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| chapter fifteen | i came here looking for you

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| chapter fifteen |
i came here looking for you..
« for your eyes only, i'll show you my heart »
mentions of suicide!!

"Is Renjun here?" Hyewon asked, hoping Jeno would put the bad blood between angels and demons aside and let her see him.

The angel simply stared at her in disbelief and utter judgment. When he decided to speak, his words came out harsher than he had intended. "You don't belong here, or anywhere near Renjun," Jeno told her. "I don't know what your plan is nor do I want to know but what I do know is that I won't let you hurt him. You can take your wicked game elsewhere. It's best if you just leave him alone."

The demon remained silent. She couldn't even argue with him because, in a way, he was right. Hyewon didn't belong with him, and one way or another, she would hurt him– even if she never meant to.

"I'm not trying to hurt him," Hyewon found her voice again, "We're friends. And sure, I will leave him alone but only when he gets tired of me. Until then, I'll stick with him like glue."

"Hyewon!" Renjun exclaimed as he appeared with a wide smile on his face. "What are you doing here?"

Hyewon softened her glare as she met the angel's gaze.

"I couldn't sleep so I came here..looking for you," she told him. She hated the way she needed him to feel at ease. It felt to her as if he was truly her guardian angel.

"Wanna come in?" He offered. Jeno scoffed as he grabbed his coat and left the dorm without another word. He was clearly displeased by the demon's presence and the angel's welcoming.

Hyewon watched as he left, leaving a bitter feeling in her chest. If Renjun had treated her the way Jeno does— the way he should have the first time they met, how would she be dealing all alone?

Before him, she was fine on her own. She never felt the need to smile, or think first before her otherwise impulsive actions. But now that she knew he existed and was beside her, even when he was not present physically, she couldn't help but want to rely on him. She smiled way more and had the urge to live the life she couldn't as a human. Then, she was brought back to reality, and she knew they were impossible.

"Don't worry about him," Renjun told her, snapping her out of her trance. She looked back at the angel in front of her and nodded. He led the way into his room as Hyewon took in every detail.

"Jeno will warm up to you someday," He assured her as he sat on his bed, "I hope."

"It's okay, Jun," Hyewon smiled as she joined him, sitting on the edge of his bed, "He's not the first angel to hate me, if anything all angels do, except for a certain odd one."

The angel chuckled, knowing that the odd one was himself. "All demons seem to despise me as well except for a certain creepy one," he narrowed his eyes at her playfully.

The demon rolled her eyes as a small smile painted her lips. "I never said I stopped hating you. You're just.." she paused to think about the correct word to use, "..tolerable."

"Yeah sure," Renjun leaned his head back onto the headboard glancing at her side profile. "What brought you here at this time anyway?" He asked.

"Oh, I told you. I couldn't sleep," Hyewon cut the explanation short hoping he'd believe her and not ask further. But, of course, the curious angel could only speculate more.

"Did you have a bad dream?" He guessed while gazing at her expression.

Hyewon remained silent for a while before nodding her head. "Well, I wouldn't say it was a dream more like a horrid memory," she explained and he nodded.

"Was it about your past life?" Renjun asked. The demon nodded. Although, his curiosity lingered, he suppressed himself from asking more questions. He was unsure if she'd feel comfortable sharing such personal information with him.

"I guess the night at the party triggered my memory, and now all I can dream of at night is everything that led me to my final moments," Hyewon continued with a bitter smile. "I committed the worst and most unforgivable sin. I killed myself."

Renjun never turned to look at someone so fast. He felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach and his eyes softened.

"But at the time, I was in so much pain and I was angry at everyone and everything that it seemed like the only solution. I didn't think of the consequences, I just wanted an escape. From all the pain, my thoughts...everything," The demon confided and the angel listened.

"For just five minutes, even just five seconds, I just wanted to be at peace. And I did get a break, but a terminal one. And I regret it. The moment I hit the surface, I imagined my Mom, and my little sister. I was so selfish."

Hyewon started aggressively wiping the tears that wet her cheeks. Renjun took ahold of her hands and placed them on his lap. With his other hand, he gently wiped her tears away.

Hearing her story made his heart ache and tears threatened to spill from his eyes at any instant. But he stifled the tears to be there for her. So instead of speaking, he pulled her into a hug, his arms wrapped around her body gently.

The demon rested her head on his shoulder as he rubbed her back tenderly. She closed her eyes heaving a soft sigh. Although she was never one to talk about her feelings, she easily confided in him.

She had found peace in his loving arms. She trusted him with her past..and with her heart.

you are not alone!national suicide prevention hotline800 - 273 - 8255i am here for you, i will listen and be there for you whenever and if you ever need me

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you are not alone!
national suicide prevention hotline
800 - 273 - 8255
i am here for you, i will listen and be
there for you whenever and if you
ever need me.

NEVER NOT • H.RENJUNWhere stories live. Discover now