Chapter 12

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( Skylar's pov )

Everything seemed to be spinning around me. I was inches away from my mother's hand when that voice caused me to turn away. Ashley Lawson..will she ever change?

'What are you doing here Lawson?!?!' I spat out at her, still angry.

'I came here to appologize Sky. I'm sorry.'

'No your not.'

She walked up to me. 'Yes I am and I mean it.'

Quiet sniffles began to fill the heavy tension in the air. I looked over to my dad noticing that he was crying even harder this time. I quickly glanced over to my mother's hand, the hand that was only inches from mine was now on the bed, lifeless. I slowly looked at my mother's face. Her eyes were shut, her mouth partly open. She was gone....

No...this can't be happening...

I never got to hear what she wanted to say.....

I fell on my knees, unable to hold myself together. She was gone. I was too late.

'Oh my god..Sky....I'm so sorry...'

No..this was her fault! She made me miss my mother's last goodbye... 'SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BASTARD. LOOK WHAT YOU DONE!!!' I screamed at her. I started to repeatedly punch her chest, letting all my anger out. Instead, she just hugged me tightly. 

'Sky..shhh..' She whispered in my ear. I stopped fighting. I couldn't do it anymore. Dad was on the floor. He seemed liked a lost man. I was too but her soft voice brought me back to reality. 'Sky, look at me.' I didn't want to though. I was still angry and hurt...

She carefully lifted my chin up with her soft, warm hands, making tingles go down my body. My eyes slowly made its way to her own. Ash looked at me and I could tell she was sincerly sorry for everything and I couldn't help but forgive her. 'Sky..your a strong beautiful girl. I think thats what your mum wants you to know before me being the dick head interrupted.' Her face seemed to crumble at the thought but it wasn't her fault.... I just have to accept the facts. Her arms fell by her sides. I kept looking at her and all I saw was hurt and frustration. 'I-I'm so sorry Sky...this is all my fault...y-you didn't get the chance to say......I-Its all my f-f-fault....' Her voice trembled, her knuckles turning white. Before I knew it, she started to run but I could also hear her grunting in pain. She was hurt not just emotionally but physically.... 

I looked over to my dad, who had now stopped crying and was gently carassing my mother's face. I walked over to him, giving him a small hug. He looked at me with a small smile but his eyes held sadness. 'We can get throught this together dad. Just you and me.' 

'You and me princess, up against the world.' 

( Ashley's pov )

 'So...hows everything with Skylar?' Sammy asked me, leaning against her car. I pushed past her, still clutching onto my dislocated shoulder. I sighed. I forgot to see the doctor... 

'Hey Ash? You still here?' Sammy asked, waving her hands in my face. I pushed them away, attempting to keep the tears that were about to fall. I guess Sammy noticed since she brushed my tears away before giving me a hug. 'What happened in there Ash? I thought you followed the doctor?'

'Well..I kinda spotted Skylar in a room and...'

~ flashback ~

Man, this doctor's voice is so boring to listen to..I'm about to fall asleep....

'But then I told my wife, it wasn't my fault that I was in the middle of an operation. Can you believe it? She blamed me for not having enough time for our anniversary. Women...' He said, blabbering on. I rolled my eyes. Men more like..

We seemed to be walking in every direction. I don't think the doctor even knows where he is going anymore since he keeps talking about all his problems with his wife. I sighed, looking around the hall, spotting a door that was slightly ajar. I knew I shouldn't be peeking but something told me to go in.

I quickly crepted towards that door, my so called doctor walking off in another direction. I peeked in, noticing a samiliar face. I smiled, knowing that it was Skylar. I guess this was my chance to appologize to her...

Opening the door, I made my way inside. Gently closing the door behind me, I called out to her. 'Hey Sky...I just want to say sorry.' 

Biggest mistake of my fucking life!

I was a fool not to notice her crying. I was an idiot for not questioning myself why she was in the hospital but I found my answer. She was here because of her mother. The monitor stopped beeping. Everything in the room seemed to have paused.

I looked at her tear stained face, my heart crumbling at the sight. Her mother was gone...I interrupted them because of my selfishness....

~ end of flashback ~

'Oh...' Sammy said, her hand gently rubbing mine. 

'Yeah...I'm such a dick...' I complained to her, 'I don't know why but something just made me go in there...'

She patted my cheek gently. 'C'mon...we'll come back to this later. Besides, we still need to fix that broken shoulder of yours.'

 I guess she was right...

~ At home ~

'Your mother and father are currently waiting for your arrival in the living room Miss Lawson.' Alfred the butler says. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I just nodded in response. Before I even stepped foot in the damn house, my father walked in, noticing me at the front door. 

'Your mother and I will be waiting in the living room. Don't keep us waiting.', he scowled.

I looked away from him, noticing Alfred giving me an apologetic look. I shook my head before making my way towards the living room.

'Take a seat.' My mother said in a monotone voice.

I took my time, hoping that the floor would just eat me up right at that moment or I was atleast somewhere far away from them but of course, that never happened.

'You broke your shoulder?', my dad said through clenched teeth.

I nodded. Wait a I didn't!

'No! Annie shoved me which caused me to fall and-' I rambled on only to be interrupted, once again by my dad.

'Your point being?'

I was shocked. Was there any point to this? Did they even care that my shoulder was fucking broken?!?!


' there isn't Ashley. What is wrong with you. This only shows us that you are week...emotionally and physically.'

'Do you even care that my shoulder is broken?' I spat out, pointing at my now bandaged shoulder.

No reply. I huffed out.

Of course they don't...

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