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So I have a new part up but this is only if you haven't read the first part. It's called 'The Chase' and It's a new part so if you have read from 'The Coach' through to 'Pranks' then you can go back and read the first part so that you are up to date. If you don't want to that's fine and if you have already read it then you don't have to pay any attention to this at all. 

Anyway thank you guys so much for 200 reads on this book. It means so much knowing that you guys actually enjoy reading this and if you have any suggestions make sure to put them in the comments. Also if you are reading this book and you do enjoy it could you maybe vote on it. It would be awesome to know if you guys want more of this book or not. 

So stay safe and enjoy reading.
-Maddy xoxo

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