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| chapter four | i haven't stopped thinking

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| chapter four |
i haven't stopped thinking..
« there's no touch or feeling, pleasure or pain, anything like the way you're running through my veins »

Seated in the cafeteria with her two fiendish friends, Hyewon was in a reverie. Her mind pondered about a certain someone, his face and voice were like broken records playing over and over in her mind.

She gazed at him from across the cafeteria as he conversed with his kind. Their white wings and delicate aura stood out among the grey aura of humans and the dark aura of demons.

Renjun could feel the demon's eyes burning holes into his back. His hands reached to his neck, suddenly becoming conscious of the bruises that had remained even after a week.

His friend didn't let him hear the end of it. He scolded him even if he just simply peeked at her and constantly reminded him of the consequences if he ever were to become acquainted with a demon.

He knew the angel was right, but something at the back of his mind itched. He had an urge to look at her, and be near her. It was wrong but the temptation drove him crazy.

"Have there been cases of angels falling for demons?" Renjun asked. The other angel turned his head to him instantly.

"Don't do it, Renjun. It won't end well," Jeno spoke, his voice stern. Renjun scoffed, "I'm not doing anything."

Jeno raised an eyebrow, "But you're tempted to. That's what demons do, they lure you in. They are heartless and cruel, as fast as you fall for them, they will tear you apart. She is no different than the others just because she helped you out once."

"This isn't even about me. I'm not stupid," he shook his head, shrugging off his friend's warning. "And you didn't even answer my question."

"There have been cases of fools falling for creatures like them," Jeno said. "And they regretted it in an instant." He snapped his fingers. "Still want to fall in love with one?"

"I told you this isn't about me. I was just curious." Renjun was lying. It was in his nature to always tell the truth but the lies slipped past his lips so easily. "I'm going to the library." He told him before grabbing his tray and walking away.

Hyewon watched as he left. Without a word to her friends, she got up following after him. She kept a short distance not wanting to scare him away.

But the angel was well aware of her presence.

Renjun led them into the library and from there, he made his way into the farthest and most secluded bookshelf.

A smug smirk played on Hyewon's lips, realizing his intentions. She didn't feel the need to stay quiet anymore so she walked up to him.

"You aren't so much of a saint, Renjun," she taunted, causing his shoulders to tense. "I mean you were well aware of me following you, and yet you led us all the way here. Why?"

"I only wanted to read," Renjun picked out a random book from the shelf. Hyewon watched with an amused grin as he flipped through the pages.

"Hm, I don't believe you." With her middle and forefinger, she titled his head up so that his eyes met her own.

Renjun didn't look away, instead, he admired every aspect of her face. Only now he realized how gorgeous she was, with ebony hair, dark eyes, light freckles that spread over her button nose, and plump, cherry lips.

A low chuckle slipped her lips as she noticed how his eyes lingered on her lips. At the sound, Renjun met her eyes again, a tight-lipped smile on his face.

Hyewon loved to see him that way, flustered with a light blush on the delicacy of his skin, so she continued teasing him.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you, Jun."

It was silent for a few seconds as Renjun processed her words and stumbled upon his own. Her flirty actions and blunt attitude should not be as shocking to him given her nature. But she never failed to leave him bewildered and breathless.

He wanted to make her feel the same way, he wanted her cheeks tainted pink and her eyes to waver in surprise. So with the little courage he could muster, he spoke,

"Neither have I, Hyewon."

ugh! just kiss already 😩

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ugh! just kiss already 😩

NEVER NOT • H.RENJUNWhere stories live. Discover now