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"I swear her phone said that she was right here! I don't understand." Connie and I could hear the boys outside of the changing rooms talking. 
"Dude, why are you stalking your sister anyway? It's weird." Averman was right. It was weird and uncomfortable.

We didn't say anything just yet. I wanted to know why Charlie was tracking me and Connie wanted to see what I looked like in different clothes than what I usually wear. I saw sadly stuck in clothes from the store and I didn't really want to make a sound so I didn't bother changing. 

"Well I haven't talked to her since the whole thing that happened in class and seeing as she's my sister, we have to talk eventually. Besides I have to know who she is with because I didn't see her or Connie leave the house today." 

"Maddi, you're brother is stalking both of us." Connie whispered right into my ear so we wouldn't alert the boys that we were n the stall a few feet away from them. 
"I can't control what he does but I turned the tracker off so if we sneak out then maybe we have a chance of escape." I whispered back to her.

I don't think that the boys are leaving anytime soon so I decided that I could text Adam for backup. It will help us get away from these boys and these boys were the four that were happy to see Adam on the team, so hopefully they would hang out. 

If they hung out then it meant they would walk away from this store and we would have a chance to escape.
"Well what are you waiting for? Text your boyfriend." Connie hurried me and I didnt even notice her say boyfriend. 

Miss Duck🦆😊
Hey Banks, I need a favor?

What is it?

Miss Duck🦆😊
Sooooo my brother and his friends are
tracking Connie and I down in the mall
and we need some help


Why do you need help with that?

Miss Duck🦆😊
Well we are trapped in a changing room in
Jay Jays and the boys are standing
 outside trying to find us
.Please help, we need to escape

I'll be there in a few minutes
Already omw anyway

"Alright, Adam is on his way." I whisper to Connie and she nods her head.
"Now we play the waiting game." I didn't really know what to do if my plan failed but I was thinking that if it does fail, we get changed quietly out of the store clothes and make a run for it.

I mean, I don't think that either of us minded getting changed in the same room, we had been friends since we were little. After a few minutes of the boys arguing about what to do next, we heard another voice. 

"Adam." I whisper to Connie and she smiles. 
"Hey Banks, what are you doing here?" Guy asked him and he said that he was going to buy a new pair of shoes but saw the guys and wanted to know what they were doing just standing there.

"Well we were looking for Maddi or Connie. Have you seen either of them?" Charlie asked and Adam showed them that he saw us go into another shop not that far away from this one. But if they believed it it meant we would have more time to run without them seeing us.

Luckily for us, they believed him and so the five of them started walking out of the shop and towards the other one. Connie took that as our sign to get changed and leave. Both of us put our original clothes on and were about to walk out  of the shop when I saw Adam coming back.

"Hey guys, I left my phone in here. I'll be right with you!" He yelled to the other boys and walked back over to us.
"Thank you so much. we were stuck in there for so long." I complained and Connie agreed.

"So why were you hiding from them anyway?" he asked us.
"Well we wanted girl time and the list time we tried to go shopping we had that whole incident with you and Larson and stuff, but this time we saw them." Connie started explaining why what happened and why we were hiding.

"Right, well I guess I will leave the both of you to run away and I'll make sure to keep them up the other end of the mall so you have enough time to buy something if you want." I hugged Adam and then he left making sure to explain to the boys that he couldn't find his phone because it was at the front desk.

"Okay well, I am going to buy you that jumpsuit that you had on because it looked fabulous! Plus I know you have shoes at home that match it perfectly." She said and grabbed the jumpsuit from the rack and took it up to the register. She paid for it and bought some other things for herself aswell.

After that we figured we had enough fun for the day and were tired from running away so we decided to head home for the day. Yeah it hadn't even been that long but we wanted to stay away from the boys for as long as possible so after we dropped our things off at my house, we went for a walk down to the park.

It was relaxing and not many people went because it's basically always freezing here. We got some food and drinks from Mickeys on the way home because mom was working and knew what our orders were going to be. 

"Well today was interesting." Connie s,iled to herself as she was eating.
"I didn't expect to be running away from my brother and our friends. Not to mention having Adam save us, thank the lords that he always responds when I need him to." Connie laughed at what I said and so we just sat on the swing set, eating our grilled cheese sandwiches and laughing at how the day was turning out. 

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