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| chapter nineteen | you must be delusional

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| chapter nineteen |
you must be delusional..
« how could a heart like yours
ever love a heart like mine »

Hyewon sat alone, her feet dangling from the ledge of the rooftop. The angel had disappeared. She hadn't seen him ever since that night at his house– almost three weeks ago. And quite frankly, she wasn't coping well. Not knowing where he was frustrated her. It drove her crazy.

When she was without him, she didn't know what to do with herself. She hated the silence. She was just getting used to not pushing people away, yet he was doing it to her now.

And she undeniably hated the feeling of hopelessness his absence gave her.

"Hey, Hye," The demon instantly recognized the vampire's voice. He sat beside her, extending his arm over her shoulders.

"Why do you still call me that?" Hyewon shrugged his arm off. "I told you I hate it."

"But, you are my Hye," Jaemin flashed a sly smirk. "What else would I call you?"

"I don't know maybe call me by my name as everyone else does," She rolled her eyes at him, and he took full offense.

"Alright, Hyewon," The vampire enunciated her real name in long syllables to pester her further, "You've changed, and no offense but I don't really like this version of you."

"Okay." Hyewon wasn't at all offended. She knew she had changed. She found little to no interest in her previous "hobbies" that were all about inflicting pain on weaker people. It was fun then— when she was still angry at the universe. But now, she had other things to care about rather than torturing people.

Jaemin sighed, "Why aren't you with the Angel? What's his name..Reonjeon?"

"Renjun," she corrected.

"Whatever, you're always with him."

"I'm not always with him."

"Please, Hye, you literally never hang out with us anymore," He spoke matter-of-factly. "Not that I'm mad or anything. It is just surprising to see you with an angel of all existing entities. I would have thought you were more of a vampire lover. Remember when you liked me." He teased.

Hyewon didn't respond, she simply sighed in response. Jaemin, noticing her blank expression, knew something was wrong.

"You know you can tell me anything, Hye," The usually vicious vampire uttered in a softer tone.

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