Chapter 7

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( Skylar's pov )

* Grumble Grumble *

I poked my stomach, trying to stop it from making those grumbling noises. I knew I was hungry but I couldn't bring myself up to go the cafeteria to get a bite to eat. I was more occupied on what Ashley had said when we were both stuck in the nurse's office.

Did she really mean everything she said?

I was currently in the library, still deciding whether or not if I should go the cafeteria. Of course, my stomach replied so I guess I had to follow it. Placing the book back on the shelf, I made my way to the cafeteria. Hopefully, I won't bump into Meika again or there would be one less person in this school.

People gasped when I entered the room. I guess they noticed my black eye but oh well. I'm fucking starving! 

I finally made my way through the line. After I bought my sandwich, I went to the door, leaning against it. I sighed in content when I took the first bite of this heavenly sandwich. However, I could hear the start of a comotion in the far corner of the hall. 

Squinting, I could make out that is was Ashley and barbie girl who is probably flirting with her again. I sighed sadly. Maybe everything she said was a lie...

'Will you repeat that for me again Meika? And a little slower please.' I heard Ashley said while snarling, her hand clutched tightly around barbie's neck.

What the hell is going on over there?

I saw Meika nodding her head frantically, looking frightened as ever. She then stuttered out something which I couldn't hear but by the way Ash was looking at her, I guess barbie must have said something that really pissed her off.

Ash suddenly threw her on the floor which made me gasp in surprise, almost making me drop my sandwich on the floor. Barbie's little gang then ran up to her. 

'Your lucky that I'm not going to kill you Meika. I told you once and I will tell you again. LEAVE SKYLAR ALONE!!!' Ash roared.

Damn, I've never seen this girl so angry before...

Wait...did she find out about the fight I had with Meika?!?!

My train of though was disrupted when I heard the door slam. Meika and her gang was gone, leaving Ash standing there, still angry as ever. Her eyes scanning the room, looking back at everyone who was witnissing the whole thing. They soon landed on me, making me stare back at her questionly. She seemed to tremble just by me looking at her. There was no longer anger in her eyes but I could see that she was scared. On cue, she ran off leaving the teachers to run off after her.

I quickly followed her, spotting her on her motorcycle without a helmet on. She drove off leaving me to stare off after her. A wave of panic suddenly hit me. What happens if something happens to her?

Making up my mind, I quickly ran after her. Since I didn't have a car, I called up a taxi, starting a wild chase to find Ashley Lawson.

( Ashley's pov )

I'm so lost right now. I have no where to go. No one to turn to. I could ask Sammy but I can't rely on her for everything. I can barely control my own life. There's always someone who takes that freedom away from me. I'm just like a puppet but I don't want to be.

I stopped the engine. I some how found my way at the beach. Atleast there's no one to bother me...for now.

Reaching into my pocket, I took out my phone and earphones out. After placing it into my ear, I quickly chose a song before wondering around the place.

I soon came across a little cliff side. Crawling my way up I stared out at the beautiful scenery that layed before me. The trees around me started to sway in the wind, so freely. I started to do the same, letting myself go and moving around gracefully with the wind blowing in my face.

Is this what freedom felt like?

After that, I layed down on the floor. The sun was setting but I couldn't care less. My favourite song started to play making me smile at the memories behind it. Closing my eyes, I started to sing along, letting my mind drift off back to Skylar.

Hey soul sister,

Ain't that mister mister 

On the radio; stereo

The way you move ain't fair you know..

The thoughts of me and her ever being together made me smile even more. People think she's a tough cookie but every cookie crumbles at some point right? 

The song continued so I continued to sing along.

Hey soul sister, I don't want wanna miss a single thing you do, tonight.

Heeeey, heeey, heeey.

I felt like someone was watching me but I brushed it off. The song had finished but I felt like I was at peace. I felt like I could be myself finally.

'Just one chance to prove to you Sky...just one.' I whispered, staring at the fluffy clouds above.

'Your wish is granted Ash.' A soft voice said behind me.

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