Lead up to the wedding.

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(Ashley's pov)

"Dudes! What the fuck do you think you guys are wearing?!?!" I gaped at all of them and also laughing my head off in the process. My boys were currently standing in the room, wearing Prince like outfits (like the ones you see on Disney movies) and I was also surprised at how goofy they all looked. Even goofier than they usually are even when they are their 'normal' selves. They only smirked back at me and nudged one another.

Joel stepped out first. "Hello queen Ashley. I am Prince Charming and I am honoured to be standing at your presence," he said winking at me. "Your beautiful presence I must add." I rolled my eyes and gave him a courtesy and in return, he gave me a bow.

Joel stood back in line while Ryan stepped forward, holding out a single red rose to me. He immediately gave me a bow and a quick kiss on the hand. I snickered. " I am guessing you are the beast from beauty and the beast?" I asked him. He gave a small smile and just let out a huff of air when they guys started to laugh at him. "They took all the other good roles. I ended up being stuck with the beast," Ryan complained to me.

"Hey, at least one day you will be able to turn into a handsome prince," I suggested. Ryan instantly smiled only for it to be replaced with a confused look.

"Wait....does that mean I will have to wait for the right girl in order for me to be handsome?" he questioned me. I nodded triumphantly. "God dammit..." I heard him mutter under his breath.

Next up was....wait...who the heck is he?

"And you are?"

"Bobs your uncle!" The guy chuckled.

"Adam? The fuck man! Your supposed to be prince Eric!" Joel screamed at him. I would be laughing my ass of right now but I definitely knew that this guy was NOT Adam.

Suddenly, the sound of the toilet flushing was heard and we all turned around. There was Adam, in his prince Eric costume of course, walking out the toilet while having a look of relief on his face. I quickly turned back to the mystery guy and raised a brow at him.

"Who the heck are you?" I questioned.

"Bobs your uncle!" The guy repeated again cheerfully. I mentally slapped myself but have him one of the sweetest, fake smiles I could ever muster.

"Alright then 'uncle'. Care to tell me who you really are?"

The guy gave me a smile and slowly started pealing off his face. All of us started screaming at once, expecting the most horrible face ever known to man to be behind that mask.

No wait!

It was even more hideous than I thought it would have been!

Gosh! The ugliness is burning my eyes!!!

"Sup guys!" Sammy casually greeted all of us, flipping her hair. I shielded my eyes and screamed bloody murder.


"Ash! It's just me!" Sammy tried to reassure me. I continued to shield my eyes while she tried to pry them off of my face.

"No! The ugliness! It's already taking effect on me!!!" I yelled out. I heard the boys chuckle in the background and sammy huff out in response.

"What did I miss?" I heard Adam whisper to the other guys. "Not much prince Eric. You were late for your arrival!" Joel joked back.

"Yeah, I know but when a man's gotta pee, he's gotta pee," Adam stated.

"You got a point there," Ryan said, obviously agreeing.

Sammy then proceeded to flick me on my forehead when I finally took my hands away from my face.

"You're such a bitch," she muttered underneath her breath. I giggle and draped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm you're bitch," I said to her. She shook her head and proceeded to shake we shoulders. "You are Skylar's bitch. I have mine." she stated in a matter of factly. I gave her a bright smile and nodded my head vigorously.

"Anyways quick question.....how the hell did you get our voice to become so deep like that? And the mask? Wow!" I exclaimed. She grinned and held out a bag.

"I know people. They can do wonders!"

I smirked in response. "So....are you any one of the princes?" I cheekily smiled at her. She shook her head but placed a black box in my hand. I gave her a questioning look but held it gently in my hand. Something was telling me that what's inside this box was priceless. "What's this Sam?"

She shook her head. "Just open it."

So I did; slowly but surely, I finally opened the black box. I gasped in awe as it started to twinkle in my hand. I quickly glanced back at Sam and shook my head, attempting to put the box back in her hands. "I-I can't Sammy..."

"Yes. Yes you can," she replied back, shoving the black box back into my hands. She gave me a smile and put her hand on my free hand, gently guiding it on top of the black box. "Dad said, no he wanted, and mum, to give this to you. He said, and I quote," she chuckles slightly, " I have never seen a girl go through so many things in her life that she shouldn't have. She is so strong in so many ways and she is protective." Sammy paused, looking down at the floor then back at me. "That ring you are now holding in your hands ash, is not only a present from our family to you but it is something to remind you that you ARE part of this family, you deserve love no matter if it's from family, friends and Skylar. Everyone can see how goofy you act like with her but it's rare to find that much love in just one person's eyes when they look at a person who they love and cherish so dearly." I started to tear up but quickly rubbed the tears away with the back of my hand. "Ash. We love you." She said, pulling me into a tight hug. They guys then did the same and we ended up hugging for more than a few minutes.

"So....so does that mean?" I asked her when we finally pulled away from each other. She nodded, giving me a watery smile. "You've been waiting long enough Ash. Get your head out your ass and get your romance on!"

Damn...what happened to the affectionate Sam a minute ago?

I shook my head, chuckling. "I guess I'm ready as I'll ever be," I whispered to myself. I looked up at all of them, giving them my famous smirk. "C'mon then! Not only are we going to sing our hearts out today, but, it's time for me to crash this wedding." I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket and smirked evilly.

"Ooo, pay back can hit you hard on the back McKenzie..."

(Skylar's pov)

I sighed at what seems the fifth time today. There were only 4 hours left until the wedding starts and I have to say, I'm nervous. But not the nervous feeling people get before weddings, I'm nervous because I started questioning myself.

Am I actually making the right decision?

Do I really love her more than my first love?

I sighed once again and leaned my head into the cold glass of the window. I felt a soft poke on my shoulder and quickly turned to see my little cousin, well sister now, giving me cheeky toothless grin.

"Hey there," she smiled sweetly.

"Hi," I replied back, giving her a smile in return. She then poked me gain, her smile disappearing from her face and was replaced with a slight frown.

"You don't look too happy Skylar? Aren't you happy?" She questioned me.

And there's another question for me to ask myself. Am I happy?

"Yeah..yeah! I'm happy.." I stuttered out. She was far too young to understand what I'm going through at the moment. People might think I had corrupted her mind if I told we the truth...

We finally reached out destination and I couldn't help but feel more scared than I already was. Everything was just happening too quickly for my liking.

I slowly stepped out of car, taking in my surroundings. The place was beautiful and it seemed to appear more beautiful every time the sun reflected it's golden rays on the white building.

I looked over to my uncle who gently linked his arm with mine. He gave me a small smile and together, me and my family made our way inside.

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