Chapter 18

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( Skylar's pov )

I looked at my father. He looked pale and lifeless just like how my mother looked like when she was on her bed. The sound of his monitor that told me his pulse kept beeping and beeping. His chest slowly heaving up, before going back down. 

Its been 2 weeks already. Two weeks since I last heard my dad's voice and Ash's. I have to admitt, I miss both of them. They were like the two people who were able to keep me holding up for so long but now, I fear I'm losing both of them because of my arrogance. 

'Miss Adams, there is another visitor here who has come to see your father.' a nurse said from behind me. I waved it off, not bothering to reply. 'He says that he is the brother of your father,' she continued on, saying each word slowly as if it takes that long for these simple words to process in my head. 

I sighed, nodding. 'Ah..uncle...I haven't seen him for ages.' I replied back in a monotone voice. I think people now have decided I've turned into a robot or zombie. I barely show any emotion anymore. I'm just too tired. Too stressed. 

'I will allow him through miss.' she said, slowly making her way out of the door. 

A few minutes later, the door creak open, making my head snap towards its direction. Their stood my uncle, in his smart uniform. Uncle looked like an exact replica of my father except he had forest green eyes while my father had the blue ones. He made his way towards me, his polished shoes making a tap tap sound every step he took. 'Skylar? My dear?' his deep voice asked, trying to sound soft but I could hear the sound of authority edged in his voice. 

'Yes uncle?' I said, looking up at him. His jaw dropped open. He quickly kneeled beside me, cupping my face. I let a few tears fall down but I was too tired to even cry out the pain. 'My dear niece.....' he whispered softly, pulling me close to his chest. I'm still the same Skylar Adams...just thinner...maybe a bit paler.....more dark circles.....

'Why are all these bad things happening to me uncle? Have I done bad?' I asked him, but my face was hiding in his shirt so it probably sounded like muffled noices. However, my uncle was able to hear every word I said clearly. 'You have done nothing dear. This is just life...' he said. I guess he was trying to choose his words carefully. 

'But life is taking everyone I love away from me.' I argued back, pulling away from his grasp. He sighed, looking towards dad. 'Not everything Sky. You still have me, your aunties, cousins. Everyone in the Adams family so don't ever think your lonely Sky.' 

'I-I-I'm pushing everyone away uncle. I feel like I'm losing the people that I'm starting to know, to lo-' I immediatly paused. Was I about to say love? Was I really falling for Ashley Lawson? 

Uncle looked at me, waiting for me to continue but I shook my head. 'Friends is what I meant..' I stuttered out.  

( Ashley's pov )

'Two fucking weeks Sammy!! Two!!' I shouted at her, showing two fingers. 'I miss her I feeling like this?' I stammered out. Sammy looked at me appolegetically. 

'Because love hurts Ash but you just have to wait for the right moment to come..' she replied back, gently grasping my hand. She started to trace small patterns, calming my nerves down a little. 

The world, everything that I seem to do was lifeless. 

' hurts to know that she's hurting too..hell! I don't even care about school, my parents anymore!! All I want is her here with me.' I screamed out, kicking one of the balls which scored perfectly in the goal. 

'Still have an accurate kick don't ya captain?' an annoying, bitchy voice said behind me. 

I clenched my teeth together before turning around. Sammy immediatly stood infront of me, holding me back from attack this bitch. 'What do you want Annie?' Sammy asked calmly even though she too was now shaking with anger. 

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