The Date

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"Hey Maddy, I read somewhere that The North Stars wore the same underwear all through out the playoffs." Charlie said to me like it was actually meant to mean something. We were in the kitchen preparing dinner for when our mom got home from work seeing as it was nearing Christmas now.

"And you're telling me this why?" I honestly don't think that I cared at all but he seemed excited to talk about it.
"Well, I was planning on doing the same thing." I stopped what I was doing and just stared at him.

"Have you already started that?" I questioned and he nodded his head with a smile.
"Y'know what I think I've lost my appetite for the day." I was mind blown that he actually thought it meant anything.

"But I just made all of this food for us. Plus Coach is coming over and you can't skip out on dinner with him again." He was trying his hardest to get me to stay out of my room, but it wasn't working very well.

"That's my point. I am not eating this if you've cooked it." There was no way in hell I was going to eat this after finding that out. We were still arguing but I heard the doorbell which meant I had an excuse to leave.

When I opened the door I was face to face with Coach.
"Come on in." I moved out of the way and he walked inside. It was strange seeing him without his big long jacket.

"What have you guys cooked. It smells amazing." 
"I wouldn't eat that if I were you." I whispered to coach as he was about to have a taste of some lasagna looking thing.

"Why is that?" He just looked at me.
"Hey Charlie, why don't you tell coach about what you read." I had to speak louder and more clear so that Charlie could hear me.

"Oh sure." He smiled and then walked over to coach who was now standing at the dining table.
"Good luck. Come get me when you're about to eat." I said and just as I was about to walk away but Coach started to talk to us. 

"You know, I'm thinkin' that maybe we can all go down to the winter festival tonight." Coach explained. 
"The four of us?" Charlie asked and Coach nodded his head in agreement.
"I don't think I should. I got a lot of homework to catch up on." I had a sorry smile on my face.

"Yeah, I've been really falling behind since we won our last game. I think we should stay behind." Charlie and I were just making up excuses because we knew that Coach really only wanted to go with our mom. 

"You should go." I started.
"With our mom." Charlie then spoke as well. 
"Without us." I finished off. We were now smiling like crazy.

This was my plan all along, get the two alone so that Charlie and I could have friends over because mom would feel bad about leaving all the food there and having nobody to eat it. Just then the front door opened and close again.

"Oh this smells great." She walked in with a smile and it kind of faltered when she saw coach but in the end she was smiling more.
"Hello." They were both grinning from ear to ear.

"Go for it." Charlie whispered in Coach's ear. He looked at me and I nodded my head. 
"Casey would you like to go to the winter festival with me?" He asked and my mom just nodded her head, still with a huge grin across her face.

"Alright, you two put the food away and you can invite whoever you want over because you would do it anyway." Mom kissed both of our foreheads and got her coat.
Not to long after, Bombay and my mom left the house in their coats to go down to the winter village.

"Charlie, I think mom id in love." I walked over and help him started to put the food in the fridge.
"Yeah, she looks at coach the way you look whenever you talk to Banks." He smirked and I stopped what I was doing. 

"What do you mean?" I had no idea what he was talking about. I am not in love with Adam and even if I was, he doesn't like me so what's the point?
"Are you actually the most oblivious person ever?!" He was looking at me like I was a crazy person at this point.

"You two are like crazy for each other and neither of you even see it. Look, I'm going to help you out here and message him okay? Okay." Charlie then grabbed his phone and proceeded to message Adam like he told me he was going to. 

"Charlie what are you doing?! What are you saying to him." Charlie was running away from me while trying to focus on his very large massage. 
"I'm telling Adam your feelings so that one of you will make a move! You two need to admit everything because it's annoying all of us!" 

"Charlie you cannot tell Adam that I like him!" I was still chasing him around trying to get his phone off him.
"And why not?!" 
"Because he doesn't like me back!" He eventually locked himself in moms room and I didn't have any way in.

"How do you know that Maddi? He could be like you and just doesn't want to admit everything. But I know he likes you for a fact." I stopped banging on the door.
"How do you know that Charlie?" We had both calmed down but he still was not letting me inside the bedroom.

"Because he told me! The other day when Connie was over, us guys were trying to find you at the mall but instead we found Adam and so we started talking to him." He explained and slowly started to open the door with his phone turned off. I still wasn't sure if he sent that message or not.

"What were you talking about with him?" We stood at the doorway still.
"Random things at first but then we managed to get on the topic of Guy and Connie together and then you were brought up and Adam told us how he felt. He didn't really wanna tell me seeing as your my sister but I made him anyway."

I was speechless. Adam liked me. Part of me didn't believe Charlie but he was looking me directly in the eyes when talking to me which let me know that he was telling me the truth.
"Now please let me send this message?" 

"Sure." I was still in shock and didn't really know how to act so I decided to walk back into the living room and sat down on the couch to watch whatever was on the tv at that moment. I was scared for what that text was going to say, I was nervous for what Adam would reply with and I didn't know how I would react to how Adam would react.

I still don't think that I accepted my feelings towards Adam because he is my best friend and I didn't want to ruin that friendship but I also knew that I would never get over him no matter how hard I tried. 

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