Ducks vs Hawks

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Nobody knew it yet, but I was going to get my revenge on these boys today whether they liked it or not. Adam may have forgotten what I told him the other day but I'm sticking to my word, I don't care how much trouble I get in for it. Hell, I'll even get kicked out of the game if I have to.

"Alright!!! Ducks, we need to start off strong! Jesse, left puck side, Maddi, your on right puck side. Goldie, your in the net like always. Guy, you and Fulton are our defense. Adam, your getting the face off." 

"What?! Coach. their gonna be gunning for him!" I yelled to him as soon as I heard him say that.
"McGill is taking the puck and Larson his left offence, they always start their games like that. Reilly is gonna try something I know it!"

I was fully convinced that something bad was gonna happen at this game. And my gut feeling is usually never wrong about this sort of thing.
"Well I'm not letting you take the puck against him! Banks can look after himself and can deal with this stuff with a calm head. You can not."

I knew that coach was right but I really didn't want him to be. I wanted him to be wrong but I was gonna kill someone out there tonight, I knew it.
"Now, everyone get out there and give it your all!" Everyone cheered and we got on the ice.

"Hey Banks! Don't forget what side you're on." Jesse scowled at Adam and if I was allowed to punch him, I would have. The game hasn't even started and people are getting on my nerves. Adam just skated off the ice but before Jesse could coach grabbed his arm.

"He's a duck Jesse, and he'll play like a duck." I smirked towards Jesse and we quickly skated onto the ice and into our positions. 
"Maddi!" Coach yelled and then pointed to the Hawks positions.

"This is why your right offence!" He yelled and I looked over to see that I was up against Larson. I had to make sure to keep him distracted so that he didn't try and squash Adam like a bug. He was the softer one of the two and he still had a soft spot for Adam, we all knew it. 

Adam quickly skated into his position and if looks could kill, I think Adam would be dead right now. Both McGill and Larson were staring at him with the coldest looks possible. Adam was staring back and I think scared McGill a little bit. 

As soon as the puck was dropped, McGill tried to hit it slightly just so he could go after Adam. I managed to keep Larson away from him so they weren't able to sandwich him, that seemed to get on some peoples nerves, but Adam still got knocked out of the way and the Hawks had the puck. 

We were all chasing the puck but Guy managed to get it and start skating with it when a Hawk guy came up to him. Guy ducked and flipped the guy over, knocking both of them to the ground. It looked cool but it would have hurt.

Adam had the puck and saw two guys coming at him so he thought that it would be a good idea to just hit the puck, I tried to get it but was just too far away and they ended up with it up their end of the rink. 

It was up our end but I pushed someone over and ended up with the puck. I was getting on so many peoples nerves tonight, but that's what makes the game fun. Not to long after Larson came up to me and hooked my legs, making me fall over and lose the puck. If he wanted to play like that, then I was going to play like that.

Adam managed to get it behind the net and was hitting it to me when I bet you can guess who came straight to him and checked him into the boards, and really bad. I shot the puck to Guy but I think he fumbled it a little but I wasn't paying attention. 

I was getting ready to come at the boys because the puck was near us and Adam saw so he quickly got out of the way. I pretended to be going for the puck when I managed to check them both into the boards and make them both fall down. They were so mad but I was fine. 

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