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I was on the ice and I was trying my hardest to help Goldberg with defense but the Jets member shot the puck to the net and when he did Goldberg fell to the ground like he got hurt.
"C'mon Ref! Did you see what he did to me?" He asked but the ref just ignored him and skated away.

Not so long after, coach pulled us all back over to the box.
"Goldberg you don't fall when they're shooting at you." He said almost like he was complaining.
"Oh well I guess you didn't explain the very well did ya? I throw myself on the ice..." Goldberg mumbled the last part but the ref then came up to Coach.

"District-5! Cut the acting class. One more dive and I have to forfeit you to the Jets." And then he walked away. But Coach sure had something to say about it. I don't even know why we had to cheat. I'd rather lose fairly then by cheating.
"Hey! I'm insulted by that!" He yelled back. I didn't know if he was yelling about our acting or at the fact that he was gonna make us forfeit. 

I got put on and Charlie got cornered by two of the other team. He was there for a while but had to hit the puck to me. They were still distracted until they realized that everyone was up the other end. 

I heard coach yell out Charlie's name and I looked over to see him showing him something. Charlie came back onto the ice but looked upset. I decided to ignore it and focus on what was happening in front of me.

Jesse passed the puck to me and I quickly score while a lot of the players were distracted. I got it in the goal and my hands shot up into the air in celebration. Everyone on the ice came over and hugged me while we all screamed at the goal.

We quickly get back into position and I go to the centre for puck drop. I tried to get it but the Jets player shoved me out of the way and so I missed it. I got my balance back and noticed that Charlie was in the same position as earlier. Please Charlie don't listen to coach. Please don't fall.

I could see him and coach staring at each other. Charlie looked like he was gonna break and coach almost had a proud look on his face. I skated as fast as I could towards Charlie so I could block his view from coach and he hit the puck to me, letting me slight relax and let out a breathe.

Well long story short, we lost the game which we all saw coming. We were walking into the locker rooms and none of us were happy.
"We can't even win when we cheat!" Terry complained and sat on the bench. I sighed and patted him on the back. I was disappointed in coach for wanting us to cheat.

Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. Coach walked into the locker room with a very mad look on his face. He walked over to Charlie and I's lockers as they were directly next to each other, but it was mainly aimed at Charlie, partially me.
"Charlie when I tell you to do something, you do it!" He yelled. I saw it coming but I still flinched a little at the noise and Charlie just held his head down hoping for some help.

"Hey look at me when I'm talking to you son!" He yelled again. I got fed up and looked up at the man yelling at us.
"You can't make us cheat!" I gave him a dirty look and grabbed Charlie by the arm, pulling him out of the locker rooms with me. Not too long after Jesse, Terry and their dad walked out. 

They just gave us sorry looks and I returned them. 
"Hey Charlie can you see mom anywhere? I really just want to go." I was looking around and he didn't respond so I was trying to find what he was looking at. I looked over to where he was looking and there I saw Adam Banks standing and talking to our mom. My jaw just dropped and Charlie now looked at me for answers.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked slightly terrified at the fact he was over there.
"Well we may as well go over there." I suggested and began walking over to the two.
"Hey Adam. What are you doing here?" I politely smiled at him. He turned to me and returned it but it seemed forced, much like mine at the moment.

"Maddi, did Bombay try to get you's to cheat?" My mom looked at me and asked. I almost completely forgot that she was there. I just look down at the ground with a sad face. Damn you Adam. My mom pulled me into a hug and then walked over to Charlie.

"Were you watching the entire game?" I grimaced realizing that he would have seen how all of my teammates were playing so shit. 
"No, I only had time to watch the 3rd period. And then when the game finished I was looking for you to talk to you and I found your mom." He says and points out the situation.

I nod my head and turn back to my mom who wass walking back towards us with my brother.
"Mom I don't think that I want to play hockey anymore, and I think it's the same with Charlie. It was fun but now it's shitty." I confessed and she just agreed with me. I mean, her first meeting with the coach was him driving onto the frozen lake that could break at any moment.

"Um, I'll meet you at the car in a minute." I told the two and they nodded before walking out to the car. I look back over at Adam who seems to already be looking at me.
"So why did you actually come here?" I ask him.

"What? Can I not want to see my new friend play a game of hockey?" He asks with a sly smile. I give him a look which made him sigh, showing I knew what he was up to.
"Well I did originally come to practice and I forgot that a game was going on. When I was about to leave, I noticed your Coach basically run into the locker rooms so I figured I would wait for you to finish and talk to you." 

I chuckled at the the fact that he stayed behind to actually come and talk to me. 
"Well I appreciate it, and thanks for telling my mom what Coach was doing. I couldn't stand to tell her myself." I sighed and looked back to the ground. I really was going to tell her but I just couldn't figure out how or why I couldn't.

After training last night, I just skated again and I ended up at  the frozen lake that I originally went to, and found Adam shooting pucks into small net like before. I whistled and called him over, causing him to get his things and for us to go back to the rink.

We just started talking and I eventually told him that Bombay was trying to get us to cheat and get us some penalties so that we could win and the other team forfeit. Neither Charlie or I liked the idea of it, so we actually tried to play the game still, but we got in trouble for it so I guess no more hockey. 

"Hey blondie, thanks for being someone that I can talk to in this situation. I don't care that we are supposed to be enemies. I'm glad I have someone talk to other than my brother." I smiled and gave him a small hug before leaving the rink and going to the car. 

I didn't even give him anytime to react or to see that my face was completely red as I had no idea what I was doing or saying. I'm glad I quickly left because if I didn't he would have started to question me and I was not prepared for that yet. I mean we are kind of friends but I still have trust issues and only talk to some people. 

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