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| chapter twenty-three |you look so beautiful

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| chapter twenty-three |
you look so beautiful...
« you've begun to feel like home »

Hyewon woke up in Renjun's arms once again. To her, the warmth of his arms was better than any place in the world. She had been staying over at his place for two weeks now and had no intention of leaving. She didn't feel the need to. After all, she already had everything she ever wanted and more by his side.

"Morning." Renjun was already awake. He brushed the hair that fell over her face behind her ear and pecked her lips. She smiled up at him, delighted by the endearing action.

"Were you watching me sleep, creep?" Hyewon asked teasingly. She still wasn't used to having him bedside her. Someone so kind and gentle. Someone so perfect. It still stunned her that he would ever lay eyes on someone like her. She wasn't insecure about herself, just cautious. They were playing with fire and she wanted to make sure that he was certain about her and risking his life even, if things ever went to that extent.

"Hm, I was." He confided. "I just couldn't help it. You look so beautiful while you sleep." 

"How about when I'm awake?" She squinted her eyes at him.

"No comment." Renjun grinned, he had become more playful with her. They were almost entirely comfortable and confident around each other. The angel was confident in being himself with her while the demon was still hesitant to show her all to him. Nonethe- less, she showed him more than others could ever see.

"I hate you." She smiled as she said those words. He returned a wider smile, "I love you."

The lovebirds were interrupted by a quiet knock on the door followed by Jeno's voice. "Hyewon, someone's at the door for you."

Hyewon looked at Renjun in confusion. Who would look for her? Who would know where she was staying?

Without a word, she got out of bed and slipped on her shoes. Renjun took ahold of her wrist before she could leave the room. His expression was one of worry.

"It's probably nothing. Just stay here, I'll be back," Hyewon assured him before placing a kiss on his lips.

The demon put on her most confident face and walked out of the room. She looked at Jeno who had the same worried expression on his face. It didn't help her nerves.

She opened the door and almost immediately let out a low sigh of relief as she saw the two people in front of her. Jaemin and Yoon.

"Hey." She greeted them as she stepped out of the place and closed the door behind her. "What are you guys doing here?"

Their looks weren't the happiest which made her believe that the relieved breath she sighed was for nothing and that they, in fact, had bad news.

She was right.

Yoon forced a smile at her as he began. "We have something to tell you." Hyewon nodded trying to get him to say whatever they had to say faster. "What? What is it?"

"It's Hani."

Of course.

"She did something bad."

"Spill it already!" Hyewon urged.

Instead of letting Yoon finish, Jaemin spoke up, straight to the point, "She ratted you out to the God above and now both of you are in danger. Him, especially."

Hyewon felt everything around her stop. Even her heart almost stopped beating for a second. She felt the way it dropped to the pit of her stomach only to start palpitating as violently as ever in her chest. A feeling of dread weighed her down.

"Wh—" The demon struggled to even speak as she continued to process his words. She thought of any reason why Hani would do such a thing. Sure, their relationship wasn't the best. But to basically kill her. Because that is what it is, she is killing her. Getting rid of her. She wasn't doing it herself but the Gods certainly will, one way or another. "Where is she?"

"What will you do?" Yoon asked. He looked into Hyewon's eyes and only saw resentment and anger behind the dark hues.

"I don't know and I don't care." Hyewon shrugged. "Just tell me where she is? If not, I'll look for her and I will find her."

"We don't know either," Jaemin said. "She disappeared after she told us about it. We're thinking she went back to Hell or she is working with the Gods above."

Hyewon felt hopeless. "What am I supposed to do now? I can't– there's nothing I can do. They will come for us."

"We'll help you, Hye," Jaemin assured her, he placed his hand over hers and pulled her into a hug. "You are not alone."

It was the very first time, they'd seen her in such distress. She had red eyes and her breathing was ragged. The two boys felt sorry. They felt like cowards unable to do anything to help their friend.

She pulled away from the hug and stood up straight. Determined. "I'd prefer it if no one else knew. Not even Renjun. I need to fix this on my own."

i haven't updated in a while 🥲but how are we feeling about the story so far ??

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i haven't updated in a while 🥲
but how are we feeling about the story so far ??

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