Feelings pt 2

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I woke up, not really sure how long I was actually asleep for. I knew that the original movie we put on was finished and  a new one was playing. I could still see Adam asleep and leaning on my shoulder.

 I smiled at him and then grabbed my phone from beside me. I had to reply back to everyone because I forgot to when I messaged Adam to come over. It was kind of late and I needed to get up out of my bed so that I could find something to eat for dinner.

I tried a few times but Adam did not want to budge and I don't think I could wake him up because he's a heavy sleeper. So instead I messaged Charlie and asked him if he could make some dinner for me.

It wasn't that I couldn't wake Adam up, I didn't want to. He really needed the sleep and it was my fault that he was like this so I had to let him get some form of rest. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door and then Charlie walked inside.

I quickly made sure that Charlie knew to be quiet and he quietly gave me the plate and then left my room again. I looked at my plate and realized that Charlie only cares about me enough to make me nachos. 

I mean it's a big plate of nachos but still, nachos? Not a very thoughtful dinner if you ask me. 
"Hey, what smells so good?" I heard Adam's tired voice from next to me. When I looked over, his eyes were still half closed but he was attempting to look at me. 

"Charlie made us some nachos for dinner because we slept through it." I quietly spoke to him with a smile. 
"Ooooooo that sounds great." He smiled back at me and sat up straight again.

"Ugh, my neck hurts." He stretched and complained.
"Well, you did sleep in a strange way so that would make sense." I grabbed my phone and showed him the screen. 

I showed Adam the photo that I took and he tried to take my phone out of my hand. 
"You can not show anybody that photo." Adam was trying to be serious but it really wasn't working.

"Why not?" 
"Because it's embarrassing, Madz!" I just laughed at his reaction and turned my phone off again so he couldn't get into it.

"Fine, I wont show anybody that photo. For now." Adam glared at me and I just innocently smiled at him. He just took the plate of Nachos away from me and didn't stop glaring at me. 
"Okay, fine I'll delete them." 

I had to try and convince him that I would get rid of the photos. I mean I know I wouldn't but still, he didn't need to know that. 
"So how was your nap, sleeping beauty?" I teased and he just glared at me again.

Note to self, Adam is not in a good mood after waking up in the mornings. You would think that I've learnt that by now though.
"For your information, it was amazing. The only bad thing is that now my neck and back hurts." 

"Well, you're the one who decided to lean on my shoulder instead of lying down properly and laying on a pillow." I took the food off him and set it in the middle of us so that we could both eat it.

"Yeah whatever." Adam tried to stay mad at me but he knew he couldn't. We just put on a tv show and ate our food until we were both feeling tired again. So, I turned the tv off, put the plate on my bedside table and we both laid down in my bed properly this time and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to Adam gently nudging me. 
"hey Mads, is it alright if I stay here tonight? It's late and I think my parents would rather me stay here then walk around the streets at night." He gently asked me and I just nodded my head. 

I guess I didn't really pay attention to what he said but I at least heard what he said. 
"Alright, thanks." I smiled and roll over so I'm facing my wall again. I hear Adam shift around for a little while and assume he's just putting his phone away.

I'm almost asleep when I feel his arm wrap around me. I smile and warm up to the hug. 
"Goodnight Adam." I whisper and he says goodnight to me and hugs me tighter. We were both pretty much half asleep so I don't think either of us were fully aware of what was going on. 

Look I'm sorry everyone for the very short chapter but I just really wasn't feeling this one. It took so long for me to get this far and I had no idea what to write. I was struggling so much with this chapter and I'm completely aware that this chapter is quite badly written. I'm very sorry for this honestly. 

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