The Game

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Mom dropped Charlie and I off at the ice rink earlier then we needed to because I wanted to help him with his goals. Our first game with a new coach and it had to be against the Hawks. The team that all of us hated with a passion because even if we were losing by a mile, they cheated. For me however, it wasn't as bad, because there was the blonde haired, blue eyed boy.

The only reason I actually liked to play the Hawks was to watch him play. It was honestly how I learn most of my moves, observing their team. I mean we still kind of hated each other but not as much as everyone else. And I'm honestly not sure why.

Charlie and I were practicing when we heard the door open to the stands. Charlie kept going btu I looked up and saw Coach Rielly staring at as with a horrible smirk on his face. He was also there early so he could scope out the competition, even if we weren't that much of a challenge to his team.

I took a deep breathe and tried not to seem intimidated by him. I skated over to Charlie and stole the puck from under his stick and he just stared at me.
"C'mon Charlie, you gotta actually try to get the puck back. I might wanna win another game this season." I chuckle at him while skating backwards and waiting for him to follow.

He just gave me a look that seemed like he's annoyed with me but I know he loves me. I mean he has to, I am his sister after all. I kept skating away until he finally tried to come back and get the puck. 

I smiled and skated away from Charlie with the puck going left and right between my stick. Charlie quickly catching up to me but as everyone knows, Charlie's nickname is Spazzway. There was no way he was gonna make it to the other net, not without falling over.

And as I had suspected, halfway to the net Charlie tripped over his own feet and fell. I stopped and turned back to him. I sighed, went over to him, quickly helped him up and we skated over to the box. 

The stadium was filling up slowly and as it did I watched as the Hawks box started to fill up with players. Our own did as well but we didn't look half as tough as them, we didn't even have uniforms. I took a deep breathe as I looked over and saw the blonde boy walking in towards the box. 

He looked at me, gave me a small smile and I quickly returned it but not before Charlie noticed. 
"Oh Maddi c'mon you can't be making friends with the enemy. Not to mention the best player on their team." I chuckled and pushed him so he sat down on the bench.

"Oh I'm sorry Spazzway, I didn't mean to make you upset. Just 'cause I'm the best Conway." I say and smiled at him. We both started to laugh and people started to stare but we didn't care. It was in our nature to just be ourselves. 

"Oh will you please shut it!?" We heard someone yell from over in the Hawks box. We looked over and saw some tall and kinda chunky kid staring daggers at us. I simply just stared back until I noticed a second pair of eyes on me. I could see that 'blondie', the nickname I gave him because I don't know it, was staring at me but I didn't dare back down from staring my opponent down.

After a few minutes of staring and me ignoring anything anybody said to me, he finally looked away. I smirked and finally started paying attention to what Coach was saying. He was starting me in front and Centre to get the puck drop.

I nodded and took a deep breathe. I kinda zoned out after that until I felt someone push my shoulder to get my attention. I zoned back in and saw Charlie signaling for me to follow him onto the ice.

I went out onto the ice and went to the middle. I was then met with the familiar face of Blondie.
"Well hey there. I uhh noticed the staring competition between you and McGill." He said to me with a slight smile.
"Oh yeah that. I have minor anger issues and I needed to intimidate someone. Besides I won." I chuckled a little in response. He just nodded his head as we waited for everyone to get on the ice.

"Ok is everyone ready?" Nobody answered which meant yes. The ref came in between Blondie and me. Damn I had a conversation with him and still didn't get his name. Anyway he threw the puck down and I got it first but got knocked over by a different Hawk. 

I got up quickly and skated towards our end to get the puck back. Looks like I needed to play defense in this game well. I got the puck and skated as fast as I could to the other end. Not too long after I got the puck and started skating away Blondie came up next to me.

I was waiting for him to push me into the wall but he didn't.
"Aren't you meant to be like trying to kill me or something blondie?" I asked him while also trying to avoid everybody else.
"Well I mean I guess but what if I don't want to?" He smirked. 

I decided to stop distracting myself. 
"Sorry to do this blondie but I wanna win and to do that I need to get rid of distractions. That means you." Before he had time to comprehend I shoved him out of the way and shot the puck into the goal. The goalie didn't see me coming.

"YEAAHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed and skated around the rink with my hands up. I got the first goal of the game and the Hawks got pretty pissed off about it. I quickly made my way back to Centre only to be met by a smirking blondie.

"Oh your gonna pay for that."  The smirk on his lips just grew the longer we waited for the puck. I chuckled and just said 'we'll see'. Soon the puck was dropped and I shouldered him to get him out of the way. I quickly hit the puck and just smirked as he shook his head chuckling. 

I pushed him again and he fell over. I got the puck and raced towards Charlie. 
"Charlie score it!" I yelled to him and he tried, he really did but Spazzway kicked in and he fell over once he got close to the net. It was better than all of his other attempt though.

The rest of the game didn't go to well. We scored a few more goals but McGill managed to hit me so hard I had to sit off for the rest of the game and that meant no offence and some pretty shit defense. Eventually the game was over and we lost 25-5.

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