Chapter 21

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* 3 years later!!! *

( Skylar's pov )

'Kenzie!!! Stop hiding from me!!!' I screamed out playfully. Arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to them. They started to kiss along my neck making me move to the side to allow them more access. 'Right here babe..' I heard my girlfriend's voice mumble through my skin. She bit down, probably leaving another mark, making me moan. 'And I'm not leaving..' she said, trailing kisses from my neck to my jawline. 

'Thats know...' I panted out.  Her hands started to trail down but I had to stop her. It didn't feel right. Gently grasping onto her shoulders, I pushed her away slightly. 'No babe..' I said, shaking my head, 'I'm not ready...'  She sighed, moving away from me. I felt bad that I kept pushing her away but something told me...I'm not ready...or she's not the right person... 

'Why babe?? Why do you always push me away when its about to get good?' she asked me sadly. I didn't know what to say to I had to continue lying...

'Lets listen to the radio babe...' I said to her, avoiding her question completely. She sighed, nodding her head before turning on the radio.

'And this is a brand new song from LAWSON, roads.' the man from the radio announced. I loved this band. Their songs always reminded me of Ash and the lead singer of the group had this amazing voice. It was a couincidence that my favourite band and the person I love...used to love had the same name. 'But before we play their song, as a special guest star is the LAWSON band here themselves!!!' 

I sat down, listening carefully to the radio. Kenzie sat beside me, drinking her cup of coffee, obviously still disappointed that she didn't get any. 'And here is the lead singer of LAWSON herself. However, remember folks, her name still remains a mystery!!' I jumped excitedly in my seat, causing Kenzie to stare at me strangely but I just gave her a smile. 

'Hello miss Lawson.' the man greeted happily. 'How are you doing today?'

'I am doing great,' the lead singer, aka my band crushie, replied back. 'How about you?'

'I am doing absolutly fine Miss Lawson but is there any chance that you will finally reveal your name to us? A lot of us our dying to know.' Man, he gets straight to the point doesn't he?  

' sorry Jett but the lucky winners of this competition that I'm starting may allow someone and their friend to know my name, my true identity.' she announced, kinda happily. My hands gripped tightly to the chair. Competiton? 

I guess Kenzie got bored listening to the radio since she walked off, holding her phone, leaving me in the kitchen by myself. 'Competition you say?'

'Yeah. A competition. The 10th caller who calls on this show will win tickets to not only my next concert but will also joining me before and after it.' 

'Well you heard it here first people. 10th caller will win tickets to LAWSON!!' The man screamed out.  I almost jumped out my seat in joy. I reached out to call the number. 

'Hello. You are the 11th caller.' I instantly shut my phone. I sighed, holding onto my phone. I really wanted to meet the band..

'Hey babe?' Kenzie called out to me from the other room. I huffed out in diappointment but walked to her. 'Yeah babe?' I replied, still said. 

'Guess what?' she asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes. My mood changed so quickly so I didn't really want to play games with her.

'What?' I asked in a bored tone. Her eyebrows knitted together. 'Well..since your in such a bitchy mood, I was gonna say that I won tickets for that competition...' she spat back. I gasped out in shock before flinging my arms around her, hugging her tightly. 'THANK YOU THANK YOU BABE!!' I screamed out, showering her with kisses. She smiled at me, returning my hug.

'Your welcome babe.'

( Ashley's pov )

'So how was the radio interview Ash?' Sammy asked me when I entered the house. I've been living with her family for the past three years and those years have been the best..apart from Sky leaving... 

'It was great. A lot of people called but you know there can only be one winner.' I said to her smiling. 'Me and the band will have to meet up later though so can you tell mum and dad I might not be able to join you guys for dinner like I promised?' She nodded her head understanding. 

Ever since my last goodbye to Sky, I decided to change. The Blake taught me how to express myself and I found it easier to show it through music. I never realized I was good at music...I just guess my original parents were holding me back from what I could really do...

~ flashback ~

I grabbed my electric acoustic guitar, strumming some random chords.

'Hey Ashley.' my dad (well Sammy's dad but he let me call him that) called from behind me. It was rough for me but this family pulled me through. 'Hey dad.' I replied happily, still trying to find the right chords.

He looked over my shoulder, noticing all the discarded pieces of paper in my room. He raised an eyebrow at this. 'Writing your songs again Ashley?' he asked, smirking. I smiled back, nodding. ' know me...' I replied back.  

I finally played a chord that sounded right so I quickly wrote it down in my lyric book. 'May I see what you've made so far Ash?' he asked hesitantly. I haven't really shown many people this book, Sammy's seen it but her sneaky ass was just being too nosey. 

'Yeah s-sure...' I stammered out while I kept strumming on the guitar. 

A few minutes later, he placed the book down before patting me on the head. 'Your songs Ash...' he started off, 'they are amazing...' he breathed out in awe. I smiled greatfully at him. 'But..they sound like your describing moments with a special someone. Am I anywhere close?' 

I gently placed my guitar down before looking at him. 'Yes dad...someone very special to me...' I answered quickly. 

He nodded his head, probably understanding that it was a very touchy subject for me so he let it slide. 'Just promise me you'll play for us after dinner? I would love to hear some of these songs.' 

'Sure dad.' He headed towards the door, his hand gently gripping onto the handle. He stopped.

'Your talented Ash. I think its time to show people what you can really do.' 

~ end of flashback ~

'How about your job Sammy? And Jake your boyfriend?' I asked her, my heart slightly clenching together.  

'It going great.' she answered back quickly, yawning. I smirked, knowing something probably happened before she came back to the house. She noticed my smug face and quickly blush. 'I'm not tired by what your thinking of Ash. Get rid of those dirty minds will you?' she said. 


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