Championship Game Day

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To say that I was stressing out about this game was an understatement. I was terrified for what would happen today. 
Mom couldn't handle both Charlie and I pacing back and fourth in our rooms so she asked me nicely if I could spend a few nights at someones house. 

Completely understandable choice for her to make honestly. I know that I can be pretty bad and so I went to a house where I thought that I could be of some help these few days. The Banks residence. 

I messaged Adam yesterday and asked if I could stay at his last night and tonight which his parents obviously agreed to. I mean I was the favourite and even though that Adam and I are dating now, none of the rules changed. 

We were still allowed to both sleep in his bed, and we were allowed to just hang out in his room if we wanted. His parents new boundaries and understood their limits, which was something we were both going to be happy about over the next few years. 

"Maddi!" I blinked a few times and shook my head, finally snapping back to reality only to see Adam looking at me with a worried look.
"Yes?" I asked with a smile and he sighed.

"You were zoned out in your thoughts again. I told you that this game is gonna be fine okay?" He looked me in the eyes and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back, feeling safe in Adams arms.

"I know. It's just, this is the team you used to play on. What if they target you or something?" I really didn't want to cry but I was just so worried that something bad was going to happen at todays game. I had a weird feeling about it.

"Mads, nothing is going to happen to me, I promise. And if it does then I'll take you out or something to make up for me scaring you okay?" He suggested and made us both laugh. I wiped my tears as we let each other go. 

"Now, let's get to the rink and smash those Hawks. Because, let's be real, they deserve to lose." We laughed harder and after a few minutes we headed out of Adams room and to the front of the house where his parents were waiting for us.

"Are you kids ready? Have you got everything?" Alice asked and we both nodded and headed to the car.
"I know that this game is a really big game but I can't make it, I'm really sorry kids." I saw Adams face fall when he heard his mom say this to us.

"It's okay Alice, really. I'm sure what you have to do is important." I knew how much it meant to Adam that his parents were going to be there. But I also knew that his mom worked really hard for them to get them where they are.

The drive after that was basically silent. Adam and I may have sat on either side of the car so that the middle seat was empty, but we still held hands. I knew it made him feel better and after hearing that, I thought he would need some comfort. 

The ride was short and we parked right out the front because Alice had to drive the car to work and then she would pick us up after the game. She got out of the car with us and before we left she had to talk to us.

"I know how stressful this game is going to be, for both of you. So I just want you to play with everything that you have in you and to have fun. It's just a game remember, so whether you win or lose, the main thing is that you enjoy doing it." 

She smiled to us, kissed us both on the head and left. She seemed to do that the more often she saw me. 
"Are you ready to win this game? Even if our lives depend on it?" I asked him as we walked into the building. 

"Hell yeah." He said and Adams dad quickly told us that he was going to find a good seat in the stands to watch us.
"Adam, does he still have his Hawks jacket on?" I noticed as he began to walk away.

"Yeah. I told him that he shouldn't wear it and he will stop but after his new jacket gets here. At least it will be easy to spot him in the crowd right?" Adam was trying to lighten up the mood and it was working. 

We walked into the changing rooms to see half of the team already here and getting ready. 
"Whose ready to win this Game, and win the season!?" I asked as we walked in and the people that were there all cheered and screamed. 

Once everyone was here we had to go out onto the ice and stand in a line so we could sing the national anthem. It was kinda boring and none of us were even paying any attention to the actual song.

We were all busy staring at each other. The Hawks players staring at us, McGill and Larson staring at Adam. Adam and I staring back, me with a little more aggression. Bombay and Reilly were just staring at each other.

What was worse was that Reilly had this smug look on his face as if he knew he was going to win. I didn't trust him for a few reasons. 1. He coach Bombay for like 6 years so I don't know if he knows our moves or not. 2. He also kept looking towards Adam and I, so I am slightly scared of what he was planning.

And 3. Reilly is just a douchebag who really doesn't deserve to be here. He plays dirty and loves to make others get injured. The song ended and we skated off into our designated areas. The Hawks and their fans repeating the word 'win'. Us and our fans repeating 'quack'. I men we are the ducks, we may as well be proud of it. 

Now to deal with the actual game...

I really hope that you people reading this are enjoying this book. It's almost over and then I have to write number two and possibly 3 but that can wait until a much later date. 
Thank you everyone for 7k reads on this story! I never though that this would ever get that many, I mean I started this just to get my emotions down and to know that people are still reading and enjoying is amazing honestly. 

It really makes me smile to see peoples messages to me and their thoughts, I really appreciate it a lot.

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