Chapter 15

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( Skylar's pov )

Man, Ash really is something. You never expect a person who is labeled as a player in our school to have such a romantic side in her.

We were both staring out into the sunset, the soft winds blowing in our faces. It was so calm and peaceful here, no wonder why Ash called it her 'Secret Eden'. Well...not so secret anymore but you get my point. Her slightly muscular arms snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to her. I could faintly smell her perfume and hear her humming again to an unfamiliar tune. I snuggled up closer to her. Everything was perfect.

Ring Ring Ring

We both sighed deepyly. This peaceful moment was interrupeted again. I was so tempted to ignore the call but Ash told me otherwise. 'It could be important Sky..' she persuaded me. Rolling my eyes, I went to pick up my phone. Ash walked off, giving me a bit of privacy.

'Hey whats up?' I didn't bother checking the caller, oh well.

'Are you Skylar Rose Adams?' the shaky voice spoke through the phone.

'Yes and who may you be?' I glanced down at my phone screen, noticing the call was being called from my dad's phone. 

'I am one of the doctor's who are currently taking care of your dad right now.'

I gasped, tears already starting to form in my eyes. 'W-w-what happened to him?' I managed to stutter out. I saw Ash look at me with concern but I brushed it off. What happened to my dad??

'Your dad has attempted suicide Miss Adams. Your neighbours later called, noticing the door was left open and that he was on the floor with blood seeping out from him.' I clutched on my phone even tighter. He attempted suicide? But why?!?! 'He has been unconcious for a few hours now and-'

'Where is he now?!?! What is the name of the hospital?!?!?' I screamed at the phone, not caring if Ash was still here. 'I need to see him now!!!!'

'Yes Miss Adams. He's currently in room 24c in Wood Green Hospital. We will be awaiting for your arrival then but now, I have to get back to your father.'

'Ok but anything you can.....he's all I got left.....' I sobbed out.

'I will do my best...' the voice said.

( Ashley's pov )

Everything was perfect. I got to kiss my crush, I was able to take her out on a special date and I just had the chance to fall even more in love with her. But, I think the lord was testing me since everything that was perfect seemed to crumble down into another horrid nightmare.

I gave a bit of privacy to Sky when she got the phone call but I couldn't help but steal a few glances from her. Her expression turned to the look of frustration to utter shock. I continued to stare at her face, her eyes holding so many emotions. She was crying but I didn't know why. I walked up to her, about to ask her whats wrong but she immediately turned to me, eyes already bloodshot, saying 'Take me to the hospital now Ash. Don't ask, just please. I need to get there.'

I grabbed her hand, both of us running towards my motorcycle. I placed my helmet on her, making sure that she was safely strapped in. If she ever got hurt, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

'Whats the hospital called Sky?' I asked, placing my gloves on.

'Wood Green hospital. Ash, please. I don't have much time, he might a-already be g-g-gone....'

I decided not to waste any more time or question any further. Starting up the engine, I quickly drove off to the hospital.

( Skylar's pov )

Ash wasted no time to get to the hospital. When she stopped her motorcycle, I quickly ran to the front desk, ignoring the protests of Ash to slow me down. I frantically tried to get the attention of the lady at the front, but all she gave me was hand to shush me. My dad was in hospital for god's sake and all this lady is doing is talking on the phone?!?! I lunged at her, grabbing onto the collar of her shirt. 'NOW LISTEN TO ME YOU FUCKTARD, MY DAD IS IN HOSPITAL AND ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS TALKING TO THIS BITCH OVER THE PHONE!!!!' I screamed at her.

'SKY!!! LET HER GO!!' Ash screamed at me, trying to pry my hands off her shirt. I continued to ignore her.

'Now listen to me fucktard, you are going to show me personally where my dad is. They told me over the phone that he is in room 24c, now SHOW ME!!!' I roared at her. She frantically nodded her hand, walking off quickly. Me and Ash quickly followed her, not risking to waste any more time. 

Fucktard suddenly stopped at a big white door. She gingerly pointed at it, stuttering slightly. 'Your dad is in there.....and I'm sorry for my rudeness....' I quickly dismissed her and opened the door. I just stood their shell shocked. All the doctors seemed to surround him, all shouting for different things. One was frantically pumping my father's chest.


The monitor of my dad started to beep faster. They got a difibrliator, desperatly shocking him back to life. 'CHANGE THE VOLTAGE TO 300!!'

'Sky, c'mon. We need to leave them be.' Ash said quietly. I turned to face her, tears already dropping down onto the cold white tile floor. 

'Ash, I already lost my mother. I can't lose my father now!!!' 

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