The wedding

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( Ashley's pov )

I really hate it when I'm nervous. I start sweating, my hands get shakey and I just can't control my emotions! Its just crazy!!

And, because of Ryan's stupid need to look perfect for a wedding that he's not even part of, we are running late. What's worse is that we are stuck in traffic.

I shot him another death glare, making him shudder. The other guys snickered around him and I smirked triumphantly. I looked out the window again and felt a warm hand gently wrap around my right hand which was shaking beyond belief. I glanced up to Sam and gave her a small smile; she gave me a wink in return which made me chuckle. I'm so glad to have someone like her in my life. She always stood by my side, through thick and thin. She was basically like my back bone when I needed it the most. I'm honoured to even call her my sister now, not only my best friend.

On my other hand, I gently held the box tighter. Random scenarios were starting to play in my head. Some good but more of them bad.

What happens if I get rejected?

Will that be the end of everything we shared together?

( Skylar's pov )

"Skylar Brown," I said out loud. I paced around the room before stopping at the huge mirror towering above me. "Skylar Brown," I repeated again.

Does that sound right at all?

"Skylar Brown," I huffed out, clutching onto my big puffy dress. This damn thing felt like I was stuck in a huge marshmallow and I was definately not enjoying it. I attempted to sit down on this really comfortable looking chair a minute ago but I could barely move, let alone bend over. I let out a huge sigh and stared at myself through the mirror. Then, a thought came into my head.

"Skylar Rose Lawson," I said out loud. It instantly brought a smile to my face and I couldn't help but say it again. "Skylar Lawson. Mrs Lawson." It felt comfortable when I said it. I didn't feel any discomfort compared to me saying Kenzie's surname.

Knock Knock.

"Come in!" I yelled out, a smile still on my lips. The person slowly made their way into the room. Looking at the mirror, I saw that it was my uncle/dad. He was in a traditional black suit with a white button up shirt and black tie.

"Are you part of the MIB dad?" I joked. He gave me a small chuckle and walked behind me.

"No sweetie. I had to retire so I could take care of all of you munchkins," he said with a serious expression on his face. I laughed even harder soon making him to laugh along with me. "But anyways sweetie, are you ready?" He lifted his hand up and gently put my wedding crown thingy back into place. I held a breath but nodded.

Nope, I'm not ready.

"Just...just take your time sweetie....don't rush," my uncle advised me. I linked my arm with him and grabbed for the bunch of flowers on the table.

I took a deep breath before nodding my head to him. He nodded his back and slowly opened the door that would lead to my soon becoming wife.

( Ashley's pov )

'Stop with the shaking Ash!" Ryan whispered/yelled at me. I shot him one of my death glares and then sighed.

"How the hell do expect me to react Ry? I'm crashing my first love's wedding. Of course I would be freaking out!" I argued back.

"Stop it guys. Skylar will be entering that door sooner or later and she sure as hell doesn't want to see the both of you fighting in her wedding," Joel argued.

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