less about.

The referee blew the whistling signalling the start of the match.

I looked over to the other team, seeing if I can figure our any weaknesses. However, all I saw was people  who couldn't even pass the ball to one another. I sighed. How did they even make it to the team in the first place? Their school must be really desperate for players.

I sighed.

This is going to be a loooong day.

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