Chapter 27

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( Ashley's pov )

'She's getting married did you say?' I asked all of them again, just to make sure. Was I even there when she proposed?

'Yes Ash, you heard us...and she asked us to play at the wedding aswell...' Joel mumbled out, his eyes looking at everything in the room but me. I felt my heart tighten a bit. I felt like I was going to faint. 'Oh..' was all I could say. I mean, I really couldn't think of anything. I've been waiting for her for three years and when I see her again, she's already with another girl and she's soon to be married to her aswell. 

'Wait..did I even say yes to this?' I asked them. It was Ryan's turn to talk to me and he just gave me an apologetic smile. I gave one in return but it just made the pain in my heart worsen. 'Yes...right before you fainted.' he said, grabbing onto my hand and giving it a tight squeeze. 

I felt like that's exactly what I did. I let it all out, gripping onto the white sheets tightly. All of my boys went up to me, embracing me into the tightest hug. You might see them as cheeky little players but to be honest, once you get to know them, they are complete teddy bears that are always there to listen to you...or protect you as well. 

'Hey..hey...everything will be ok...' Adam said, trying to comfort me. I sighed, taking deep breaths. 'No its not Adam...' I replied back sadly, looking down at her bracelet. I traced the wing, wishing that it would some how help me. 

The doors suddenly burst open, revealing a very flustered Blake family. All of them held worry in their eyes and I found that comforting. They all ran up to me, crying. 'ASH!!! OH MY GOD!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!' they shouted all screaming at once. 

I only smiled. 'Guys...I'm fine...I just passed out that's all....'

Sammy smiled sadly at me. She walked towards me and sat down on the seat next to my bed. Gently holding onto my hand, she started to trace patterns on it. 'We know that's not true..your not hurt on the outside but,' she poked my chest gently, 'your hurting in there.'

I looked up, my dad and my mum giving me small smiles. I looked back at Sammy who just continued to quietly stare at me. 'How did y-you know?' I croaked out. 

'Because..first love is always the hardest..' my mum said gently. Dad nodded his head, wrapping an arm around mum's waist. 'But remember, there's always that chance Ash.' he said encouragingly. I raised an eyebrow at his. 

'What chance? Last time I check..I swear I lost all of those chances when I was little.' I joked, not really caring if it was funny or not. All of them let out a low chuckle. 

'Well Ash, don't forget we're performing.' Adam piped in. I groaned, mentally slapping my head. 

'Don't remind me..' I muttered out, 'I can't believe I even agreed to do that in the first place...'

'Yeah Ash but their wedding isn't until 2 months.' Joel said happily, joining into the conversation. 


'You heard us Ash. Their wedding isn't until the 17 June.' Joel handed me a piece of paper. They were right. It was exactly 2 months before the wedding but how is this a chance?

I guess Sammy noticed my confused look since she grabbed the paper out of my hand. Her eyes quickly scanned through it, a smile forming on her lips. She looked up at me again, her eyes holding amusement. 'Ash, 2 months is more than enough time to persuade her not to marry this girl.'


'No buts Ash.' she said, scolding me. 'Stop dreaming about what you would do. Start doing it.'

( Skylar's pov )


That's all I felt.

No, I felt abused, hurt, mislead and most of all stupid. 

Just so fucking stupid. 

Mckenzie's punishment just hurt me both emotionally and physically. After she was done, she only gave me a smile and 'I love you' before leaving the room, abandoning me. Who the fuck does she think she is? She  asks me to marry her, I say yes but I only get the experience of rape as a present. 

A few hours later, she came back, freeing me from my metal chains. I didn't have the energy to fight back anymore. I was just too tired.

'Babe, here I brought you a glass of water..' I heard her voice say. I trembled slightly before turning to face her. She held out the cup out for me and I grabbed it shakily. 'I love you.' she said again. 

What a fucking lie...

I just stared at her. I started to feel all these mixed emotions towards her. I guess I should have replied back quicker since she suddenly grabbed me by the chin, pulling my face closer to hers.

'Don't you love me back?' she spat out. I nodded my head quickly.

'I love you..' I mumbled quietly. This instantly brought a smile to her face. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before making her way towards the door. 'Get some fresh air..' she said, her mood changing quickly. 'And just remember, I will be keeping an eye on you. IF you tell anyone about this, I will do it to you again but this will be even more painful.' Her cold eyes stared at mine. 

Goddammit...I'm in hell.

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