Chapter 17

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( Skylar's pov )

'So what your saying to me is that I can't live on my own? C'mon!! I'm almost 17!!' I said through gritted teeth through the phone. 'Yes but I cannot allow that Miss Adams. We have gotten information that your dad is currently in a come so we need someone to look after you for the time being.' The woman said, attempting to calm me down. 

I know that I'm kinda bi-polar and all but all these sudden news and adjustments made are not really nescary to me. I am able to protect myself. I am my own woman. 'Miss Adams. We are only trying to protect you. Your father would protect you everyday but now thats he's in the just need....another one for a while..' A man said softly. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Everything seemed so frustrating now, I could barely hold myself together. 'Fine, all I ask of you is to find a family who is not spoilt brats ok?' I pleaded them. The last thing I need was to be stuck with a family who expected everything to be perfect. 'Alright miss, we will do the best that we can. Sorry for any troubles or inconvinience we have caused you.'

'Eh..its fine.' I mumbled out through the phone. I quickly ended the call, not wanting to hear anything else. I looked back over to my phone, debating whether or not to call my girlfriend. It was weird hearing that coming out of my lips but it always brought a smile to my face. 

Not wasting anymore time, I dialed her number. 

No answer.

I dial again, yet there was no answer. 

Where are you Ash?

( Ashley's pov )

I walked over to my secret eden, feeling the wind blow upon my face. Practise was definately fucked up. I wasn't allowed to play because of my stupid broken arm and worst of all, Sammy wasn't here so that meant the bastard of a girl, Annie, took place as team captain for the day.

~ flashback ~

'Okay....since Blake is off sick today and my team captain is currently unavailable at the moment..' coach started off, making me roll my eyes, 'that means I will appoint Smith for the team captain just for today.' My mouth fell open. Wasn't Ann the reason why I couldn't play? Why am I being punished for something I didn't do?!?! 

'But coach!!!' I protested. She only shook her head. 'I said for a day Lawson. I'm sure you can survive just one day?' I huffed out. Nope.....deifinately won't survive.. 

I took a quick glance to Annie. She stood there with her arms crossed, smirking evily at me. She then proceeded to mouth out, 'I'm the team captain'. I gritted my teeth together, trying to hold back all the rage building through my body. 

'Hey coach?' I shouted after her.

'Yeah Lawson?'

'Is it ok if I can lead the practise today? I want to at least participate in something?' I asked her sweetly but on the inside, I just wanted to to show Annie who's the boss of this team. Coach beamed happily at me, probably happy that I've stopped moaning and complaining about not playing. 'Very well. Your back to team captain Lawson.' she said with a smile. I gave her a lopsided grin in return. Handing me the whistle, I quickly blew into it to catch everyone's attention. 

'LISTEN UP ALL OF YOU!!! I will be leading the practise today, despite my broken arm.' I shouted loudly, looking at all of them one by one. My eyes soon landed on Annie's. Now she was glaring dagger at me but I ignored it. 'Got that?' I asked, but the question was really pointed towards Annie. She started to clench her hands into tight fists making me smile even wider. 'Ok then. Now thats over and done with, ran around the lap three times. I will tell you the next exercise after you completed that.' All of them quickly nodded their heads and made their way to thr track. Annie, not listening to a word that I said, stomped over to me, growling menacingly.

'YOU!!! she spat out.

'Oh me?' I replied sarcastically.

'I was team captain!!!' she roared at me, getting closer to my face. I smirked back, winking at her. 

'Let me underline the word was, ok? YOU are no longer team captain for the day so stop moaning and get on the bloody track or I will make you do more laps than everyone else!!!' I said through gritted teeth. She was plucking on my nerves and I don't like my nerves to be plucked, espicially by some bitch like her...

'Fine,' she said huffing out. She then proceeded to lean closer to my face, making her way to my left ear, 'but just remember Lawson. I know whats going on between you and Skylar Adams. It can only take seconds to ruin someones reputation so don't make me do that to you.' she said, smiling in victory. 

I bit down on my tongue.

Fucking bitch...

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