School Troubles

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School was finally over for the week and I'm so glad because I don't think i could stand having everyone ask me if I'm playing or if Adam is playing. It was so bad and I am so glad that Fridays I have no classes with them.

I walked out of school and we had our first game again tomorrow. My first time playing proper hockey with him and not against him and I don't want to have to deal with Charlie anymore. I've spent almost everyday with Adam because everyone else just bugs me.

I got my phone out of my pocket and rang Adam, making sure that it was still okay for me to stay at his house tonight so that him and his dad can drop me off at the game. I then rang my mum and asked her to drop me off my hockey bag once she was done with her shift at work. 

I started walking to Adams house and on the way there I walked past his school. I saw him still standing at the front gate.
"Hey Banksy. Why are you still standing here?" I ask him and he looks up from his phone.

"Oh well, my dad was going to pick me up but I realised that your school isn't that far from mine and so I decided to just wait for you." We started walking back to his house. 
"Okay so we need a plan for tonight." I started saying as we were walking.

"What do you mean plan Maddy?" He asked me and turned to face me.
"Like what are we gonna do? Do homework, then go train or something y'know?" I explained and he nodded his head and turned to face the front again.

"Well we get home and do our homework and we see how long that takes us to do." The walk to Adam's wasn't very long but when it was over I was glad. 
"Mom, we're home!" Adam yelled out and Alice walked out from in the kitchen to greet us.

"So how was school today?" She looked between us and I answered.
"I had some okay classes but not many good ones. I'm glad it's the weekend though." I said and she smiled at me.

"Adam, what about you honey?" She asked and Adam hung his head low.
"Classes were pretty boring and I spent my lunch in the library on my phone so it was okay, but mom I think we need to get some homework done."

Adam said and then pulled me up the stairs and to his room. Ever since the Hawks team found out that Adam had to change teams they have been nothing but rude to him. I told him that I could beat them all up if he wanted but he said that I didn't need to. 

"Adam what was that back there?" I asked him once we went in his room and shut the door. He didn't look me in the eyes and was looking a his own feet.
"Adam, have you not told your parents that they are giving you trouble?" I asked and I know how much he was trying to stay strong but he can't.

He looked up at me and had tears rolling down his face. We were almost feeling the sae kind of pain right now. I just walked closer and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He instantly wrapped his arms around my torso and started silently crying into my shoulder.

"You need to tell them. I know you don't want them to know but if it's getting to the state where you have to sit in the library at lunch and talk to me then something needs to happen." I was going to tell him that the next time we were going to play the Hawks I would do something to them but I figured I shouldn't.

"Maddy, you have no idea what my dad is like when things go wrong for his family. When he found out that I was playing for the wrong district he almost had a fit. If I were to tell him that those same people who were supposed to be my friends were threatening me, god knows how he would react." 

I felt so bad for him. Everyone in his classes play on the Hawks team so he had nobody to go and talk to throughout the day. At least my teammates didn't hate me and threaten me. 
"I don't care if you say i can or not, but I am going to do something about this, but that can wait until later. For now let's start our homework." 

I say and get my books out of my bag so that we could help each other out with the classes that we weren't great at. Adam would help me with my maths and Science work and I would help him with his english and History work.

And by help I mean we would just do each others so that we didn't even have to bother, plus it meant that we were passing all our classes. 
Working on homework didn't go for as long as I thought it would. I only had some simple maths equations to work out with Adam kindly did for me and I am very thankful for that, and Adam only had to write down the important parts of a text about WW1 for History which I did for him.

"Okay, now that we got that out of the road, what do we do now?" I asked once I put all of my school books back in my bag. 
"I'm not sure, I honestly thought that our homework would take longer than that." I agreed until I heard the doorbell ring.

"It's probably my mum dropping off my hockey bag." I mention and we started heading down the stairs.
"I'm so glad that you agreed to play again." He said with a smile.
"Yeah, I'm only doing it for you remember." I playfully hit his shoulder and we both chuckled.

I opened the door and saw my mom standing there with my hockey bag in her hands.
"I think everything is in there. I just put all of the clothes and gear that was sat on your bed in here." She said and smiled at me.

I quickly thanked her and got out of the way when Alice walked out of the kitchen to see who was at the door. The rest of the night went pretty fast and Adam and i went to bed early so that we both had enough sleep for the game tomorrow.

Yes we slept in the same bed which originally I was kind of worried about because I'm still not sure how I feel but it ended up fine. He had a huge bed anyway so we were barely even near each other until we fell asleep.

When I woke up there was a source of heat behind me and when I tried to turn around I noticed Adam was lightly holding my waist. My heartbeat quickened and I slowly moved his arms so I could get out of bed and get ready for the game.

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