Chapter 2

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(Ashley's pov)

That game was just a waste of my time. It had ended in a matter of minutes. They couldn't even pass the damn thing or shoot at the right goal but who am I to complain. Atleast we made it through to the next match. Besides, I didn't have any doubts. We were one of the fastest, most skillful teams in the country.

'Well done girls.' Our coach congratulated us. All the girls in my team started cheering. Psch, we just won our first match. There's more coming up and hopefully it would be harder than this loser team we just played. Coach held her hand up, silencing all of the chatter.

'However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't train our hardest for the next matches to come.' She stated in a matter of fact.

Everyone groaned but she was right. It was no time to mess around.

'I want everyone to work hard but also keep your grades in tact. If you don't follow these rules, it may lead you to be kicked off the team. Only the team captain and I will choose if this happens or not. Got it?' She said with all seriousness in her voice. We all nodded our heads. I guess no one wanted to get kicked off the team.

The referee jogged over to us, clutching onto our winning trophie. I smiled at this. Another trophie for my collection. 'Here's your trophie and congratulations for winning the match.' He said, giving us a lopsided grin. 'Thank you sir.' Coach replied back.

She took it from his hands and turned towards me. 'I believe this is yours Ash?' She was proud of me and everyone else. I was too. 'Thanks coach. We won't fail you.'

'Anyways, well done again. Your dismissed. Go home and get plenty of rest. Practise will start again tommorow second period. Don't be late.'

We all stood up, slowly making our way to our parents who were waiting for us in the car park. The shouts of the coach from the other team echoed throughout the whole of the football pitch. Boy was she mad as hell. Everything about her screamed that all hell was about to break loose. Luckily for us, we won the match so ha.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah!!

'PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!!!!' I said, screaming at the top of my lungs. Everyone pumped their fists in the air, celbrating our first victory match of the season.

One of my team mates walked up beside me. What was her name again? Alex? Angie? April? Oh yeah, Amy.

'So I heard that your hosting a party tonight.' She said smiling. Looking at her, she was covered in a sheet of sweat. Man was that gross but what can I say? I'm covered with sweat aswell. 'Hell yeah!' I answered back. I was to pumped up for the party to even care about anything else.

She chuckled. 'What time is it at?'

'Around 7 and the party is all night long so you can crash wherever you fall.' I said smirking at her. 'Awesome, I'll meet you there.' She said winking.

I shook my head. Typical girls. Always flirting with me.

I finally reached the car park where I saw all the players in my team being congratulated by their parents. I felt a twinge of jealousy by the sight of this. My parents were never here to see me but I didn't care anymore, well at least I didn't.

I saw Sam leaning across my motorcyle. She had asked her parents to bring it along since she knew my parents wouldn't come to see. Atleast I knew I always had her to count on. 'Hey Ash. My parents brought it like they promised.' 

'Thanks Sammy. For everything.' I said giving her my genuine smile.

'Always here. Don't worry.' She handed me my gloves and helmet. Her parents made her way over to us, their arms linking with each other, constantly smling at each other like they never stopped loving each other or never will stop loving them. I wanted parents like that but my parents were the complete opposite of this.

'Well done baby girl and well done to you Ash. Your skills never fail to impress me.' Her dad spoke prouldy to me as if I was his own daughter aswell. 

'Well thank you sir but please focus on your own daughter..' I didn't want them to focus all their attention on me but Sam thought otherwise. 'Your part of our family ok? Always welcome. You are an honary Blake.' Her parents laughed along at this. I started to laugh along too.

'Anyways, I think its time for us to head home. Besides, Sam, I think you have to get ready for a party tonight right?' Mrs Blake said with a smile graced upon her face. Sammy's face lit up and nodded her head uncontrollably. 'Oh yeah. C'mon lets go! See you in a bit Ash.' She gave me a wave and walked off with her parents.

Sighing, I put on my gloves and helmet. Mounting onto my bike, I drove off. Hopefully my parents won't cuss me out when I come home.

~ back at home ~

Back at home, I was greeted by my butler, Alfred. 'Welcome home Miss Lawson. Your parents are home and are awaiting for your arrival at the dinner table.' He stated in his deep accent. 'Thanks Alfred. Tell them I will be arriving shortly. I just need to freshen up a bit.'

'Alright miss.' He said, bowing his head slightly. I sighed. I don't want this type of treatment. I don't want to be stuck up either. Making my way upstairs, I trodded to the bathroom in my bedroom. Yes, I have my own bathroom in my bedroom.

Stripping out of my clothes, I took a well deserved shower. After that, I tied my hair up in a messy ponytail while putting on my underwear and a large, plain white T-shirt. I then made my way downstairs, hearing the voices of my parents in the kitchen. When I got there, they both faced me with their faces holding no expression whatsoever.

I made my way to my located seat and began eating.

'How was the match Ashley?' My dad said, perring through his glasses. My mother was sat beside him, typing away on her phone.

I swallowed before replying. 'Yeah, it was good. We won.'

'Well, what was the coach saying when she mentioned you not being in the practises before the match?' 

Damn...I've been caught.


'Maybe we should cancel the party tonight. I don't think you deserve one anymore after you failed to go to your practises.' My mother said mockingly.

No, the team needs this. Hell I need this. We worked hard for all of this.

'Yes, I agree with your mother...' My father said. They always agree with eachother. This isn't really a surprise to me. I could never win against these two but I should atleast try right?

'OK..I'm sorry father and mother for disobeying you and disappointing you. It won't happen again. I promise.' I said, mumbling.

'Alrighty then.' My father said nodding in approval. He then continued. 'Anyways, your mother and I are meeting up for a special partnership that will help us expand our growing buisness.' He stated proudly.

The sound of the taxi horn then echoed through the window kitchen. I guess thats their cue to leave me alone in the house; again.

'Well, bye Ashley and remember what we said.' My mother said, giving a stern look. I looked away.

'Bye..' and with that, they closed the door. They left me again making the house have the empty feeling that I have learned to live with. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Might aswell get ready for the party.

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