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I was sitting in my room just listening to some music because we don't play today. Tomorrow we play against the flames and hopefully we win so that we can make it into the playoffs. I hear notification on my phone and when I pick it up, it was Adam messaging me.

Hey Maddi, could we talk?

Miss Duck🦆😊
Hey Banksy, aren't you meant to be playing right now?

Yeah about that.
Could we maybe go for walk and talk about it?
I don't really wanna talk about it over text.

Miss Duck🦆😊
Yeah sure. 

Wanna go to Mickeys and talk about it there?

Yeah sounds good :)

I put my phone away and got up off my bed to look in my mirror. I was just wearing some blue mom jeans, a brown plaid long sleeve hooded shirt and a black short sleeve tee over the top. I put on my sneakers and grabbed my phone before quickly telling Charlie that I would be back and leaving the house.

It only took me a few minutes to walk there but when I got there I was Adam standing out the front waiting for me.
"Hey Adam." I smiled and hugged him when I walked over.

"Hey Mads. Let's go inside and talk about it, because I feel like you will have so many different emotions." He hugged me back and after a few seconds we both let go and headed inside the diner.

"Hi mom." I smiled at her as we walked in and she smiled back.
"Hi." Adam said shyly and my mom just looked at us with a smile.
"HI kids. There's a free booth over there if you wanna sit in it." She said to us and we thanked her before walking over to the booth that she pointed us to.

 "So why aren't you at your game?" I asked Adam once we sat down and ordered something to drink and eat. 
"So your coach showed up my game this morning while we were training with some dude from the board." He started and I just looked at him as if asking where this was going.

"He said that the district lines had changed last year which we both already know but I didn't think it affected me. Turns out it does affect me. I'm now not allowed to play on the Hawks team, if I do then we have to forfeit." 

I just gave him a sympathetic look but then had a thought.
"Wait so if you aren't on the Hawks than what team are you supposed to play on?" I asked and this was finally when he looked me in the eye.

"The Ducks." I just stared at him in shock.
"Dad doesn't want me playing for the ducks though. He doesn't really like any of the team. Well except for you and I guess Charlie." He explained and I nodded my head.

"Hey if you do wanna play which I know you do then come to the game next week. We play the Flames tomorrow but the Huskies next week. Everyone is really great when you get to know them I promise." I said with a smile and for about another hour we sat there and just talked about random things.


I was sitting in my pads in the locker room and for some reason I just felt off. All of a sudden I hear the door open and see Peter and Jesse walk in with frowns on their faces. I decided to ignore what was going on and started talking to Connie who was next to me about her recent weekend with Guy.

Everyone was exicted about playing today because again hopefully we make the playoffs today. I hear the door open a second times a few minutes after and this time coach walked in and he looked around before looking at Peter and Jesse.

"Hey why aren't you guys in uniform we got warm-ups in half an hour?" He asked the two boys and I see them look at each other. He ignored it and then got our attention. 
"Alright everyone listen up." He said and clapped his hands together to make sure everyone was paying attention.

Mainly Connie and I. 
"I got some good news. We're getting a new player." I heard him say. I looked over and Connie smiled at me. I looked to my other side and Charlie also smiled at me. I told the both of them yesterday after my chat with Adam because I honestly could not keep my mouth shut.

I was so excited that we wouldn't have to hide our friendship anymore. 
"Adam Banks." Coach said and I heard a Chorus of 'What?!' and 'Why?!', except from Connie and Charlie. 

"He's a Hawk." Karp said and looked over to him from his locker.
"He's a good player." Coach said and smiled. 
"Well everybody hates him coach." Jesse said and I looked away from any eyes that would be staring at me at this moment in time. 

"Yeah we don't need him." I heard a voice say and I look over to see that it was Guy. 
"Well I'm the coach, and I say we do need him." Coach said and my sort of smile dropped. He didn't think we were good enough. 

"If we make it to the playoffs then he'll be a big help." Coach explained and looked around the room. 
"If? All of a sudden you don't think we're good enough?" Karp asked with a frown on his face and sad eyes. 

"No, he thinks we're losers. That's what he told Reilly." Peter said and my head snapped to looked at him. 
"What?" Coach asked quietly.

"C'mon. We heard what you said. You said we were losers. That we didn't deserve to live." Peter continued.
"That's not what I meant." Coach tried to explain but even I wasn't buying it.

"I saw that picture of you missing that goal." Peter then stood up and walked towards him. All of our eyes either on him or Coach.
"You were a Hawk weren't you? I guess you guys stick together till the end huh? You know what? I don't need your stinkin equipment." 

With tht Peter threw his jersey on the floor and walked out. Coach tried to get him back but it was no use. I had pretty much zoned out. Everything that coach said to me when he apologised that night was a lie and I shouldn't have trusted him. 

"Forget it Cake-Eater. You wanna play then play with yourself." Jesse said and him and Terry got up and walked out as well. I think Coach said some sort of speech but I wasn't paying attention. Now neither me or Adam get to play hockey. 

Once coach walked out I took my gear off and waited for Connie who was gonna go with me and Guy.
"Maddi where are you going?" Charlie asked me and I just looked at him.

"Did you not hear that entire conversation? I knew I shouldn't have trusted him." I stated and then grabbed Connie and Guy so that we could get out of there quickly. 

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