Chapter 22

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( Ashley's pov )

'So what exactly are we going to do when the lucky winner's get here, huh Ash?' Ryan, my bass guitar player and also a close friend of mine, asked, wiping his guitar with care. I almost laughed at how he treated his guitar like it was a delicate piece of equipment or something. Well technically it was but that was besides my point. 'I dunno. Let them ask their questions, take pictures with them, give tours and all that.' I replied back, fixing the beanie on my head. 

>>>>> pic of Ash on the side. Don't ask too many questions about it. Just googled for a picture of a girl with a beanie. It popped up with this and I just chose it. Besides, the girl kinda shows how Ash can be playful and laid back at the same time xD >>>>>>>

'Ah...thats the Ash we all know and love,' Joel  sarcastically replied back from behind me. He was the lead guitarist of Lawson but don't let his good looks decieve you. He's actually quite cheeky and not one girl has been able to tame him. Then, there was Adam. My drummer boy. He's quite a serious guy most of the time but he's actually a hopeless romantic. Especially when he's around with his girlfriend. Ah...the guys whipped...

'Hey guys, what happens if that girl happens to be the one!!!' Ryan gasped out, making the other two idiots chuckle. 'Oh puh-lease. Our girl here is a player..' Joel argued back. wrong they were. My heart already belongs to someone...they just don't know it....well maybe Adam does but its only because he's in love and he just happened to see me crying that time when I wrote that particular song....

'ASH!!! YOU THERE!!!' a deep voice said, almost shouting. There hands started to wave frantically infront of my face. I pushed them away, shaking my head. I've been doing that lately. Letting my thoughts drift off...

'LAWSON!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!' they screamed again. Ooops, I did it again.

'Huh, sorry guys. Just got lost in though I guess.' I muttered out. They looked at me understanding but Adam just gave me a small appolegetic smile. I guess he knew my mind drifted back to Skylar again. 'Thats alright but...just don't do that when our guests arrive ok?' Joel asked me, worry etched in his voice. I smiled. These guys were like the brothers I never had. Always looking out for me.

( Skylar's pov )

'I still can't believe I'm going to see Lawson!! Thank you so much babe!!!' I screamed at Kenzie again. I was so greatful that I had someone like her in my life. She gave me a kiss on the head. 'You are welcome babe. I would do anything for you if your willing to do the same for me.' she said. I nodded my head, still grinning like an idiot. 

I quickly exited her car, already jumping up and down infront of the stadium where the concert would be held at. Kenzie walked over to my side, holding onto my hand. We both started to walk towards the entrance. 

'Tickets please?' the officer said kindly, smiling at both of us. I gave him a smile in return but Kenzie just growled at me. He seemed to shudder at my girlfriend's sudden behaviour. 'T-the band is on the fourth floor. J-just take the elevator and your right over there.' he stammered out, pointing to the direction we were supposed to go to. Kenzie just shrugged him off, pulling me with her. 

When we were a good distance away from the officer, I pulled on her hand making her stop. 'What was that for Kenzie?' I asked her. She didn't need to be rude..

She rolled eyes, pulling her hand away from mine. 'He was staring at you Babe...I don't like it when people stare at you like your a piece of meat.' she replied simply, putting as arm around my waist. 'Your mine.' I shivered at that. I never saw this side of her and to be honest, it kind of scared me...

'C'mon, lets meet your favourite band!!!' Kenzie said, her mood suddenly changing. I shrugged my shoulders. Its better to have her happy than grumpy. 

We walked to the elevator, pressing the number 4 button. My excitement suddeny returned, making me jump up and down again. 

2nd floor

3rd floor

4th floor


'Oh my god Kenzie!! I can't believe we're about to meet Lawson!!' I screamed out, clutching onto her arm. 

'Neither am I.' she replied back, smiling.

The elevator door pulled apart, revealing a fairly sized recording room.  I stepped out, trying to take all of it in. All the members, apart from the lead singer, of Lawson were playing on each of their instruments, some humming along to the familiar tunes that I have fallen in love with. I walked closer to them, pulling Kenzie along with me who just had a smirk plastered onto her face. One of the members, Joel walked up to both of us, finally noticing our presence. 'Oh you must be the lucky winners of our contests!!' he said, greeting us warmly with a hug for me and a handshake for Kenize. I nodded my head. 'Well come on. Sit with us. Our 'leader' will be here soon. She needed a potty break. ' Joel joked, making the room erupt with giggles and chuckles.

Once we finally took our seats, I was finally able to get a good look at all of the band members. All of them were cute but I also noticed that Adam was looking at me strangely. Almost observing me. I smiled at him which he returned happily but it seemed almost forced or distant. Whats up with him?

A few minutes rolled by and the main singer of Lawson hasn't arrived yet. I started to get worried. Did I do something wrong? Did I scare her off? Kenzie just sat beside me, with a bored look while playing with her phone. The guys just kept looking at eachother, worry in their eyes. I could hear them quietly talk amongst eachother. 

'Maybe we should check on her? See if shes ok?'

'No give her space. I think she's just getting ready.'

'You know how girls are like. Take their time and that...'

The sound of a door creaking caught our attention. All of us faced towards that direction and surely enough, there she was. Miss Lawson herself. She was shaking her head and sighing at the same time. All of the guys suddenly lunged at her, mostly likely telling her off playfully. Thats when Ryan suddenly pulled her away from the guys' muscular grasps, dragging her infront of us. I stood up, waiting to finaly meet her face to face. He guided her closer to me and it seemed as if the world had stopped around me. 

When she finally stood infront of me, I had to crane my head upwards since she was quite tall. Looking up, I stared at these entrancing carribean blue eyes. It was kinda the same shade and colour of Ash's...


Isn't that?...

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