Game Days

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We just finished the second period in our game against the Hornets and coach hadn't put me on yet. I was quite mad because we were tied 3 to 3, and Adam was scoring all the goals. I was getting so bored just sitting on the sidelines and I think a few people noticed.

"You ready to get out there Madz?" Charlie skated up to me from on the ice and he knew my answer by the look on my face.
"I don't get why he hasn't put me on yet. I wanna play." I stood up and leant against the railing while everyone was coming back in. 

"Maybe he's doing it for a reason?" Connie came up next to Charlie and looked at me. She was trying to make me feel better but it wasn't working very well.
"I just want to get back out there." I sighed and sat back down.

"Alright everyone. It's a tied game and we need the win to continue. I'm making a power play here." We all gathered around to hear what he had to say. 
"Now a tie for district 5 would have been nice, but we are the Ducks now, which means we need the win." 

"That also means, that we need to put in our best players. I would usually go for the statue of liberty play but we can't risk it, not tied. So, Adam, Guy, your on either side of offence. Averman, Fulton, you're defense. Good job out there Goldie." He stated, but we were missing a player.

"But coach, we're missing a player then." Peter looked up at him from the other side of the box.
"I know. I haven't put you on yet Maddi because I knew we would need you in the end of the game and that you needed your energy saved. So you're going on now." I smiled and the buzzer went off signaling that it was time to get back on the ice.

I was pumped to get out there and actually play. I was getting all jittery while watching the others play and just sitting on the sidelines. Plus, it also got pretty boring, having to sit in the box with the other people who weren't doing much.

I skated onto the ice and right in the middle where I would take the face-off. None of these players or their coach knew my plays because I hadn't played yet. I guess there is a bonus to not playing most of the game yet. 

"Oh you're so going down." I whispered to the Hornet player that skated up to verse me.
"Oh please, you probably haven't been put on because you're not very good." He just smirked and I really wanted to make him face plant.

The ref blew the whistle and I won the face-off, passing the puck to Guy and, I instantly shouldered the kid in front of me so he was on the ground and I was skating alongside Guy and Adam was in front of us.

Guy's player was sticking on him and he was about to get checked into the boards so he hit the puck to me and when I tell you, I went as fast as I possibly could. I skated and before I crashed into someone, I stopped and quickly shot the puck into the net and got us the goal. 

Now we were up, 4-3 and with most of the third period to go. I didn't want to celebrate early. for most of the remaining period, the goal was up their end but they put a different goalie in. One who was much better at the game so we didn't get any more goals. 

The time was going fast and we only had 10 seconds left. We somehow had to get the puck from the middle of the rink, down to their goals and score it. It was Fulton, Guy and Averman's job to keep the Hornet players off of Adam and I.

We were still in the lead by one but it would be better to win by two. Averman shot the puck to Adam and he skated up to the goal. I was right behind him and so he faked shooting it which meant the goalie went to the side and left me to shoot it in the other side.

We got the goal and a few seconds later the buzzer went off indicating the we won the game. We all shook hands and then basically attacked each other in a hug. 
"WE MADE IT TO THE SEMI FINALS!!!!" I yelled and we all cheered.

We had to face the Cardinals next, which we played earlier but it wasn't a great game because we were still District 5 then. 
"Alright! Everyone to Mickeys for victory meals!" Coach yelled and everyone slowly started to skate off. 

Adam and I didn't really talk about what happened the other day with the messages and our feelings. Neither of us wanted to make anything awkward so we thought it would be a good idea to ignore what was going on.

That was definitely the wrong answer. Adam and I were walking next to each other behind the others after the game, and we were just walking in complete silence. I needed to bring up what happened though.

"Hey Adam? What did Charlie text to you before you came to my house the other day?" I asked him and I looked at him, hoping for an answer. It was silence for a few seconds but he started talking eventually. 

"He told me that he told you everything about my feelings, as well as how you feel and that you didn't mean to hurt me." I never realised that Adam was this sensitive with his feelings. He knew everything and still came over and comforted me about it because he's my best friend.

"And you didn't question anything?" I looked back at the ground and I just felt his arm around me shoulders. I could feel him looking at me and I looked back up to face him.
"No. We know how we feel and that's all that matters. We don't need to talk about anything if you don't want to." 

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. I am so glad that I could count on him no matter what. 

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