The Ducks

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We were all sitting in the front office of the ice rink and waiting for our hockey uniforms. I was in between Connie and Avermand. Coach held up a green jersey that had 'Ducks' written in bold lettering on the front.
"The ducks? We're the ducks?" Jesse asked and had a very confused look on his face. 

I for one didn't mind the name. I thought it was cool honestly.
"Man what brain dead jerk came up with that name?" Peter had a smirk on his face and was laughing along with Terry. I just rolled my eyes at the boys behaviour. 

"As a matter of fact I did. But I didn't have a choice. We're being sponsored." Coach said and folded the jersey back up and putting it on the top of the box where he got it from. 
"By who? Donald and Daisy?" Averman asked and looked over to me. 

Everyone else started laughing but I just elbowed him in the ribs. Not to hard. 
"Hey! You don't wanna be ducks? YOu wanna be District 5 some stupid number?" Coach asked us and Peter had a reply in a second.

"Better than some stupid animal." Nobody made a sound. 
"I'll have you know, Peter, that the duck is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom." Coach said and was looking directly at him. 

"Bur they're wimpy" Connie started and before I could look at her Gut finished what she was saying.
"They don't even have teeth." He stated and Connie smiled at him.

"Yeah, well neither do Hockey players Guy." I said to him and he just looked at me and mimicked me. I stared at him and grabbed Connies hand. Making Guy gasp. Everyone chuckled and then coach started his speech. Again. 

"Have you ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful." He said and started walking in a circle around the room making everyone shift to look at him.
"Pretty awesome how they all stick together. Ducks never say die. You ever seen a duck fight? No way! Why? Because the other animals are afraid." 

I had no idea where this was going and I honestly didn't care. I was trying not to fall asleep the entire time due to my lack of sleep the night before. 
"They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock."

Coach said and started strutting back the way he came until he untied his jacket and basically ripped it off revealing his own ducks jersey. 
"woahhh!" I heard Jesse say and now everyone was smiling and laughing.

"I'm proud t be a duck, and I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how's about it? Who's a duck?" He asked and everyone just looked at other people as if waiting for them to go. I decided I would be first.

"I'm gonna be a duck." I stated and walked over to coach.
"Yeah me too." Charlie and Fulton both said joining me. I smiled and soon everyone was standing up and getting their own jerseys. 

Out of the corner of my eye I could see my mom staring at something and smiling. But not just anything. No. Staring at my coach. My jaw dropped and I grabbed my brother arm to show him. He had the same reaction that I did. 

"Now we're the ducks!" Coach yelled to us smiling.
Yeah!!!" We all cheered back.
"The Mighty Ducks!" He yelled again and again we all cheered.

"What are we?!" He asked and we responded.
"The Ducks!!!!" We started cheering and smiling like crazy. 

Finally it was time to go to the change rooms and get ready for our game against the cardinals. 
We all got ready and skated out onto the ice. We did a few laps and then paired up with coach throwing us a football per pair. 

Connie and I paired up and were throwing the ball to each other. Neither of us really paying attention to what coach was saying but it was somewhere along the lines of 'you're all the quarterback' and thats all i remember. 

Once we practised for a little bit coach got Fulton from the bench and brought him over to the net. We were all scared so everyone just went to the bench and tried to hide. The Cardinals had no idea what was going on. 

"Oh my god!" I heard Guy say as he stood up in front of me. I got annoye so I jumped on his back so I could see.
"Maddi could you get off me please?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Sorry. Once you're with my best friend you have to deal with me too. Besides I can't see past your fat ass head." I said and made everyone laugh. 

Eventually we started the game and after most of the game had past we were down by two. It was Jesse on left, Guy in centre and Terry on the right. Then for defence we had Connie and Me. I worked basically anywhere but goals. Got I hated goals. 

Right now the puck was at our end so we were doing everything we could to get it back up the other end. I Passed it to Terry who was behind our net and he then passed it to Connie who passed it to me and I looked around quickly before passing it to Guy as hard as possible.

Almost as soon as I passed the puck I got checked into the boards. I fell to the ground with a thud but got back up as soon as I could. I skated down the ice and towards their goal. I say Guy skating towards the goal but instead passing it to Jesse to shoot the goal.

We all tackled Jesse in a hug because we had a chance to win now. We got up and Jesse was yelling so much.
"YES! THE OREO LINE!" We were all so happy about it. 

Not long after that Connie and I were switched out for Tommy and Karp. The Cardinals players had the puck and was skating towards our goal but Karp was right in front.
"Defend Karp! Defend!" I yelled out to him from the bench. 

Karp got down on his knees to stop but the Cardinals player hit the puck straight to his head. Karp fell to the ground and seemed like he was so out of it. After a few minutes coach brought Karp over to the bench.

Coach looked at the timer andwe had 26 seconds left. 
"Alright Ducks1 we still got a chance here. Connie, Maddi, Jesse, Guy, it's time for the secret weapon." 

"Alright Fulton, just like we talked about." Coach said to Fulton and with that we all got on the ice. Connie and Fulton on either side of me and Guy and Jesse in defence. 
"Alright line up. Let's go." The ref says and me and the other guys hits our sticks together and the ref drops the puck. 

I get the puck and hit it towards Jesse. Fulton gets in position and Jesse hits the puck to him. We all get in place and ready for the Statue of Liberty play. Just like that Fulton raises his stick to hit the puck and the Cardinals players all run out of the way. 

And quickly Connie comes in from behind to hit the puck to Guy. Now all the Cardinals players are realising whats going on but its too late and Guy scores us a goal. 

We all quickly skate towards him, hug him and basically tackle him to the ground. The timer goes off and everyone is going onto the ice. 
"Guys we tied a game! We didn't loose!" I cheered with a huge smile on my face. 

Once we all made it back to the changing rooms coach comes in.
"Alright! What a game everyone! Let's go out to the diner and get something to eat?! On me!" He said with a bright smile and we all cheered and walked out of the changing rooms. 

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